WIN500 software for programming.
Sent you a dm. Little easier that way to talkWIN500 software for programming.
I have seen some phase 2 usage on the troop H talk groups Over the last few days, not sure if it’s 100% of the time yet.Help. Has anyone successfully programmed a CLMRN site in a PSR600 radio? I have been trying to program Troop H site only and the radio does not receive.
I have done the same on a 396xt and it recieves fine. Troops still Ph1 for now.
It's not.not sure if it’s 100% of the time yet.
I do. If you want to send me your programming file i can take a look and see if I find issues with it.Help. Has anyone successfully programmed a CLMRN site in a PSR600 radio? I have been trying to program Troop H site only and the radio does not receive.
I have done the same on a 396xt and it recieves fine. Troops still Ph1 for now.
Yes. They're actually "Harvard Sentences"Did anyone catch Statewide Common 3 on CLMRN last night?
Makes perfect sense. When I was in Warren late last summer Troop L site still covered Warren. Make sense they would expand B and move the temp site somewhere. Judging by it's direction and area I'm thinking in I territory now, but near the H border. I don't have much traffic but this is what I got so far. No calls what so ever, just denies. Only accept was for some DEEP TG. Naugatuck site was the same when it was first set up as well.Site 38 was a Standalone or fill-in site located at the Sharon FD. Not too long ago, that was changed to a full Troop B Simulcast Site rather than a Standalone. Likely set up as another fill in site rather than mobile. They can go anywhere as it would be a single rack of equipment in a shelter.
Here is an old site off Rt 63 that was not reused after the P25 change:
Old Troop B Motorola site
The antenna is on the top of the transmission tower.
2020/05/31 16:41:02 DSD+ 2.254 / Fast Lane Release
2020/05/31 16:41:02 [xxxxx xx@xxx.com]
2020/05/31 16:41:02 P25 data loaded; 6 networks, 23 sites, 166 channels
2020/05/31 16:41:02 P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 decoding enabled
2020/05/31 16:41:02 X2-TDMA decoding enabled
2020/05/31 16:41:02 TCP link established
2020/06/21 15:49:54 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Current network: BEE00.3A9 CLMRN
2020/06/21 15:49:55 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Current site: BEE00.3A9-1.38 Sharon
2020/06/21 15:49:59 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 BEE00.3A9-1.38 neighbor: Site BEE00.3A9-1.28; CC=1-2004 774.53125 Troop H Simulcast
2020/06/21 15:50:00 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 BEE00.3A9-1.38 neighbor: Site BEE00.3A9-1.29; CC=1-2012 774.58125 Troop I Simulcast
2020/06/21 15:50:14 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Rejection; Tgt=4552034 Reason=unknown[A5]
2020/06/21 15:51:55 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1802704 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 16:02:15 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806555 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 16:06:17 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1802418 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 16:06:58 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1802650 TG=351 [[CSP Trp H Disp 1] Troop H Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 16:09:36 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45898 TG=5071 [[CTT Fastrak 1] Fastrak 1 Dispatch] DENY
2020/06/21 16:23:06 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1802077 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 16:23:42 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Message 190; Tgt=14680119 Src=4706960
2020/06/21 16:39:47 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Group call rejection; TG=1404 [[DEEP Spill] Spill] RID=1961106 Reason=unknown[7B]
2020/06/21 16:39:54 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Group call rejection; TG=1404 [[DEEP Spill] Spill] RID=1961106 Reason=unknown[7B]
2020/06/21 16:50:33 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Status 13056; Tgt=11116488 Src=5732720
2020/06/21 16:58:53 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1562928 TG=48864 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:03:57 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1561200 TG=48865 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:06:35 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1563760 TG=285 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:08:57 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45490 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:09:03 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45490 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:09:07 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45490 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:09:17 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45490 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:09:19 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1562224 TG=48864 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:18:36 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1964105 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:18:36 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1964105 TG=1404 [[DEEP Spill] Spill] ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:24:42 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45152 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 17:24:45 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=45152 DENY
2020/06/21 17:28:26 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Status Query; Tgt=5755504 Src=1376553
2020/06/21 17:48:50 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Radio Monitor; TX Mult=3 Tgt=4182640 Src=11075878
2020/06/21 18:09:04 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation Request; Tgt=11256108 Src=5558896
2020/06/21 18:23:18 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=8716698 TG=351 [[CSP Trp H Disp 1] Troop H Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 18:24:37 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806555 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 18:24:53 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806550 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 18:25:45 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; 040:16777215 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 18:40:56 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=891357 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 18:41:06 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806548 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 18:59:28 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Deregistration; RID=2085488
2020/06/21 19:00:09 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Message 51; Tgt=11075869 Src=1563826
2020/06/21 19:00:53 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1561200 TG=27440 DENY
2020/06/21 19:26:20 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Message 31; Tgt=11075869 Src=1567856
2020/06/21 19:27:59 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Status Query; Tgt=2430340 Src=4219914
2020/06/21 19:29:15 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1871030 TG=5631 [[Conn DOT D3] District 3] DENY
2020/06/21 19:29:47 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1964158 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 19:29:49 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1964158 DENY
2020/06/21 19:30:41 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45093 TG=5032 [[CTT NB Bus 2] New Britain Bus Dispatch 2] DENY
2020/06/21 19:32:59 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; 9EF:1485019 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 19:36:19 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration Req; Tgt=13644298 Src=2429089
2020/06/21 19:41:10 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1804275 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 19:41:13 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1804275 DENY
2020/06/21 19:57:43 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45898 TG=5071 [[CTT Fastrak 1] Fastrak 1 Dispatch] DENY
2020/06/21 20:01:28 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806569 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:02:20 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1801372 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:08:39 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1801513 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:09:51 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806550 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:10:39 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Radio Monitor; TX Mult=2 Tgt=6623394 Src=13644322
2020/06/21 20:10:47 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1804275 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:17:33 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806555 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:21:48 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Deregistration; RID=1823344
2020/06/21 20:26:52 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1806168 DENY
2020/06/21 20:30:33 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806031 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 20:30:33 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Affiliation; RID=1806031 DENY
2020/06/21 20:32:35 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1804275 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 20:33:48 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=45266 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 20:37:09 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Message 294; Tgt=1364996 Src=1365012
2020/06/21 20:49:56 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1569392 TG=48864 ACCEPT
2020/06/21 21:06:00 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806550 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
2020/06/21 21:08:21 Freq=774.518750 NAC=3A8 Registration; RID=1806168 TG=401 [[CSP Trp I Disp 1] Troop I Dispatch 1] DENY
They're probably reconfiguring the towers to focus on their respective zones.Not sure if relevant as this is just anecdotal. Troop H from my office used to be full strength a few months ago... now I notice it drops in and out... what is full strength now from my office (Queen St. Southington) is Troop L Simulcast, full signal strength. Never used to be be like that. FWIW