Can't seem to get two things to work. When watching History Logging on my BC780XLT, I sort by "Hits" ... but this doesn't stay in order. Seems to me if it's sorted by hits, it should stay in that order. As it is, every once in a while I need to click (twice) on the Hits column header to re-sort by the number of hits. Second, and related, is that the "Reset Hit Counter" button appears to have no effect on the numbers in the Hits column.
I have not, but will, test with my BCD436HP to see if there is any difference.
Current version of W10 and current version of ProScan.
On the Hit counter not resetting, that will affect new transmissions logged. The existing rows will not be affected.
On the sorting problem, go to the Options > Logging and turn on the option New Entries Auto Sort.