First look. STS100 support should be ready approx. a month or two after the retailers start selling them and I get a hold of one.
I don't mean to be pedantic, but isn't it the SDS-100?
Under “Database Info”
“Number Tags”
Far right column “Channel Name”
I have noticed names with consecutive numbers are sorted by the first number then the second number and not by their decimal value.
For example:
FRS 1 to 14 is sorted:
FRS 10
FRS 11
FRS 12
FRS 13
FRS 14
This is using the default sort as originally presented (no user input).
Is there a reason for this?
Under “Database Info”
“Number Tags”
Far right column “Channel Name”
I have noticed names with consecutive numbers are sorted by the first number then the second number and not by their decimal value.
For example:
FRS 1 to 14 is sorted:
FRS 10
FRS 11
FRS 12
FRS 13
FRS 14
This is using the default sort as originally presented (no user input).
Is there a reason for this?
Just tried to import a bunch (~6500) of unit IDs into a P25 system. I used "Get Clipboard" to do this, and got this:
What's wrong with the IDs from 5101 on down? Every ID right through to 16777215 is invalid according to ProScan. They import fine in Sentinel and are legitimate on the system.
I was in the Unit ID section of the system when I clicked Get Clipboard. I'd just deleted the old entries (nodes) in order to load the new ones.
The only way to sort that kind of list numerically is to parse the numeric value out of the text, then sort by the parsed numeric value rather than alphabetically. If it's really important that the channels be sorted in a particular order (and it probably isn't), then add leading zeroes to the channel number as needed so they all have the same number of digits.
We're doing it that way to TGID's, UID's, & Tone. By design Text Tags are alphabetically sorted.
Great, All other numbers such as frequency & SQK's are sorted numerically. I mentioned TGID's, UID's, & Tone because they can contain mixed alphanumeric characters.And that makes total sense to me--sort numbers as numbers, and text as text.
I having a problem wIth PROSCAN not responding when I hit the sort button to sort the entries in the program.
Bob - I just did the 'center text tags' on my entire set of FLs. It makes a dramatic difference to me to see the titles centered, and I thank you very much for that.
However ... no matter what I did, I could not get it to adjust the sites on trunked systems - everything else centered, but sites were left alone.
Is this on purpose?
Been using ProScan's FL Editor with my BCD536HP a lot lately since Sentinel currently does not support NXDN. It works great but I was wondering if you could include a "Print Preferences" dialog after selecting "Print" like so many Windows apps have (see below). ProScan apparently defaults to the last printer settings which is not always what is desired.