I can picture Lindsay at a bar in the Caicos where a group from the West Texas Petroleum Club are lounging. One hollers over to Lindsay, "hey, y'all here spending that good Texas oil money"? Lindsay replies "nope, spending my good ad and frequency list money". The man looking confused asks "how far down ya gotta drill down for that"? Lindsay replies with a grin, "not far, not far at all".
I really like Lindsay and appreciate this little place he has made for us, but I can't help poking fun at the vacation picture. If you post something like that you must expect some flak.
Ok so I went back an read every post in here. From what I've gathered from this thread is that:
- Ad blockers hurt revenue, so measures are taken to reduce the usage of and effectiveness of ad blockers
- By your own admission you use personally uae advanced ad blocking tools like Pie Hole. (Rules for thee, not for me, etc.)
- You posted a picture of yourself on a yacht, presumably on a tropical vacation, in the thread that was started to address loss of revenue due to ad blockers. Seems a bit tone deaf, no?
Did I miss anything?