Hi i have done a ton of reading and researching alot of it right here on RR but i'm still just so confused on alot of this. Here is what i'm trying to find answers to .
the usb programming cable that came with my sds100 is just a micro usb to usb A cable and it's what i use to program the scanner with sentinel also i use the same cable to program my BCD536HP using sentinel also is that ok?
So I just ordered a cable for my BCD536HP and This is it will that work ok with the BCD536?
The biggest issue i'm having trouble with is that i seen This cable that is for the sds100 and it would also fit my bcd536 but does that cable also let you program the scanner as well as use it for the gps capabilities? if it does then maybe i should just get it and use it on my sds100 and use the one that came with my sds100 on my BCD536. But that is pretty much it if someone could answer these questions and help me get it narrowed down to whats what, i have read everything on the gps cable and all the reviews and nobody mentions that is can also program the scanner to. But thanks and happy new year to everyone!.
the usb programming cable that came with my sds100 is just a micro usb to usb A cable and it's what i use to program the scanner with sentinel also i use the same cable to program my BCD536HP using sentinel also is that ok?
So I just ordered a cable for my BCD536HP and This is it will that work ok with the BCD536?
The biggest issue i'm having trouble with is that i seen This cable that is for the sds100 and it would also fit my bcd536 but does that cable also let you program the scanner as well as use it for the gps capabilities? if it does then maybe i should just get it and use it on my sds100 and use the one that came with my sds100 on my BCD536. But that is pretty much it if someone could answer these questions and help me get it narrowed down to whats what, i have read everything on the gps cable and all the reviews and nobody mentions that is can also program the scanner to. But thanks and happy new year to everyone!.