Hopefully they are working on a new scanner. A 396XT/996XT on steroids will fit the bill quite nicely.
Hopefully they are working on a new scanner. A 396XT/996XT on steroids will fit the bill quite nicely.
Hopefully they are NOT working on a new scanner. I took YEARS to work out the x36 bugs and get the x36 line fairly function...and they still have not finished what they advertised and promised at the start. It's not a finished product! I say finish it already. The all-mode scanner is what we all want, so do it already! And I'm not going to keep throwing away half-baked $500+ scanners for new ones. We have A WHOLE LOT INVESTED in these x36 scanners. The ONLY new scanner I could see at this point would be a true I&Q demod type that handles LSM. Those that NEED that option could benefit. Others that aren't having that problem could continue to use the x36 and expect they will finish what they started.
It's a pretty good scanner at this point. It just needs the rest of the modes, including Fusion and D-STAR (easy modes to add) to make it one of the greatest scanners ever produced. Just finish it up already and stop messing about!
Phil I as you think the x36's line still has several more upgrades left in it. I also think that when they change or add things to the firmware a change here leads to unwanted actions in other places and it is an on going battle to keep all features happy at the same time.
I haven't seen a thread yet.. so I guess let the speculation begin.
The save as text is You_Were_all_wrong
Here is a link to one of the posts with it.
Congrats to the P2 series but it sure would be nice if they finished the 3 year old promises on the x36 Series.
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I find it hard to believe that Uniden spent all their time and resources on the 996P2/325 DMR/PV rollout while they knew Whistler was going to have NXDN ready on their top line sscanners by the end of the year. They didn't even try to compete. Opportunity lost. Instead, the engineers took the easy way out and applied the x36 DMR/PV core to the lower end line while allowing their competition to capture the Christmas market. Why would they let Whistler get ahead like that? Are they so slow (or lazy) to develop something new like NXDN that they didn't even try?
Truly disappointing.
It has been exceptionally civic around here, as of late. Let's keep it that way.
I also am glad for the 996P2 users as I own 2 but I also am more interested in the NXDN for the x36 line. I can wait for the NXDN to be added to the x36 line as I have NXDN now I just want more.