
The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
Everyone, I spoke to Brian at Whistler Scanners this morning and found out what is happening, first they are very aware of the issue with the update server and hope to get it corrected in the next couple of weeks.

Whistler was in the process of moving into a new building when the a tornado a week or so ago destroyed the new building and caused significant damage to the old one. They are in the process of getting everything up and running as soon as possible, but he expressed his hopes that people understand the issues they are facing. He has said their goal is to have everything corrected in a week or two.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 6, 2021
Thank you for the update! I had just installed it on a new machine and was stuck with the old database, but i moved it over from another PC I had updated a couple of weeks ago so that will hold me for now.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 21, 2009
Portland OR
Everyone, I spoke to Brian at Whistler Scanners this morning and found out what is happening, first they are very aware of the issue with the update server and hope to get it corrected in the next couple of weeks.

Whistler was in the process of moving into a new building when the a tornado a week or so ago destroyed the new building and caused significant damage to the old one. They are in the process of getting everything up and running as soon as possible, but he expressed his hopes that people understand the issues they are facing. He has said their goal is to have everything corrected in a week or two.

Right....except the tornadoes that torched Rogers and Bentonville happened over a month ago, back at end of May. It would be helpful if "Brian" didn't begin his plea for understanding with a blatant lie. I get it, tornadoes, and bad ones, but lying about "a week or so ago...." as if it just happened is unacceptable. 5 WEEKS ago....

Whistler cares so much that they didn't bother to post anything on their website. Nothing. For over a month and STILL not even a short paragraph. Any company worth $0.02 would have done so to keep their customer base informed at the very least.

It would appear, then, that since the tornadoes of May 27 & 30, the website, the email services, VOIP services, etc, (likely hosted at a co-lo) are all up and running, completely unaffected by the tornadoes, but this singular server service (hosted in office??), for some reason, is directly affected and not a soul at Whistler as of last week knew there was any issues whatsoever??? Intentionally skewing the date of a disaster to garner sympathy is just pathetic. It's been over a MONTH.

I have no faith in these guys anymore.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 21, 2009
Portland OR
Also, may as well post my email to CEO Jesse at this point, he's not going to respond to anyone. As previously stated, I offered my services for FREE to him in order to get this resolved, and he couldn't be bothered to send a response.

Had he replied, I would have been happy to provide professional references and credentials to backup who I am and my level of expertise and experience regarding network infrastructure. It's very extensive with huge international companies you all recognize. Guess he's got this all figured out.

Oh well, that's off the table now. Here's the email for reference and posterity. I tried.

-------email begin---------

Hello Mr. Hopkins,

My name is <redacted> and I've been a decades-long customer of Whistler products, including of course your scanners.

This message is to inquire as to both the status of the entirety of your scanner line now failing to obtain firmware/software/library updates via the appropriate software. The issue of the "Update" function within the software failing with error codes (your servers are not responding), as well as the database updates now being a full month dormant (last update is 5/30/2024).

As I conveyed to your support (who responded to a very detailed email with "we are aware and looking into it.") a week ago, this is affecting the entire customer base regarding your entire scanner lineup. Myself and others have additionally attempted to contact support via phone during business hours and are greeted with an automated message, nobody answers, nobody returns VMs.

Many have attempted to reach out to support as well, only to run up against a brick wall. Nowhere on Whistlers site is there any data regarding this serious issue, and we are all left in the dark on this even though many of us have spent $1000's on your scanner products expecting the included services to be available, as well as support which does more than acknowledge a receipt of an email.

As a 40 year network engineer, I am very aware that a simple socket issue on a server service doesn't take more than an hour or 2 at most to troubleshoot and resolve. That this continues doesn't bode well for any of us who bought into the platform and now feel abandoned, ignored, and snubbed.

The "we" I keep referring to can be seen in part at the following link:

I took a cue from a moderator there who suggested someone reach out to you, and given every effort I've put into getting at least some information has failed completely, I am taking that mantle and asking you to please address what is going on....honestly and frankly. If there's an issue regarding your server architecture that you genuinely cannot resolve, I offer my expertise for free to resolve the issue and to collaborate with your IT staff to get it fixed. If there is something else amiss, which is being bandied about in the referenced thread above, then I'd ask that you be honest about it with us and if there's no fix in the works, or something else is happening, that you level with those who've invested in Whistler so we know what we're up against and can proceed accordingly.

Jesse, I know you're a busy man, but so am I and so are many of those who are in this same boat. I would ask that you take a few minutes out of that time, as I have here, to please address this issue, either in response to this email, or in the above thread.

Again, I am happy to donate my time and extensive network expertise to assist in a resolution if in fact that is what the issue is, just give me a contact number and I'll get started with that person.

I appreciate your time and attention to this matter, and would very much appreciate a thoughtful, honest, and helpful response.

Thank you.

