VHF Low Band Log for 2010/06/30

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Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log for 2010/06/30
South Texas EL09 - Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

30.4750 136.5 Spanish - possibly El Salvador
30.6200 210.7 Business (noisy background)
30.7000 118.8 Business
30.9200 167.9 Business
30.9400 203.5 South Florida Water Mgt "Okeechobee"
31.1000 Business
31.2800 179.9 WQBF550 - Robert Pollard, Crittenden Co, AR <farming ops>
31.4000 "you got a copy?"
31.5600 88.5 Mowing crew
31.8000 D074 "Between us and Kansas where I'm going through at"
31.8400 173.8 WQCQ495 - Beck Development, Novi MI
31.8800 94.8 Farmers - "just put some Roundup on the coffee weed" "meet up with Jimmy on Sunrise"
31.8800 127.3 Farmers - "which field got the worst hail damage?"
33.4800 Spanish - Mexican accents
33.7000 192.8 FD - Possible Somerset Co PA
33.8200 141.3 EMS dispatch EDT <who? where?>
33.8600 CSQ FD/EMS - Dispatch repeater
33.9000 CSQ FD/EMS - Hamilton Co OH
33.9800 103.5 EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
35.1000 118.8 Plumbers
35.4000 146.2 Business
35.8000 203.5 Business
35.8200 123.0 Business
37.4800 151.4 Business
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
42.4200 173.8 TN HP
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