nick have you imported any tg using new importer?
did they import with default tone alert for each tg?
Yes I have. I actually imported a very large system STARCOM21, every site with primary and alternate controls and EVERY TG listed under RR to the max it allows on import. No issues with the import side which is impressive, it only maxed out enough to not import all of the alternate controls I think but all the Primaries made it I believe. If not it was only like the last 5 sites or so.
Yes it imports TGs just fine BUT defaults everything to TONE ALERT which is stupid IMO. The PPS should allow you to select the Alert column and mass change that parameter, then you can go back and turn back on individually as needed. Shouldn't be hard for them to make that happen in future.
I will say to others waiting to do this, set aside some time. The importing takes a bit and putting all of that data into the pager, the programming into pager takes a long time so make sure you just leave it and let it do its thing. It also takes a while for the scanner to boot and even my old default zones take awhile to lock a control. After a few minutes everything works fine.
Let me add that I would not save this new configuration and overwrite your old codeplug for various reasons. Keep at least 2 versions that way you can go back. If you are testing out the import and do the full system import twice it will add TGs and everything again so you will have several duplicates that you then have to go in and delete. Wouldn't take long on a large system to hit the pagers max TGs, I'm already close to the 8000 max or whatever because of that.