
  1. WTB: Ham radio for entry level operator

    WTB: Ham radio for entry level operator

    Looking for a ham radio base station. Have a discone antenna installed at about 35 ft above ground level. I also live at higher elevation for my area. Antenna capable of 200 watts. Have repeaters near me. Open to advice, criticism or even just Hamming it up.
  2. pdtek

    Baofeng Baofeng UV17R-Plus

    I just spent the big bucks and got a UV17R-Plus. Trying to program some aircraft frequencies into it using Chirp (first experience). Chirp does not have the UV17R-Plus as a programmable model, only the Pro version. It will not allow me to to enter air band frequencies. Any input on how to...
  3. W

    SWR vs. the Tide

    Hi All, I recently conducted an experiment to determine the potential correlation between Standing Wave Ratio and tidal changes on a vertical antenna. My vertical 6BTV antenna is mounted on my dock over saltwater. While many factors influence antenna performance, the proximity to conductive...
  4. W

    My B6TV mount on my dock over salt water

    Hi All, I have a 6BTV antenna mounted over salt water on my dock. I wanted to share a video about the installation, and a video about the real world performance of my vertical antenna. This antenna does not feel like a compromise to me. 73 All, Paul
  5. F

    Icom IC-2B3

    In a surplus auction I recently purchased, I ended up with an Icom IC-2B3 handheld radio, and I have no idea what it covers. There are 3 wheel selectors on top, with the ability to select 0-9 on each. Next to that, there are two, 2 position switches, one labeled 0kHz or 5kHz, and the other...
  6. N

    SenhaiX GT-12: Legal Use in Canada for New Amateur Radio Operators?

    Hi everyone, I recently purchased a SenhaiX GT-12 handheld radio from China, and I was wondering if it can be legally used in Canada. I am planning to take the amateur radio operator exam in October and will apply for a call sign afterwards. Do I need to ensure that my radio meets specific...
  7. C

    What Are You All Currently Listening To?

    I am unsure if this is allowed. I apologise if it isn't. I have posted a suggestion thread before, but never have I asked what others are listening to. Hi, I'm Chloe. 👋 I don't require assistance, just a chat. I love listening to channels I haven't before. I usually listen only to public...
  8. ZaqHydN

    PC Setup Files for Nashville Area +100mi Ham Repeaters

    Dear Nashville, TN Ham Radio friends: After going through the daunting task of putting all of the Nashville Area Repeaters (+100MiRad) into my CHIRP and T6UV Software, I thought I'd share them with the community. Programming Software - Miklor The T6UV file is for a Baofeng UV5RM, I was...
  9. Crocker_B

    Building a Repeater

    Hey all! So I am looking into building a small repeater at my home, just as a hobby or really a thing to do. But I would like to go about this the proper way, I do understand the equipment I will need but the one thing I am not sure of is how to go about getting the frequencies. I am looking for...
  10. K

    Icom IC-T81A aftermarket duck ?

    does anybody have a good aftermarket rubber duck for the Icom IC-T81a all it needs to be 6m/2m/440 i dont need it to be a quad band.. just tri-band
  11. rjvalenta

    fan harmonics

    i'm new to HF... and as i posted in a different thread i'm considering an MFJ Octopus, which is effectively a fan dipole. i have to choose 4 dipoles made of hamsticks to put in this - which will connect to my tuner. i was watching one of Dave Casler's videos (the man has taught me so much)...
  12. rjvalenta

    20m dipole ATU tuning vs EFHW 4010

    new to HF here, always on FT8... i have been using a 4010 EFHW for a few months with an MFJ939i tuner to my IC7100. I was always able to tune the EFHW from 40-10 as expected but could also tune it to 60m and 80m and even 6m. but i had to position it in a way that was causing RFI into my...
  13. C

    Wide or narrow

    Hello, I'm wondering, when it comes to programing a radio to a ham repeater, do you set it as narrowband, mid, or wideband? Couldn't find much on it when researching. Thanks
  14. rjvalenta

    DMR logging...

    i got my no-code tech license in 1993... i felt like i was cheating a little, would i ever be able to learn morse like the real hams that could build their own amps and pass the advanced test... everything they did happened in amazing ways over the air... then a few weeks ago i was listening...
  15. rjvalenta

    odd Pro197 behavior...

    on my roof are 4 antenna... a 4010 EFHW and a 10m/6m/2m/70cm vertical, attached to my IC7100 a dual band 2m/70cm, attached to my FTM400. and a tram 1411 discone for my Pro197 they are all at least 8ft apart. the base of the discone mast is a few feet lower on the roof than the rest which...
  16. Sheepdog777


    Bear with me as I am not messing with you. But we used trees as antennas in the military Hybrid Electromagnetic Antenna Coupler (HEMAC), and some adventurous Hams have used them as well. If you're looking a great Receive (Rx) Antenna most hardwood trees work great. With a Antenna Tuner you can...
  17. Sheepdog777


    Hello Ham and Radio Enthusiasts, This topic seems to have been a burr in the saddle of many radio professionals over the years. We use underground buried antennas in the military all the time. Depending on the mission, daily. In the Air Force we even have entire career fields which install...
  18. Sheepdog777


    Hello Fellow Hams and Radio Enthusiasts, Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the approaching Spring. Hopefully, this will be one of the last cold days for Missouri this year… Let’s See What Happens. I know there is eleventy thousand Prefabricated Dual Band VHF/UHF Antennas out there, but...
  19. K

    Radioddity VHF/UHF QB25 Dual Band ,Radioddity , Mini Mobil transceiver Ham Bands

    VHF/UHF QB25 Dual Band , Radioddity , Mini Mobil transceiver Ham Bandsnd her Overall its a good little radio for under $100 to reach reapeaters, 2m,70cm,NOAA weather. I did find some difficulty getting set up so I am going to give some bullets points. 1) Manual is Lousy 2) Use...
  20. Uniden sds100

    Uniden sds100

    Used uniden sds100. Asking price $550. Payment thru pay pal. I will pay shipping. It comes with a battery charger, and 3 batteries. original box and instructions. The only thing is missing is the usb cable, can’t find it.