Whistler website back online - 10th February 2025


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I also did not read the article, my apologies Chuck, a very senior member of RR has privately reminded me of who you are.. very distinguished career, but I didn't subscribe to your magazine. I retired from The Trentonian after many years and I think you were at the Bergen Record? Or one of the north Jersey papers when I was a long time photog, reporter, and a department editor in Trenton.

Let's hear directly from Whistler management and not any publications that somehow they didn't acquire the radios that were in the pipeline for repair when they made the deal.

For the inconvenience and monetary loss we would certainly hope that those who did have radios in for repair when Whistler unexpectedly disappeared without a trace and can prove it with the proper documentation, that those radios will be replaced.

Who even knows how many there were?.. that would be a class act on the part of the new Whistler team.. to not replace them would be a major PR mistake.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 9, 2012
Williams Bay, WI
Let's see what kind of relationship they build with the reputable vendors and what prices they charge.

If they don't sell them at a discounted price at the reputable vendors and it's a website deal only at the retail price then that's a horse of a different color..

That'll be a quick awakening for them.

I stuck to my guns and said until I see that press release and that official letter from Whistler that they were going out of business that there was always a chance.

Now we wait and see.
Whistler site update is now working.


Mar 31, 2010
For those who may be interested, I just received an email from Zip Scanners which stated the following regarding the availability of Whistler scanners:

"We anticipate new products (TRX-1, TRX-2, WS1040) arriving in Q3, though an exact date has yet to be confirmed. We'll keep you updated via email.

Note: We are not accepting backorders at this time, as pricing, availability, and timing are still unknown. However, we’ll begin taking backorders as soon as we have a more definitive timeline for restock."


Oct 7, 2023
Johnstown-Somerset PA Area
This seems pretty promising but we shall see. It would be nice to not have only Uniden chillin in the market with the only scanners that can properly decode simulcast P25. Thats the whole reason why I stopped using my TRX-1 my county switched to Simulcast P25 phase II and I never was ever able to receive much. I hadn't even knew that whistler went out of business until I saw this forum. Well now imma have to figure out why my PC that I program my radios with isnt working so I can check on that EZ Scan software see how this software support unfolds.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
This seems pretty promising but we shall see. It would be nice to not have only Uniden chillin in the market with the only scanners that can properly decode simulcast P25. Thats the whole reason why I stopped using my TRX-1 my county switched to Simulcast P25 phase II and I never was ever able to receive much. I hadn't even knew that whistler went out of business until I saw this forum. Well now imma have to figure out why my PC that I program my radios with isnt working so I can check on that EZ Scan software see how this software support unfolds.
I got the same email from zip that everybody else got and it looks like they will be offering the TRX one and two and the vintage ws1065 and ws1040.

My TRX 1 worked very well on my County's Motorola type ll SmartZone system but unfortunately we went to phase 2 simulcast years ago but I keep the radio in storage with low mileage because it's a cool radio, especially after they added the keyboard. I wouldn't sell it.

They were unable to make a radio in the case of the trx-1 or 2 that could efficiently work on simulcast, I think they would have to actually make their own design from scratch, from the bottom up.

If they were actually able to do that and it really worked well, then it would be a whole new ball game, what a coup d'etat that would be.

Quarter four starts October 1st and ends December 31st.. if they got it out at the beginning of Q4 they would hit it out of the park over the Christmas season.

A whole new ball game.

I'm not betting that this is going to happen but.. imagine if it did.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
.. just to add, with the research and development and beta testing this Pie in the Sky dream isn't really physically possible.. just wanted folks to know it was just a thought.🙂


Oct 7, 2023
Johnstown-Somerset PA Area
My TRX 1 worked very well on my County's Motorola type ll SmartZone system but unfortunately we went to phase 2 simulcast years ago but I keep the radio in storage with low mileage because it's a cool radio, especially after they added the keyboard. I wouldn't sell it.
Yea mine has the keypad on it and its definitely a really cool radio im keeping mine as well lol.

I know it wouldn't be the same folks designing a new simulcast capable one if they even decide to go through with it. But I really liked how my TRX 1 was designed so if they actually make one I think it might end up being my new go to if it works as well as my TRX 1 did. I don't know what it is but I never liked how conventional analog radio worked on the SDS 100 it always seemed to be better on the TRX 1 but the SDS line's preformance on digital P25 simulcast won me over to use the SDS100 and eventually the SDS200... Either way its the waiting game so far first couple things ive seen on here looks promising so im gonna hope for the best but im sure if we will see somthing its gonna be quite a while.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
They replied to my inquiry about my TRX-1 and said they are working through all their inquires and will get back to me soon. Hopefully I can get my radio finally back
It might not be your radio, but it will be a equivalent in good repair or new, sometime towards the end of the year. Very glad to hear your reply. Maybe they have units available now.. that would be smart thinking.


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
It might not be your radio, but it will be a equivalent in good repair or new, sometime towards the end of the year. Very glad to hear your reply. Maybe they have units available now.. that would be smart thinking.

:) I was cautious when I sent in my 668 for the legacy update waaaay back by lightly marking the PCB's and labeling the case with address stickers. Got my radio back BUT it was damaged with scratches on the pristine plastic screen (minor,but annoyed me greatly). They offered me a credit for anything on their website, I shrugged and took it. Didn't want to send it in again given what happened in the first place. FWIW the little things reflect, like swapping parts willy-nilly with salvaged radios, where a NEW radio was sent in for out-of-the-box issues. I would not have the same problem if the radio was an old radio to repair. IMHO a warranty radio should have any available working part 1st if the radio showed any external/internal physical damage upon receipt at Whistler. It just makes great business sense for any company's ethos. :)
