Did you press "E" when prompted after you powered on the scanner or reinserted the USB cable? If so, what does the scanner display show?
mass storage!
Yes done that and tried all ports, Keeps saying in use by another program?
Try with Sentinel many times and also wiggle the cable to see if something is intermittent while trying with Sentinel.I just tried with Sentinal worked fine? For some reason my port does not seem to work with Proscan?
Not sure what you mean Bob, Serial port?
The message "in use by another" tells me you are going to the ProScan Comm. Port menu and then set the Comm Port which is the same thing as the Serial Port. You don't need to do that while the scanner is in Mass Storage mode. The scanner is either in the Mass Storage mode or Serial Port mode but not at the same time.Yes done that and tried all ports, Keeps saying in use by another program?
If you have not created and stored a fav. list, there is NOTHING to read.Actually Bob, I'm trying to program the whole thing because right now it is in full database for my zip! What should I see when I click read scanner a couple of time it came up as a file, but wouldn't open?
Okay, I thought it would read the card, with full DB and I could edit from there! But now I went back to program and I cant get it to communicate in the virtual mode set to serial comm and nothing if I do it enough it might communicate? I don't know what this thing problem is?
Testing for few hours now so far so good