W4BCS: Yes you can transmit anywhere BUT YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO PROVE THE FACT THAT NO OTHER COMMUNICATIONS WAS AVAILABLE. No cell phone, nothing on you ham bands, you had no flashlight you could signal with. A couple of times, I have talked on the local sheriff frequencies, just could not raise anyone, passed the traffic, and then stood by. I have never had any complaints. I was not told to cease and get off the frequency. Those were the times I didn't have a cell handy. The dispatchers wre alittle confused but as soon as I told them who, what, and where, they said thanks and that was the end of it. Almost every other time, a ham was awake somewhere or I was in a cell phone coverage area. Fact it has been years since I have talked to someone out of band. Once I talked out of band by accident. I was mobile using a swan 100mx. I though I was on 15 meters so I was abgout , what I though was 21.410. Well I was on 14.410. Dah... out of band, I called CQ, had somebody come back to me, we talked then as traffic lighted up, I looked closer and said, well I said something to myself, and cleared off..