They will likely change to Cal ANG folks or AZ guys.Will the Shaw flights still provide CAP coverage or do they change up?
Remember to scan for Frecce freqs! Have not seen any reports of them so far.Looks like the practice demo for tomorrow’s show at the Virginia Beach oceanfront will be at 3pm today.
Last December Travis KC-10s worked the CAP with F-35s, not sure where the fighters were out of.They will likely change to Cal ANG folks or AZ guys.
A friend of mine heard them on 259.45 in NY. Give that a try.Remember to scan for Frecce freqs! Have not seen any reports of them so far.
Could be PACK 81 as they just passed by my QTH to the W of me; hdg SW.@1020L unid comms on AR-609 Pri 276.5
1045- Nighthawk 16 (HMX-1) working Nighthawk Control (277.175).I heard #82 on 276.5 (PACK 82) with 81; didn't see the two of them on adsb as they were right on top of one another.
They are headed to Fairchild AFB. It was the boom that was inop..KC-46 (21-46093) is westbound as FORCE20. Guess the maintainers were able to sort out whatever issue it was having yesterday while circling over Wildwood.
I saw that last week and was wondering about that.. Seems too contrived to be computer generated..Some info on Navy callsign generation.
Navy tells aircrews to question 'inappropriate' call signs after lewd flight name
A Navy E-6B changed its call sign from ‘IDICK69’ to ‘STOB7’ while in the air. The first call sign was computer
I’m watching it now lol. Got some choppy photos of the Rhino team too. Was also at KORF when they were landing. Got to get on tarmac with them and get some cool shots too. I’ll be sending some pics later.Looks like the practice demo for tomorrow’s show at the Virginia Beach oceanfront will be at 3pm today.