Why Oh Why Paul Opitz, Why Oh Why ?

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Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Is the problem with the Analyize feature a design flaw ?

Question for the forum: Is the root of the problem with the Analyize feature a hardware limit original design flaw ?

Do I understand it correctly that the x36 models use a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) Processor Chip
that basically lacks the clock speed and or throughput capability to also properly handle the additional processing
load demands incurred while trying to run the Analyize and Wi-Fi dongle functions concurrently to satisfaction ?
If so, is this the true reason or inside baseball of why the Analyize feature has been in limbo and thus held back ?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
No I saw all PR Videos as for your IFR 1500 working just fine so do my Unidens.
Well if you assume and not do any homework before you spend and buy you are not wise. I waited until the feature set I wanted was working then I bought I did not assume anything I bought known facts with new things added in the future (no time line promised) so far that is what has been delivered. We are starting to see the crying about Whistler reselling old scanners as new model numbers and selling older scanners 1080 and 1095 as new scanners with nothing more than a keypad that did nothing but drive the value of the older scanners down. Uniden did upgrade the 996 series to work with P2 and did a nice job of it. I am no scanner expert but I do own over $5000 in P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 scanners. You could say the GRE left the PRO-18 owners out in the cold as the 18 should do everything the PSR-800 does and the great WS-1080 is nothing more than a PSR-800.


May 2, 2005
New York City
Question for the forum: Is the root of the problem with the Analyize feature a hardware limit original design flaw ?

Do I understand it correctly that the x36 models use a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) Processor Chip
that basically lacks the clock speed and or throughput capability to also properly handle the additional processing
load demands incurred while trying to run the Analyize and Wi-Fi dongle functions concurrently to satisfaction ?
If so, is this the true reason or inside baseball of why the Analyize feature has been in limbo and thus held back ?

The only person n the forums that could probably answer that with some authority would be Paul Opitz, Uniden's rep here on the forums, and thus far, he has remained mum on the issue of the enhanced Analyze functions. The x36 series were tagged by Uniden as their "Professional Series" of scanners.


Dec 19, 2002
New Jersey
I've had two 536hp's since they came out. They've pretty much done the job that I envisioned for them in monitoring Phase 2 systems, with the exception of the LSM reception issues. The feature that I hoped for and really wanted was to be able to monitor them from my Iphone while away from home. I guess this is still one of the missing features that were promised? While on that subject, I've read some posts that this situation can be worked around by using VPN. I'm still nor entirely sure if I'm able to do this. I see my Iphone has a VPN option, and my wi-fi has a VPN option. Am I able to do something with them? I'm pretty much unfamiliar with this topic. Thanks


Nov 12, 2002
So, you only saw the video after it had been amended. The fact it was amended has been discussed ad nauseum on this board. Many people saw the original, which did not have the disclaimers, and made their purchase decision based on that viewing. A lot of people don't re-watch videos. You are assuming that everyone who viewed the video had to have seen the disclaimer, which is a big assumption.

Yes, the video was changed PRE-release. Those people who didn't do due diligence may have purchased without knowing the full story, but that is nobody's fault but their own. If it was changed post-release, or even post-sales, I might agree with you more.

At the time, Uniden didn't know the dongle firmware didn't work either. They didn't know they were using LEDs that were defective. They didn't know they had the earphone jack issue, and they didn't know they were using bad RTC batteries (or whatever the specific issue is).

They also likely had no idea the ProVoice would be an option.

There is a reason hindsight is 20/20.

What is hilarious is that you have people who want to know what is happening TODAY. IOW, they WANT Uniden to make the same mistake all over again - laying out their future plans.
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Glad your view is completely from HIND sight shows what kind of person you are. You're a great advocate for UNIDEN, you might get paid sooner or later. They they they they rewatch omg Smh. Due Diligence; did Uniden do their due diligence YES or NO?


Nov 12, 2002
News flash: This entire thread is posted from hind sight. :roll:

Is Whistler paying you yet?


So that's a big obvious N O their DUE DILIGENCE was inadequate at best!


I only support the idea that this fiasco is unacceptable. Your support in over 2000 post that this fiasco is not only acceptable but excusable!!!


Nov 12, 2002
Some of us simply understand business and electronics better than others.

Yes, Uniden had issues. Yes, they are fixing them on their dime.

Of course, you know that, but I understand that you are a hater who has to complain.

Using your logic, I see you didn't deny Whistler is paying you, so therefore they must be paying you. That IS the logic you used to put words in my mouth two posts above.


Dec 22, 2013
A class action suit is not a good thing. The only people who benefit are the lawyers. You the consumer will pay the freight with higher prices from Uniden. I'm always amazed consumers don't see this. Corporations don't pay taxes or lawsuits. You do.


How very true.


Jan 29, 2011
I'm glad I stuck to my guns and kept the promise to myself to not buy anymore Uniden Scanners after Paul Opitz promised a firmware fix for the Home Patrol 1, then completely abandoned the firmware's beta thread he started and refused to answer any questions about it.

Sent using Tapatalk


Nov 12, 2002
Yes, he is entertaining, isn't he? But let's not rag on the guy, as he is just trying to earn the paycheck from Whistler by trashing all the Uniden products. You note that he never denied that.


