Are you certain that was the order programed into the pager? (Just thinking the PPS list might have been changed, post programming.)
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So recently I discovered that when programming my G4 off the new PPS and firmware for the order in which the Talkgroups are added into a knob position, that the order in which they appear on the pager is not the way its set on the PPS. Thus made me think that priority would not work correctly. I haven't tested this long but it seems that it doesn't affect the priority but it throws you off to see a different order on the pager than the one that its supposed to be. The order it does show on the pager is the order in which the TGID was added to the PPS.
This is what I mean:
Order in pps:
Pentwater PD
Hart PD
Order on Pager:
Hart PD
Pentwater PD
Anyone else have this problem?
Just wondering if the phase 2 upgrade is definitely coming out. I see there are some decent deals on the dual band G5 pricing with a free desktop charger (only till December 15) and don’t want to order them have the upgrade not happen
I have seen a couple of messages in several threads about the 'diagnostics' in the PPS. I have the V00-03-09-_R02 version of the PPS and I do not see an option for diagnostics. Has it been dropped (one of UnicationDave's posts says it "should be in the PPS..."
I would like to look at what is there and see if it can help me get two P25 systems running.
I have played with the diagnostics (now that I found them) a bit. I tried doing an export with the channel on one of the two systems I have not been able to receive. I exported both the DSP and AP logs. The AP log at 2k seems to be an empty folder.
The AP log pegged in at 7.2 Meg.
I renamed the AP log file, changed the channel to a system I am receiving and reran the DSP. This time the file came in at 7.0 meg. I have some software that can 'usually' compare files though large files and especially large files with symbols over readable text takes time. It has been sitting saying "not responding" for close to an hour so I am guessing it is hung up (first time I have tried to compare a large file using Windoze 10).
So one thing I am sure of, each system will provide different readings. I am going to run this on each channel and see how much the file size changes. More later.
My experience in the past was similar - sometimes it seems like it worked and other times, not at all. I experimented with running the software as an admin (which I shouldn't have to do for various reasons).
I have an email in to David asking for help but so far no response. I'd like to be able to get consistent captures with the diagnostic software (along with feedback from Unication that the captures are good - even if they don't understand the problems being worked and/or how to fix it) since when I travel, I'm only in some areas for brief periods.
To be honest, based on my previous experiences, I'm not even convinced they are even interested in solving these odd issues.
To be honest, based on my previous experiences, I'm not even convinced they are even interested in solving these odd issues.
To be clear, my comment was in reference to the fact that the Unication G4/G5 does not appear to work on all P25 systems. That's a big problem given that most outlets they are offered through tell you that these radios are not returnable (at least, that's what mine vendor's policy is). You really don't want to get one of these only to find out it doesn't work on the system you are trying to monitor. Imagine being frustrated over the simulcast reception issues on a scanner and thinking that a Unication will solve that for you only to find out when you buy one that it doesn't work at all on that same system.I agree with your statement and I've just about given up hope of ever seeing a Hold or Pause function. When Phase II is rolled out I believe that Unication will stop improving the G4/G5 and focus their efforts on designing a G6 or whatever is in the planning stage.
Evidently the scanner market is not large or important enough to devote any time or assets.
As they say - we should get the hint that "It is what it is"
Yes. See this post in this thread: