I think a scan feature would be great. It never fails when I want to listen to something like a fire call for instance the HP-2 will lock onto another active channel before I can pause it, and I'll miss the traffic I wanted to hear on the fire channel. A scan feature would allow me to resume scanning and lock into what I wanted to hear in the first place. other than that I love the HP-2.
Actually, it would perform just like the scan button on the other Uniden radios. It would resume scanning, but that could either mean
1. It moves to the channel you were interested in.
2. It rechecks the control channel of the current system and potentially re-grabs the same talkgroup you are trying to advance from.
3. It rechecks the control channel of the current system and grabs another talkgroup you don't want.
4. It moves on to another system in the scan sequence, so you have to go through potentially a number of systems to get back to the one you were interested in.
There might be more permutations. While this is all true, a button to force scan might be useful.
One thing that often works is to double tap the bottom (channel) button. Often this works by
1 - holding on current channel, and then
2 - resuming scan.