I just noticed that there are over a half a million of us on this web site! 500K+! Would that be enough to start a campagine to fight police encryption of routine pricinct level comms? If we could some how fund the legal expence to get this issue heard by someone who could resolve it, at least then we can say that an effort was made. Whether it's "yes, cops have a good reason to encrypt", or "no, cops must let the public have a real time ear on their routine comms", it can be said that someone made the effort to settle things. Let's not let this issue die 'cause no one cared enough. Just ranting about it woun't change anything. I for one would give $10 in hopes that all of us would match that. $5 million would give us a chance to see which way this issue and this country's liberties will go.
This website also owns Broadcastify, and many agencies see that service as the compromise for broadcasting openly. I don't know if Broadcastify charges them directly for that but I guarantee you that whether directly or indirectly, that makes this website a benefactor of agencies encrypting. I seriously doubt this website is capable of leading that charge - remember, even conversation of it is relegated to the "rants" forum or something.