Please publicly prove me wrong by showing us the numbers...
It doesn't matter how much revenue generates. Whether it's $200,000 per year, or 2 Billion per year, what the company earns and what I make and how I spend money for my family or empire or whatever, it doesn't matter. The only thing you should be concerned with is whether or not
this business provides you value. Period. End of story.
If we are losing out on revenue due to adblockers, and we're being good and smart about how we deploy ads, then it is
terrible business for us to forgo that revenue. Period. If you believe differently, then you don't believe in capitalism and you might want to relocate to Russia, or China, or Cuba where things can be more tightly regulated so that you don't feel like you've been screwed by a company.
Otherwise, hang around and let me know how I can provide
better value to you. Because that is all that matters. If we don't provide value to you - walk with your feet.
Other overhead hard costs:
User submitted frequency data: $0.00
User provided audio feeds: $0.00
User provided forum content: $0.00
F/OSS community provided software for streaming platform components: $0
Volunteer forum moderators: $0.00
Volunteer database administrators: $0.00
Associated overhead soft costs:
Free subscriptions to feed providers
Bulk of site content:
Frequency data
Audio feeds
There is an awful lot of "support" given to RR already.
Sorry friend, but you are way out of your league and have zero idea what you are talking about.
First, we allocated bonuses of about $40,000 to our database administrators and forums moderators. We pay that out
every year.
Second, all user supplied data such as frequencies, forums content, etc, had to be developed, managed, and implemented by a team of developers and administrators to build and implement the community. That wasn't free.
When it comes to expenses, our total expenses last year exceeded $300,000. This is a
major business that has a lot of moving parts, expenses, investments, and development work. We work hard to provide for the community of volunteers, admins, and moderators. Some of those volunteers are paid well in excess of a thousand dollars in bonuses.
And make no mistake, this business is
wildly successful - and I personally am doing
extremely well. But that is because this is my business, and I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of capitalism. If you don't like that. If that irritates you. If that pisses you off. Too freaking bad.😂