Are the two folders for separate instances of ProScan? If not and just for the database, you don't need separate folders just separate files but separate folders will work.Ok, I got a folder named current programing. I also have a folder called playing around. I done this to learn how to enter all my info through proscan instead of the manual entry and to just tinker and learn. I didn't want to mess up the program that I knew was right!
Now I have a new system completely set up in my playing around folder and would like to add the new system to my current programming folder. I uploaded it to the BC as an addition to current program. I would like to know if I can add it through proscan with a wipe then upload, as prosan recommends! Clear as mud??? Appreciate any help!
Yes but I didn't recommend one method or the other. It's up to you. Basically two ways to get the new system/s in the scanner.
Method A: Using an opened database file containing all systems including the new system/s. Upload with the option "Delete All Items In The Scanner That Are Not In The Database Before Uploading.". You can also choose the option "Delete All Systems In The Scanner Before Uploading."
Method B: Using an opened database file with just the new system/s. Upload with the option "Don't Delete Any Scanner Items Before Uploading.".