Free Users - Turn off your ad blockers

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Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
I will catagorically disagree that we are “bombarding“ you with ads. It’s just not even in the same realm of what other major media companies do.

Like the UK Daily Mail. I'm not sure how anyone even uses the site. The actual stories are indistinquisable from the ads as they float in strange windows and crap pops up all over.
This is what I came here for! 😂

The BBB police are gonna blast your door. Been nice knowin ya.


Scan New England Janitor/Maintenance
Database Admin
Oct 27, 2002
Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I ran a website for years. Fortunately for me, years prior to that I came to the inevitable conclusion that ya can please some of the people some of the time but ya can't please all of the people all of the time. The internet is the world's biggest "TV Tuner". If you don't like the content, change the station.

Nuke The Bastards

The YouTube video will have pop-up ads...proceed with caution. I run ad-blockers, the pay version of MalwareBytes, I use Duck Duck Go as a search engine, and to date I've had no issues. All website owners and operators run their sites with a set of rules and guidelines, and there are always detractors. In this day and age it seems that thick skins are harder to come by, but I know that all that run sites like this must wear them. Those that have never run them can't wear those shoes and don't fully understand. As an end-user of any website, it's okay to ***** when things don't make you happy, but ultimately you do have the option to just go away. That's completely in your control, and your call.

Edit: I can't say ***** here apparently... :ROFLMAO: ....must be one of the rules...


Dec 19, 2002
We're going to start implementing gatekeeping for those that have adblockers installed and who are not premium subscribers. It will be a gentle reminder a few times a day for non-premium subscribers who have ad blockers enabled.

You can use this thread to complain to me that this is a violation of your rights, and you'll be quiting RadioReference, and you'll be reporting us to the BBB. Flame away...
where do feed providers fall in this ?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Since I am a Premium Subscriber, and almost always log in, this won't affect me here. But there are tons of sites I can't visit when logged in via a corporate Internet connection that effectively blocks ads, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Mar 30, 2019
Correct me if I am wrong and think of me as a pile of dog poo that has a terrible problem with flies if you wish....

Here are the simple numbers for 1,000,000 users even though the current count is: 1,520,576

10% pay $30.00/year= $3,000,000.00
20% pay $30.00/year= $6,000,000.00
30% pay $30.00/year= $9,000,000.00
40% pay $30.00/year= $12,000,000.00
50% pay $30.00/year= $15,000,000.00
This is not including any pay from ads...

Why do you need more from ads while allowing ad companies to strip all privacy from all of your users and then let's include people who are not users but who are just listeners of Broadcastify who not only have to look at ads but have to listen to ads too?
It would be simpler and more of an upstanding individual if you were to be more transparent and let us know, with the true numbers, why you need more money rather than just push it on us as you are doing.
Because right now I believe it comes to the fact that I think you think you "need" a new car and yacht and this and don't forget that, and are willing to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you don't give two sh*t's about anybody's privacy (Very much like Google, Facebook and any other "social media" site anywhere on the web)...

Please publicly prove me wrong by showing us the numbers... Otherwise you must consider the fact that you have personally removed any and all respect I have ever had for you. (but from the comments you have already made, you have already proved to me and everybody else you simply don't care, and that my friend is a sad fact!)...

I cannot fathom why anybody would willingly paint themselves as a degenerate even after showing us his/her talents and bringing something as worthwhile as Radio Reference to the table... Then add to that the sad fact of the followers you have that promote your behavior... Yeah, that sure makes me feel better... This world we live in is just screwed!!!

It's your site and you unequivocally have the right to ban me if it makes you sleep better at night for telling you how I feel about the actions you've made. Which will in effect prove again, beyond a reasonable doubt, to everybody what kind of person you really are... Or PUBLICLY PROVE ME WRONG...


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2014
Raleigh, NC
Please publicly prove me wrong by showing us the numbers...

Just curious, when you go in a store, or buy gas, or fast food, do you demand the manager of those businesses (yes, this is a business) show you the numbers to justify the ads in the store or prices they are charging?

And, for the record I'm a feed provider, entitled to a free premium membership, but still pay for a yearly subscription, because I see the value in this site and information it provides to me.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
RadioReference monthly bill cost in 2010

Other overhead hard costs:
User submitted frequency data: $0.00
User provided audio feeds: $0.00
User provided forum content: $0.00
F/OSS community provided software for streaming platform components: $0
Volunteer forum moderators: $0.00
Volunteer database administrators: $0.00

Associated overhead soft costs:
Free subscriptions to feed providers

Bulk of site content:
Frequency data
Audio feeds

There is an awful lot of "support" given to RR already. I'm not sure the web hosting bill speaks to that nor does it address the privacy and network security concerns associated with the ad networks and trackers as those relate to the site owner's directive that users "turn off their ad blockers".


Premium Subscriber
Jun 18, 2008
Syracuse, New York
We're going to start implementing gatekeeping for those that have adblockers installed and who are not premium subscribers. It will be a gentle reminder a few times a day for non-premium subscribers who have ad blockers enabled.

You can use this thread to complain to me that this is a violation of your rights, and you'll be quiting RadioReference, and you'll be reporting us to the BBB. Flame away...
Ah, I have been a premium user for a long time, and yet, I have to turn off my ad blocker. Tried it 3 times and yup, got to turn it off. Just sayin.....


