I don't do much P25 monitoring but have read some security papers regarding it. I believe there already exists a way to scramble TG and RID numbers. So they would just be adding encryption to the CC.
If the voice is already well encrypted, encrypting the CC too wouldn't add much more security.
Sure, by not being able to read TG and radio ID's you wouldn't be able to do traffic analysis, but that is limited anyway. And if the CC encryption is being done at the repeater, couldn't you just scan the repeater inbound for TG and RID info?
Anyway, the local FBI shop is P25 AES 256 voice encrypted 24/7 and even they dont scramble TG's or RIDs.
Even if they did, not really a big deal. Can't hear wha'ts going on anyway.
I don't see this becoming a widespread issue. A few new systems "might" pay extra for it.