Make sure -rc is specified in both the FMP24_CC and DSD+_CC command lines. All the new parameters and changes since the last public release are in the notes.txt file but it has reached the point where you need to be a detective to find all of it. It is probably past time to rewrite the specific docs of FMP and DSD+.
I will post my batch file command lines below. Of course they will not apply directly to your setup but may serve as a guide.
For the CC-----------
FMP24 -i2 -f453.53750 -o20003 -b4 -P59.4 -_3 -wsl6.6 -g49.6 -rc
DSDPlus -F4 -fn -rc -o2 -i20003 -e -_10 -wsl400.2 -wss100.200 -wel0.1 -wcl240.116 -wes400.520 -OM NUL -ds70 -dd56 -dv20
For the VC-----------
FMP24 -i1 -o20002 -P58.9 -rv -_1 -wsl6.6 -g49.6
DSDPlus -F2 -rv -o2 -i20002 -_14 -v3 -wsl40.210 -wss100.200 -wel172.522 -wcl528.0 -UA50 -OM NUL -ds70 -dd56 -dv20
The batch file that runs it all: (NX_Scanner_TCP_linked.bat)
start TCP_FMP24-VC.bat
start TCP_DSD-VC.bat
start NX_FMP24-CC.bat
start NX_DSD-CC.bat
Note: My VC files are used for other protocols so I don't specify -fn. If you are monitoring NXDN exclusively you could add that to the DSD command.
Mine bat files looks like that
DSDPlus -rc -i20001 -fn -ds63 -dd3 -dv20 -UA30 -E -T -v4 -_3 -wsl487.534 -wel306.6 -wcl7.7
DSDPlus -rv -i20002 -o2 -fn -ds63 -dd3 -dv20 -UA30 -UA30 -E -T -v4 -O NUL -_3 -wsl247.535 -wel306.857 -wcl6.918
FMP24 -i2 -rc -v10 -o20001 -f168.68125 -b4 -g28.0 -z0 -P50 -n0 -_1 -wsl2.444
FMP24 -i2 -rc -v10 -o20001 -f167.98125 -b4 -g28.0 -z0 -P50 -n0 -_1 -wsl2.444
FMP24 -i2 -rc -v10 -o20001 -f168.48125 -b4 -g28.0 -z0 -P50 -n0 -_1 -wsl2.444
goto A
FMP24 -rv -v10 -i1 -o20002 -P33.0 -g32.8 -z0 -n0 -_3 -wsl240.444
And the one that starts them all:
start 1.trunkDSD-CC
timeout /t 1
start 2.trunkDSD-VC
timeout /t 1
start 4.trunkFMP-VC
timeout /t 1
start 3.trunkFMP-CC
I just added -rc to FMP24. Thanks for that! Will see if it works tomorrow
Unfortunately i'm facing other issue now - there is something like audio "interruption" (if I can call it like that) when multiple frequencies are active. Had this issue with public version also the only difference now is that the audio, in those cases, on fast lane release is more understandable. I recorded some raw audio when the net was quite busy so it can be observed. In the beginning is not so much but after that is quite "visible". Tried different settings on and off....nothing changes.
RAW audio file: