
W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
I'll see what happens with the new card, if I like the radio I'll keep it if not it goes bye bye. Does scannermaster pays for the shipping on returns ?
Yeah I don't know, I haven't bought anything from Scanner Master since 2014... I've used various vendors but always with a money back guarantee of at least 30 days.

My most recent purchase was last week from Bearcat Warehouse when I picked up my second sds200.

I would just give scannermaster a call and say you're not happy with your purchase and you want to return it and you need a pre-authorization. I doubt that they're going to pay for the shipping to return it but who knows maybe they would give you a label, I really don't know.

Hopefully when you unpacked the radio you did it very carefully. You pretty much have to return it in the same condition you got it or they could charge some kind of a restocking fee or something to replace parts or re package things, I'm just going by general experience I'm not familiar with their latest policies.

My point was that I didn't think you should be "stuck" with a radio that you don't want if you just bought it from a reputable company like them. Good luck.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2016
I'll see what happens with the new card, if I like the radio I'll keep it if not it goes bye bye. Does scannermaster pays for the shipping on returns ?
Too bad. If they werent stil lin of pricey I'd take it.


Feed Provider
Apr 22, 2007
Terryville CT
I have the TRX and SDS, Pardon if this is a stupid question but do i need to do anything with the programing to have it pick up TDMA vs P25? I was looking in the confs and didnt see anything stand out to me


Premium Subscriber
Jul 13, 2003
Wethersfield CT
I have the TRX and SDS, Pardon if this is a stupid question but do i need to do anything with the programing to have it pick up TDMA vs P25? I was looking in the confs and didnt see anything stand out to me

you don’t have too. It automatically does it.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 9, 2018
They must be tweaking stuff as Troop H from my location has better signal and seems a bit more lively.
Apr 18, 2009
Does anybody know what the "HX--" units are
AuXiliary cars (Volunteeer)

In 1941, Commissioner Edward J. Hickey established the Auxiliary State Trooper Program. This program was primarily formed to guard the shorelines of the state against possible invasion by enemy forces or saboteurs as the United States of America prepared to enter World War II. The force was expanded to more than 1,200 volunteer troopers. At the end of the war, they were re-assigned to troop barracks throughout the state to augment patrol troopers in their basic function of responding to calls for service.

In 1988, the Connecticut State Police ended recruitment of Auxiliary Troopers and training classes due to accreditation requirements and budget restrictions. Currently, 56 Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers remain on the force.

The Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Force is an all-volunteer force which provides assistance to troopers in the course of their duties. Among the duties of an Auxiliary Trooper are crash scene and traffic stop assistance, traffic control, disaster relief and special detail support. Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers are held to the same training standards as full-time Connecticut State Police Troopers.

The average time in service of the remaining Auxiliary Troopers is 30 years. During fiscal year 2006/2007, Auxiliary Troopers volunteered more than 20,000 plus hours.

Being phased out...
Last edited:


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Thats what i was afraid of LOL, I am hearing traffic on my sds but lost all traffic from TRX1
Time division multiple access or tdma, it's just a mode used by Phase 2 p25 simulcast. The system is converting from Phase 1 to phase 2.

You will obviously see a difference how an SDS and a trx-1 handles Phase 2 tdma. It's a fact of life. Keep us informed on the differences. There are still those who don't know about it.
May 19, 2019
AuXiliary cars (Volunteeer)

In 1941, Commissioner Edward J. Hickey established the Auxiliary State Trooper Program. This program was primarily formed to guard the shorelines of the state against possible invasion by enemy forces or saboteurs as the United States of America prepared to enter World War II. The force was expanded to more than 1,200 volunteer troopers. At the end of the war, they were re-assigned to troop barracks throughout the state to augment patrol troopers in their basic function of responding to calls for service.

In 1988, the Connecticut State Police ended recruitment of Auxiliary Troopers and training classes due to accreditation requirements and budget restrictions. Currently, 56 Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers remain on the force.

The Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Force is an all-volunteer force which provides assistance to troopers in the course of their duties. Among the duties of an Auxiliary Trooper are crash scene and traffic stop assistance, traffic control, disaster relief and special detail support. Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers are held to the same training standards as full-time Connecticut State Police Troopers.

The average time in service of the remaining Auxiliary Troopers is 30 years. During fiscal year 2006/2007, Auxiliary Troopers volunteered more than 20,000 plus hours.

Being phased out...

Interesting, thanks for that.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
AuXiliary cars (Volunteeer)

In 1941, Commissioner Edward J. Hickey established the Auxiliary State Trooper Program. This program was primarily formed to guard the shorelines of the state against possible invasion by enemy forces or saboteurs as the United States of America prepared to enter World War II. The force was expanded to more than 1,200 volunteer troopers. At the end of the war, they were re-assigned to troop barracks throughout the state to augment patrol troopers in their basic function of responding to calls for service.

In 1988, the Connecticut State Police ended recruitment of Auxiliary Troopers and training classes due to accreditation requirements and budget restrictions. Currently, 56 Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers remain on the force.

The Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Force is an all-volunteer force which provides assistance to troopers in the course of their duties. Among the duties of an Auxiliary Trooper are crash scene and traffic stop assistance, traffic control, disaster relief and special detail support. Connecticut State Police Auxiliary Troopers are held to the same training standards as full-time Connecticut State Police Troopers.

The average time in service of the remaining Auxiliary Troopers is 30 years. During fiscal year 2006/2007, Auxiliary Troopers volunteered more than 20,000 plus hours.

Being phased out...
That is so interesting, don't want to go OT but but curious, so doc can you tell us... I'm sure they were armed. Was there any point where they were disarmed or are the few remaining left still carrying guns.

I've been aware of different auxiliary police outfits, for example New York City Police auxiliary, not armed, Suffolk County Police auxiliary on the East End of Long Island were armed but are not now, Massachusetts auxiliary police were armed but I'm not sure now... Just curious. Sounds like a cool program but just not apropos in today's environment.

Things have changed so much to think that Volunteers guarded Connecticut Shores. Thanks.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Okay I've researched it pretty good, they are armed, they were actually phased out in 1988 and the last article or report was 2015 where there was 41 left and up there in age. Mostly assisting in the barracks, traffic duty etc. In their heyday they performed just like regular state troopers and there are two volunteers who were killed in the line of duty. Both side of the road auto wrecks. Very interesting information, thanks for that post doc.
Apr 18, 2009
they were actually phased out in 1988 and the last article or report was 2015 where there was 41 left
Yes, they are on the air 3 or 4 times a week in the Hartford area (HX64) and less often in other areas.

They're very "involved" when they are on duty.


Dec 9, 2017
Southington, CT
Can anyone who is supposedly receiving CLMRN perfectly fine, the same as before, post shots of their signal analyzer?
I've determined the SDS100 series firmware is to blame. It just cannot lock onto TDMA channels when either scanning or trunk-tracking if they're anywhere near perfect.

No matter what is done, apart from switching to a full outdoor antenna mount which I cannot do, I am still getting my SDS100 and SDS200 skipping transmissions like they're encrypted. My ProScan recordings average are down to less then 2/3 of what they were prior to the TDMA switch. Something is throwing it off. And it's a shame the SDS's basically aren't getting any more firmware updates due to Uniden's unfortunate situation.

I get -95db to -100db on Wide-Normal Filter, and -99db to -105db with Filter off. Both are constant 3-5 "bars" on the scanner, and when analyzed though the SDS come up as EXCELLENT Quality. My guess is the SDS firmware just sucks and skims and processes a weak TDMA signal as garbage and skips over it.

Here's A, I and L from the western edge of Woodbury's valley pointing East-SouthEast. This is with a Mini-Discone mounted in a window on a 3rd floor with a clear view and no trees. This is a SDS200.


This is from a SDS100 in Southington using a mini-discone indoor near a window on a ground floor. Not ideal at all, but alas the only option that used to work just fine until TDMA.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Can anyone who is supposedly receiving CLMRN perfectly fine, the same as before, post shots of their signal analyzer?
I've determined the SDS100 series firmware is to blame. It just cannot lock onto TDMA channels when either scanning or trunk-tracking if they're anywhere near perfect.

No matter what is done, apart from switching to a full outdoor antenna mount which I cannot do, I am still getting my SDS100 and SDS200 skipping transmissions like they're encrypted. My ProScan recordings average are down to less then 2/3 of what they were prior to the TDMA switch. Something is throwing it off. And it's a shame the SDS's basically aren't getting any more firmware updates due to Uniden's unfortunate situation.

I get -95db to -100db on Wide-Normal Filter, and -99db to -105db with Filter off. Both are constant 3-5 "bars" on the scanner, and when analyzed though the SDS come up as EXCELLENT Quality. My guess is the SDS firmware just sucks and skims and processes a weak TDMA signal as garbage and skips over it.

Here's A, I and L from the western edge of Woodbury's valley pointing East-SouthEast. This is with a Mini-Discone mounted in a window on a 3rd floor with a clear view and no trees. This is a SDS200.

View attachment 88626
View attachment 88627
View attachment 88628

This is from a SDS100 in Southington using a mini-discone indoor near a window on a ground floor. Not ideal at all, but alas the only option that used to work just fine until TDMA.
View attachment 88629
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View attachment 88631
So as I've stated before I'm just here for a short while trying to get better reception for a friend who lives in Connecticut. All of our systems are Phase 2 tdma around my area of Pennsylvania.

One of the things I noticed when our system switched to P2 in 2015 was multiple NAC numbers on a single site. My friend emails me videos of their screen and various information. I have been working specifically on site 031 and TG 501 troop L dispatch for my analysis. The NAC number is 3A1h that is not being ignored and actually used on site 031.

My understanding is that everyone is using the setting in settings of ignore NAC as opposed to use NAC.

If I could suggest, going to settings and set site NAC operation to "use site NAC". Then go into each site you want and set p25 NAC option to "search". You can start to keep track of the different numbers that are coming up and see if on some sites you actually get two different numbers coming up or even not matching what they're supposed to be.

Just an idea I think is worth trying, back in 2015 we were having a similar issue with the same symptoms. Our P2 System turned out to have more than one NAC number being used on one site.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2016
Can anyone who is supposedly receiving CLMRN perfectly fine, the same as before, post shots of their signal analyzer?
I've determined the SDS100 series firmware is to blame. It just cannot lock onto TDMA channels when either scanning or trunk-tracking if they're anywhere near perfect.

No matter what is done, apart from switching to a full outdoor antenna mount which I cannot do, I am still getting my SDS100 and SDS200 skipping transmissions like they're encrypted. My ProScan recordings average are down to less then 2/3 of what they were prior to the TDMA switch. Something is throwing it off. And it's a shame the SDS's basically aren't getting any more firmware updates due to Uniden's unfortunate situation.

I get -95db to -100db on Wide-Normal Filter, and -99db to -105db with Filter off. Both are constant 3-5 "bars" on the scanner, and when analyzed though the SDS come up as EXCELLENT Quality. My guess is the SDS firmware just sucks and skims and processes a weak TDMA signal as garbage and skips over it.

Here's A, I and L from the western edge of Woodbury's valley pointing East-SouthEast. This is with a Mini-Discone mounted in a window on a 3rd floor with a clear view and no trees. This is a SDS200.

View attachment 88626
View attachment 88627
View attachment 88628

This is from a SDS100 in Southington using a mini-discone indoor near a window on a ground floor. Not ideal at all, but alas the only option that used to work just fine until TDMA.
View attachment 88629
View attachment 88630
View attachment 88631
Hey I sent you a PM but I can confirm similar extreme issues with CLMRN ever since last Wednesday's switchover to Phase II.

I am actually in the midst of trying a number of things to try and get this system to work better on the SDS scanners. If I drive a quarter mile away from my home location it starts to come in fine with the same custom favorite lists I have been using all along.

If anything I end up doing actually works I'll report. It'll be some time, though.