All transmissions from other systems, both digital and analog, seem to be recorded normally. The transmission audio always plays normally.
But intermittently there is no activity in the recording grid during a Search With Scan / Close Call Hits transmission. No new row is created, nothing is highlighted red as normally seen while recording is active. If there are several successive transmissions, the first one is the most likely to be recorded, and reply transmissions are more likely to not be recorded.
I noticed this on air band. I don't usually listen to planes, but one flew overhead close enough to generate a Close Call hit, and then I got a bunch of traffic--mostly clusters of short transmissions. At first I thought it was because the option to delete <2 second transmissions was turned on, but that box is unchecked. I also tried toggling the skip silence box, but that didn't change anything either.
I never noticed this before upgrading to 1.16.00. is it possible that the scanner firmware could stream audio to Proscan, but not trigger recording, because of a firmware bug?
One other thought, I typically have 7000-9000 recordings in the Recorder grid (Auto Delete 5 days). It is common for a transmission to start, and then the new row in the Recorder grid to pop up a few seconds later. But sometimes the new row is populated almost immediately. Is it possible the grid is being overloaded because it has too many rows? My laptop isn't a gaming superbeast, but it does have a reasonably fast CPU and 16GB of RAM, Windows 10 64-bit.