<my name>

-------email end----------


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Day 14 still getting Error getting the same error response on my TRX-1View attachment 165155

Day 21 you'll still probably get it, if you read the messages above they just said it would be another week or two. They've said they are aware of the issue and working on it, so do we really need a day by day account of how you can't download from the database?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 20, 2008
Day 21 you'll still probably get it, if you read the messages above they just said it would be another week or two. They've said they are aware of the issue and working on it, so do we really need a day by day account of how you can't download from the database?
Whistler released the download o manually update the database. I updated my TRX-1 yesterday. No problem, here is the link:Manual Library Update


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:confused: OK, did the manual way to update, copied directly to the SD card outside the scanner, all working fine afterwards. Opened up EZ-Scan and ran 'tab updates' then hit 'check for all updates' and got the 'web error' box with socket error 11001' BUT (this is why I am posting/asking), why did after I put the '881' database files in the radio, did the version in the radio say it was still '778'? It SEEMS the 'check for all updates' only checks the EZ-Scan files, NOT THE SCANNER SD FILES. What gives? I believed for years that the scanner files/versions of the radio were queried on the first part of the 'check for updates' tab. It seems that the 'check for updates' only checks the versions IN EZ-Scan, not the radio (according to what is being reported now after I manually updated the files on the SD card and NOT the files in EZ-Scan. Is this what was supposed to happen? If so, WHY does the scanner have to be 'hooked up' to the computer (if it isn't actually checking the radio)? :confused:



Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
BUT (this is why I am posting/asking), why did after I put the '881' database files in the radio, did the version in the radio say it was still '778'? It SEEMS the 'check for all updates' only checks the EZ-Scan files, :confused:
I'm pretty sure EZ-Scan only reads the scanners firmware versions from the scanner when you check for All updates.
The DB file version comes from the DB files on your computer.
You can update the DB files on your computer using a similar procedure as you used to update the DB on your scanner. The instructions posted at the link in message 68 WS1080: - Whistler weekly Database Updates explain how to update the scanner and your copy of EZ-Scan so they are both up to date.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 20, 2006
Peru, MA

:confused: OK, did the manual way to update, copied directly to the SD card outside the scanner, all working fine afterwards. Opened up EZ-Scan and ran 'tab updates' then hit 'check for all updates' and got the 'web error' box with socket error 11001' BUT (this is why I am posting/asking), why did after I put the '881' database files in the radio, did the version in the radio say it was still '778'? It SEEMS the 'check for all updates' only checks the EZ-Scan files, NOT THE SCANNER SD FILES. What gives? I believed for years that the scanner files/versions of the radio were queried on the first part of the 'check for updates' tab. It seems that the 'check for updates' only checks the versions IN EZ-Scan, not the radio (according to what is being reported now after I manually updated the files on the SD card and NOT the files in EZ-Scan. Is this what was supposed to happen? If so, WHY does the scanner have to be 'hooked up' to the computer (if it isn't actually checking the radio)? :confused:

The SD card doesn't have to be insalled in the computer to perform the manual update to the db file as discussed in "Whitty's" post. Once the EZ Scan db was successfully updated (without the SD Card installed in my computer), I then plugged my scanner's SD card into my computer. Using the EZ Scan "Scanner/SD card" tab, I selected "Copy Library to Scanner/SD Card" and was successful at installing the latest library 781 to my scanner using the EZ Scan software. After the update, I went to the db folder on the SD card and verified that it was indeed update 781. "Works fine, lasts a long time!" The only thing I haven't been able to figure out is after the manual update to EZ Scan, I can't figure out how to apply the changes in update 781 to the data I've programmed in EZ Scan for my scanner.


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
The only thing I haven't been able to figure out is after the manual update to EZ Scan, I can't figure out how to apply the changes in update 781 to the data I've programmed in EZ Scan for my scanner.

:) I'm at that point as well BUT I figure when they fix the socket error down the road, then thats when I'll update the rest within EZ-Scan. FYI, the newest database as of yesterday is "881" not the two typo's referenced as 781. Yeah, I'll look forward to the 'Plug-N-Play' EZ-Scan down the road for sure... :)



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
I'm pretty sure EZ-Scan only reads the scanners firmware versions from the scanner when you check for All updates.
The DB file version comes from the DB files on your computer.
You can update the DB files on your computer using a similar procedure as you used to update the DB on your scanner. The instructions posted at the link in message 68 WS1080: - Whistler weekly Database Updates explain how to update the scanner and your copy of EZ-Scan so they are both up to date.

:) Thanks for that assurance, guess EZ-Scan isn't perfect in regards to the tab on checking the scanner while hooked up (only partially, i.e. not the database version)? Thanks for the reply! :)

:) I had used the link for the database and manual update as mentioned in my post #72, card out of the scanner with a micro SD card reader & adapter. That went exactly as it should have. :)