May 2, 2005
New York City
Trying to get back to one of the tangents of my original post here (as the OP of this thread), really did not involve paint jobs on cars, Whistler products, etc. I simply thought that perhaps the great and wonderful firmware upgrade was somehow going to supplement the somewhat deficient ANALYZE package of the x36 series, the bring it more on par with the HP-1 and HP-2 series. Fortunately, some here have managed to stay focused on that issue, and while I am certainly happy that Provoice is now available (and yes, I did purchase it), I would still like to see some additional work done on the Analyze package.

Some folks have mentioned the missing "bandscope" function; others have pointed to other facets of the Analyze package which work very well on the HP-1 and HP-2, but are nowhere to be found on the x36 "Professional Series".

As the OP, I ask that we try to stay focused on that issue, rather than turning my thread into a free-for-all of name-calling, discussion of paint jobs on cars, and unnecessary attacks upon fellow users of the RR forums.

Uniden is to be commended, and not condemned, for finally taking the issues at hand regarding the RTC battery and the dimming displays head on, and on their own dime--- yes it took a lot of work by guys here on the forums to keep Uniden focused on those issues until we finally got some resolution.

Now I simply ask that we remain focused on getting an improvement in the Analyze functions squared away, and then I believe that our work here will be done.

Thank you all for your cooperation in helping to clean up this thread, and best wishes to all during this holiday season.
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Nov 12, 2002
Good luck with that. There are some whose only goal is to trash Uniden and anything Uniden does to make their products better, and your goal conflicts with theirs.

That said, the HP-x series has a display that is nearly twice as tall as the 536 and twice as wide as the 436. It's going to be extremely difficult to get the kind of resolution on the x36 display that you have on the HP-x.

Add to that the monochrome display, and that limits the capability farther, as you can display more information using colors than you can using monochrome pixels.

There are some features that should be do-able on the x36, but the bandscope is one that has more challenges than other things.


Mar 11, 2010
Western PA
A mono display can easily handle what is needed. There is a scroll knob used to scroll through data on other functions. Obviously they felt they could do it, and they knew what form factors they were using.
The 396XT has a mono display, and it displays more info on trunked systems than the 436. It also has the bandscope. The X36 displays less info on trunked systems than the Pro-96.

All of the excuses really don't matter. Fact is they advertised it as having advanced analysis modes. They have not yet admitted they are not able to do the job. All they have done is announce further delays.

Consumers need to be protected from false advertising. I would rather hear from someone who knows what is going on. Uniden should take some accountability, and give an update on this.


May 2, 2005
New York City
I agree that bringing the x36 Analyze mode up to the standards of the HP-1 and HP-2 would be a challenge Voyager, but I also agree with k3fs that it can be done. I think that most of us realize that it will not be as "pretty" as the color screens of the HP's, but what we are looking for I believe is the information that the Analyze mode can deliver--- the "steak" so to speak, and not so much the "sizzle".

Perhaps, had they actually worked on completion of development of the Android app, the could have delivered a multi-faceted approach to the Analyze function, giving us the steak on the monochromatic x36 screens, along with some of the sizzle, when used in conjunction with the Android display.

I guess we have come full circle on this discussion---- we all know what needs to be done, and we have to hope that Uniden continues to use some clever engineering to get those functions up and running.

Truth be told, as I have said many times, all things taken into consideration, I would not give up my 436 and 536 scanners. They are simply the best out there at what they do, and they do incorporate a lot of features and functions that were well thought-out and innovative. All in all, these are great scanners.


Mar 21, 2010
Somewhere monitoring the air.
All of these added features are nice and all but I like my 436 because it is decoding a phase 2 lsm harris system that was recently handed to my city. I loved my 396XT better but it wouldn't handle this system so in actuality this is the only scanner to have just for being able to handle this. Also finally updated to 1.10.02 nice not to have to hit . Every time I plug it in. Thanks!


Nov 12, 2002
I agree that bringing the x36 Analyze mode up to the standards of the HP-1 and HP-2 would be a challenge Voyager, but I also agree with k3fs that it can be done. I think that most of us realize that it will not be as "pretty" as the color screens of the HP's, but what we are looking for I believe is the information that the Analyze mode can deliver--- the "steak" so to speak, and not so much the "sizzle".

Perhaps, had they actually worked on completion of development of the Android app, the could have delivered a multi-faceted approach to the Analyze function, giving us the steak on the monochromatic x36 screens, along with some of the sizzle, when used in conjunction with the Android display.

I agree it can be done, but the bandscope (which is all I was talking about, Frank) will be half the resolution (roughly) of the HP-x series, and will likely be about the size of the XT unless they add it sideways on the 436 display.

As for the 'remotes', that's what I was expecting the delay was, as they rely on the WiFi to be working.

Frankly (no pun intended) I think now it's more a matter of budget - the possibility that there is none left after the issues that came up.

I also speculated in another thread that just MAYBE the ProVoice feature is going to fund the completion of the features people want.

Uniden is not unlike anyone else. When you have unexpected expenses, you can't always pay for those as well as your planned purchases. So, you have to find a way to fund what you want.

Maybe they are waiting for funding to come from the suppliers of the bad parts.
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