Maybe Robotic Robin, the fire dispatcher, is FDMA mode my guess is then. The radios were TDMA from day one. BFGR insider here.
Maybe Robotic Robin, the fire dispatcher, is FDMA mode my guess is then. The radios were TDMA from day one. BFGR insider here.
Which is exactly as I said above. It takes only one affiliated radio in FDMA mode to make it all FDMA. If the dispatch radio, be it a console or automated dispatcher, is FDMA the rest go into FDMA mode.
I have also heard from inside NWCD that they did not like the way TDMA sounded so programmed their radios to FDMA. I heard varying stories, some were because of the air-pack masks and some were just the sound of the radios in general. Take all these with a grain of salt, they said the same thing when the original digital radios were introduced years ago.
As a former BGFD Fire/Medic we had issues with intelligibility even in the old analog/pre-narrowband VHF days when masked, it only gets worse with narrower bandwidths and with digital, I suspect it was worse yet with TDMA.
I suspect that there are a variety of reasons they system has not totally transitioned to TDMA yet but that eventually all these will be worked out and the transition will be completed. They need the added capacity as more and more agencies use the system. There are a dozen more suburban agencies coming on board soon and no new freqs coming with so SC21 will not let FDMA remain on Site 149 for long.
I have 1891 logged as dispatch, with 1892-1896 as tac talkgroups. I believe I based those off of old NWCDS meeting minutes where they talked about gaining access to the Barrington-Countryside talkgroups for interop, but I couldn't tell you which month that was now.
Which is why I'm surprised the state allowed them to combine the sites. Sites 149 and 115 separately probably could've handled all the additional traffic, just needing 115 to be upgraded to TDMA. Was there ever any official word on why that consolidation took place?
I don't think it would have made a lot of difference if they had used a separate Site for NWCD, in fact it actually would have had less capacity since there would have been another control channel. They just added the NWCD freqs to the existing site, that allows one more voice freq, or 2 talk paths when TDMA is used.
They did the same thing for DuPage, added more channels to the existing site. I think the same is going to happen for Lake County (108) as well.
McHenry County however was a different story. The infrastructure is separate, owned by McHenry County. Only McHenry County activity occurs on it and McHenry County units do not normally affiliate on the parallel SC21 Site and other users do not normally affiliate on the County site. I suppose there could be a setting where if one site or the other fails then the remaining site will take over but don't know that for a fact.
Had NWCD, DuPage or Lake purchased their own infrastructure they would have likely had a separate parallel Site ID like McHenry County.
When ISPERN is being broadcasted. Most agencies will broadcast ISPERN over a main dispatch channel. Or dispatch will say please stand by for simulcast unless you have an emergency. Now on starcom 21 there is a channel set to ISPERN. My question is if my department is on starcom 21 and my dispatch dosen't simulcast ISPERN. Does the radio automatically play the ISPERN talk group?
The only way a Trooper can hear another Trooper on the District Car to Car SC 21 TG is if they both are physically voting on the same tower or both have their car to car TG selected to transmit on the Car to Car TG. You can be looking at the other Trooper and try and talk to the other Trooper on Car to Car but unless you both are voting the same tower the other Trooper will never hear you calling him even though he is scanning the Car to Car TG. This and the lag time it takes to switch TG's is very aggravating for anyone who has used conventional simplex or duplex radio systems.
By clogging (for lack of a better term) up the TDMA talkpaths that - at least at the time - were exclusive to 149 with FDMA from 115 you eliminate that advantage though. If everyone across the board was using TDMA, then it would make more sense to me. But by combining both phases onto one site you limit the capacity. Now obviously NWCD is using FDMA so it's a moot point, but it just doesn't make much sense. Hopefully it doesn't, but if some kind of terrorist or major event were to happen in the city, the system would be jammed with traffic related to that since SC21 is the official interoperability platform for the state. Since everyone is using FDMA, there's going to be significantly less TDMA talkpaths available for NWCD than there would be if the sites were separate.
I think the original plan was for the entire site to go TDMA and have NWCD act as a guinea pig to make sure it worked sufficiently well. When issues came around they did not force other users into TDMA, at least not yet.
Even if the system was only FDMA, by adding the NWCD channels to the mix you still save an additional voice path with the same number of freqs by not having the additional data channel.
Also remember that for every TDMA conversation there is one less voice channel being used so even a mix of FDMA and TDMA saves resources and adds voice paths.
Which is exactly as I said above. It takes only one affiliated radio in FDMA mode to make it all FDMA. If the dispatch radio, be it a console or automated dispatcher, is FDMA the rest go into FDMA mode.
I have also heard from inside NWCD that they did not like the way TDMA sounded so programmed their radios to FDMA. I heard varying stories, some were because of the air-pack masks and some were just the sound of the radios in general. Take all these with a grain of salt, they said the same thing when the original digital radios were introduced years ago.
As a former BGFD Fire/Medic we had issues with intelligibility even in the old analog/pre-narrowband VHF days when masked, it only gets worse with narrower bandwidths and with digital, I suspect it was worse yet with TDMA.
I suspect that there are a variety of reasons they system has not totally transitioned to TDMA yet but that eventually all these will be worked out and the transition will be completed. They need the added capacity as more and more agencies use the system. There are a dozen more suburban agencies coming on board soon and no new freqs coming with so SC21 will not let FDMA remain on Site 149 for long.