Not a good ideal. That will open a can of worms. Who and what determines the criteria? How are the thresholds determined?
Who's going to grade each post? It will take multiple people with various subject expertise. A lot of the chatter will be on the criteria and thresholds. The message board software will need modification. "If it's not broke then don't fix it".
You're over thinking it. The
moderators can advise/decide for whatever reason to give and take away without having to explain to any of us. "They" already take care of the site, so either they think that it is a good idea, or not. Mr. B can then roll with it or not. Also, a label is not needed if it is a hassle and...some people may not want to have the moniker "super contributor". I have a feeling the number will be very low, if Blanton floats it at all.
Then again, it would be just one more thing for unsettled individuals to get upset about if they don't make the cut, and then complain about it in a never ending thread. Still, that thread would potentially provide me with more members to add to my ignore list and what is one more thread in the many the moderators deal with already. There are two people I would like to see attain that
honorary temporary status, but my vote is irrelevant.
In actuality, it may happen and other than those selected noticing they no longer see advertisements, or the warning, other members may never know. Super Secret Super Contributor. As it will never be permanent, I wouldn't even tell people they're on the list. In fact, what list?