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Please publicly prove me wrong by showing us the numbers...

It doesn't matter how much revenue generates. Whether it's $200,000 per year, or 2 Billion per year, what the company earns and what I make and how I spend money for my family or empire or whatever, it doesn't matter. The only thing you should be concerned with is whether or not this business provides you value. Period. End of story.

If we are losing out on revenue due to adblockers, and we're being good and smart about how we deploy ads, then it is terrible business for us to forgo that revenue. Period. If you believe differently, then you don't believe in capitalism and you might want to relocate to Russia, or China, or Cuba where things can be more tightly regulated so that you don't feel like you've been screwed by a company.

Otherwise, hang around and let me know how I can provide better value to you. Because that is all that matters. If we don't provide value to you - walk with your feet.

Other overhead hard costs:
User submitted frequency data: $0.00
User provided audio feeds: $0.00
User provided forum content: $0.00
F/OSS community provided software for streaming platform components: $0
Volunteer forum moderators: $0.00
Volunteer database administrators: $0.00

Associated overhead soft costs:
Free subscriptions to feed providers

Bulk of site content:
Frequency data
Audio feeds

There is an awful lot of "support" given to RR already.

Sorry friend, but you are way out of your league and have zero idea what you are talking about.

First, we allocated bonuses of about $40,000 to our database administrators and forums moderators. We pay that out every year.

Second, all user supplied data such as frequencies, forums content, etc, had to be developed, managed, and implemented by a team of developers and administrators to build and implement the community. That wasn't free.

When it comes to expenses, our total expenses last year exceeded $300,000. This is a major business that has a lot of moving parts, expenses, investments, and development work. We work hard to provide for the community of volunteers, admins, and moderators. Some of those volunteers are paid well in excess of a thousand dollars in bonuses.

And make no mistake, this business is wildly successful - and I personally am doing extremely well. But that is because this is my business, and I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of capitalism. If you don't like that. If that irritates you. If that pisses you off. Too freaking bad.😂


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
This is the mighty mighty United States of America and you are entitled to make as much $$ as you can. And my hats off to Lindsay for making a profitable business out of this site.

However my goal is to occasionally read posts on this site and interact with some of its users without having to pay anything out of pocket. In fact, I think most of my posts provide information rather than me making use of information here. Anyway, I will continue to use this site for free with my ad blocker on until the point I can't access this site with my ad blocker on. Then I'll see if there are any alternatives to get around the system and if not, I don't know what I'll do but I'm not interested in putting up with ads or paying a fee. I did sign up as a Premium Subscriber once to be able to post on the swap section, which generated nothing for me, so I don't intend on doing that again.

And make no mistake, this business is wildly successful - and I personally am doing extremely well. But that is because this is my business, and I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of capitalism. If you don't like that. If that irritates you. If that pisses you off. Too freaking bad.😂


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
It doesn't matter how much revenue generates. Whether it's $200,000 per year, or 2 Billion per year, what the company earns and what I make and how I spend money for my family or empire or whatever, it doesn't matter. The only thing you should be concerned with is whether or not this business provides you value. Period. End of story.

If we are losing out on revenue due to adblockers, and we're being good and smart about how we deploy ads, then it is terrible business for us to forgo that revenue. Period. If you believe differently, then you don't believe in capitalism and you might want to relocate to Russia, or China, or Cuba where things can be more tightly regulated so that you don't feel like you've been screwed by a company.

Otherwise, hang around and let me know how I can provide better value to you. Because that is all that matters. If we don't provide value to you - walk with your feet.

Sorry friend, but you are way out of your league and have zero idea what you are talking about.

First, we allocated bonuses of about $40,000 to our database administrators and forums moderators. We pay that out every year.

Second, all user supplied data such as frequencies, forums content, etc, had to be developed, managed, and implemented by a team of developers and administrators to build and implement the community. That wasn't free.

When it comes to expenses, our total expenses last year exceeded $300,000. This is a major business that has a lot of moving parts, expenses, investments, and development work. We work hard to provide for the community of volunteers, admins, and moderators. Some of those volunteers are paid well in excess of a thousand dollars in bonuses.

And make no mistake, this business is wildly successful - and I personally am doing extremely well. But that is because this is my business, and I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of capitalism. If you don't like that. If that irritates you. If that pisses you off. Too freaking bad.😂

I'm not irritated or pissed off my dude. My silly list had no basis in reality other than to point out to the other poster that the users of this site contribute plenty already and that the web hosting screen shot really didn't address any of the privacy or network security concerns brought up by myself and others.

For me, ad blockers, content blockers, and all that stuff stay on. If a site (any site) becomes unusable after taking minimal effort to get around whatever it is, then I'm out. Simple as that. I know that irritates and pisses of a lot of site owners, but I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of software technology.


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
For me, ad blockers, content blockers, and all that stuff stay on. If a site (any site) becomes unusable after taking minimal effort to get around whatever it is, then I'm out. Simple as that. I know that irritates and pisses of a lot of site owners, but I'm entitled to participate in the benefits of software technology.

I wholehearlty agree with you 100%

My goal is to provide value so you stick around.

The ads aren't THAT bad. The forums have a Google Banner Ad and an Amazon Ad with Scanner Stuff. It's really simple.
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