
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Yeah, a lot of members here are older, because my dad was a ham I started around 1963, 1964, 10 or 11 years old with slide rule tunable dial receivers and swl. Haven't stopped since. Led to a successful career in journalism listening to spot news and starting as a Stringer.

To a lot of us this is a very rudimentary and not very specific video. But listeners of the future have to start somewhere, we didn't have internet, we didn't have cell phones. The magazines were always a month and a half behind.

To new listeners, or inexperienced listeners, the scanner school and videos like this are an introduction. The old farts aren't going to live forever.
As far as your last sentence, speak for yourself😇🥸..even if we do not live forever, we all would like to see the hobby continue to give pleasure! We are both Bobs!…. For those who remember, I just took years of RCMA magazines out of my basement to read📻📖..so the radio/electronics bug that bit me early continues…

Back to the thread topic, The suggestions made in the video could very well help a newcomer not give up when they get tired of listening to just local pd/fd after they spent $700 on a scanner and find the fd is not very busy or the pd goes to encryption.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
As far as your last sentence, speak for yourself😇🥸..even if we do not live forever, we all would like to see the hobby continue to give pleasure! We are both Bobs!…. For those who remember, I just took years of RCMA magazines out of my basement to read📻📖..so the radio/electronics bug that bit me early continues…

Back to the thread topic, The suggestions made in the video could very well help a newcomer not give up when they get tired of listening to just local pd/fd after they spent $700 on a scanner and find the fd is not very busy or the pd goes to encryption.


Yep I read RCMA also. Today we have the scanner school and YouTube, radio reference Etc..

As far as living forever, with what I've gone through medically, I'm not even supposed to be here😉.

I think we're kind of saying the same thing. I'd like to see things go on for newcomers despite the headwinds.

Folks starting out today will never know what it was like yesterday but they do have the advanced technology. For some reason I liked it a lot better then than I do now😄


Premium Subscriber
Aug 12, 2021
Washington State
Oh man, Monitoring Times was one of my favorite magazines! It was sad to see Bob Grove shut it down. For those who may be interested, you can get ALL the magazine for FREE from 1982 - 2013 by clicking the link below...

MONITORING TIMES: DX SWL and Utilities hobbyist maghazine

... while some of the stuff on specific radios and the advertising is obsolete, there is still a lot of information that can be useful. Take your time, peruse them, download them, or even print up a few articles.