
May 2, 2003
Can I hook my sds200 Ethernet cable to a network switch or does it have to go directly to the router to get proscan to work?
I have mine hooked to an Airport Extreme in bridge mode with the wifi radio turned off, works great.


Database Admin
Aug 18, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Ok, just want to get some clarification on whether I'm doing this right. I have a BCD325P2; I don't have the DMR upgrade yet, but I'm getting it soon, right now I'm just playing with the software to see if I can figure out how to program some of this.

I have a university campus near me with, with a three-repeater DMR system of some sort. I'm quite certain that the three repeaters are physically at the same location.
The talkgroups I'm seeing in DSD+ don't seem to "roam" between the three repeaters, for example tg 100 and 101 are always on frequency 1, 102 and 103 are always on frequency 2, etc. So right now I'm programming it as a "DMR One-Freq Trunk" with a single site, with all three repeater frequencies listed. Is that going to work OK? Or should I create a separate "site" for each of the three frequencies?
And what's the difference between programming it this way, and as a "MotoTRBO" system type?



Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2003
Amelia, OH
Can't seem to get Proscan to connect to my SDS200. I'm using the USB cable that came with the SDS200. When it was in Mass Storage Mode I was able to download my favorites list to Proscan but I'm unable to get it to communicate in serial mode. Windows 7 Pro device manager shows SDS200 device without a driver and Win7 can't seem to find a driver.

When I connect the scanner it will show the mass storage mode or serial mode selection and I can select serial, but Proscan does not connect to the scanner. Went to the Serial Port settings in the GPS menu and made sure baud rate was 115200.

I had been using the GPS puck for a couple of days but disconnected it when I started trying to use Proscan.

Sentinel works OK in MSM.

Looks to me like if Win7 will work in MSM mode then my serial port should be working but don't understand why device manager shows the SDS200 needs a driver.

Appreciate any tips to get going.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Can't seem to get Proscan to connect to my SDS200. I'm using the USB cable that came with the SDS200. When it was in Mass Storage Mode I was able to download my favorites list to Proscan but I'm unable to get it to communicate in serial mode. Windows 7 Pro device manager shows SDS200 device without a driver and Win7 can't seem to find a driver.

When I connect the scanner it will show the mass storage mode or serial mode selection and I can select serial, but Proscan does not connect to the scanner. Went to the Serial Port settings in the GPS menu and made sure baud rate was 115200.

I had been using the GPS puck for a couple of days but disconnected it when I started trying to use Proscan.

Sentinel works OK in MSM.

Looks to me like if Win7 will work in MSM mode then my serial port should be working but don't understand why device manager shows the SDS200 needs a driver.

Appreciate any tips to get going.

A driver is needed for Serial Port mode. Make sure the scanner is in Serial Port mode. Here is the link. It's for a BCD536HP but the serial port driver is the same. See the section "Windows Serial Drivers"
BCD536HP < UnidenMan4 < TWiki


Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2003
Amelia, OH
A driver is needed for Serial Port mode. Make sure the scanner is in Serial Port mode. Here is the link. It's for a BCD536HP but the serial port driver is the same. See the section "Windows Serial Drivers"
BCD536HP < UnidenMan4 < TWiki

Thanks Bob, works fine now. I spent a lot of time last night looking for this driver and Google was absolutely zero help. I now have 29 days to play with your software and so far I like what I see.



Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2003
Amelia, OH
Just a brief comment on Proscan. I started reading this thread at page 200 and finished at 231. The value for the complexity is something I'm not used to seeing with scanner/radio programming software. Learning Proscan is sort of like trying to eat an elephant, just have to do it one spoonful at a time....

I've scanned the manual/instructions but need to look more in depth for features that suit me. I recall hearing or reading somewhere that when updating the scanner database from RR that Sentinel will not update favorites lists but Proscan will. Is this a true statement?

I will not be sending a feed to online broadcasters but if I connect my SDS200 to my wireless wifi network how do I connect to and monitor the scanner? I'm not very network literate so much of the last 31 pages were over my head.

Thanks Bob for all your hard work and dedication to our hobby and thanks to all the users in this thread who also provide help to newbs like me.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Just a brief comment on Proscan. I started reading this thread at page 200 and finished at 231. The value for the complexity is something I'm not used to seeing with scanner/radio programming software. Learning Proscan is sort of like trying to eat an elephant, just have to do it one spoonful at a time....

I've scanned the manual/instructions but need to look more in depth for features that suit me. I recall hearing or reading somewhere that when updating the scanner database from RR that Sentinel will not update favorites lists but Proscan will. Is this a true statement?
Sentinel updates the Favorites just fine. However if any changes in the RRDB, with Sentinel you have to wait up to a week for Uniden to do the weekly pull. With ProScan, you can import from the RRDB as soon as the changes are made. A RR subscription is required unless you do the Get Clipboard method.
I will not be sending a feed to online broadcasters but if I connect my SDS200 to my wireless wifi network how do I connect to and monitor the scanner?
The scanner is connected using an Ethernet cable. Someone else may know how to connect it wireless. In ProScan, the setup begins with selecting the URL for the Comm Port settings and URL in the Audio Control then press the Auto Detect IP Scanner button.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Sentinel does NOT update favorites automatically. B
y that I mean it will not change, modify or add to your favorite automatically. Any changes must be done by the user.

It does update the master database.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
That’s what I thought. Does Proscan update favorite lists when it gets an update from RRDB?
Not automatically and we really don't want automatically as the user should have total control over what is imported.
After import, a new system will be created. You can use that system or if you want to keep an existing system, then Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop the desired nodes (channels or groups) from the new system to an existing system. Lastly delete the system you're not using.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2003
Amelia, OH
OK Bob, I think I can figure that out. I have never updated my favorites manually from Sentinel, really never pursued the "how to" process. While I'm still low on the learning curve I really enjoy the learning process.


May 2, 2003
So I've run into something that I must be doing the wrong way.... I love Proscan for being able to do copy/paste among favorites but when I have to change certain items like from "NAC Search" to a specific list of NAC's that are in the other favorite that I was able to copy frequencies over from, copy/paste does not work, I can't do "fill down" either, I have to do each one, manually... the same applies if changing from a list of PL tones to search, can not copy/paste, have to click and select from drop down via scrolling.

This has been a bit of pain to me recently as I've had to make some large changes in my codeplug and I'm wondering if I'm just doing it wrong in Proscan? I realize I could copy the entire favorite over thus retaining the items I'm trying to paste but a few times I've had to make changes after a bunch of other changes are done and I would lose too much with a fresh copy/paste of the entire favorite and starting over. Examples of where I'm talking about are attached below.


2019-06-27_01-21-03.jpg 2019-06-27_01-17-43.jpg


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
So I've run into something that I must be doing the wrong way.... I love Proscan for being able to do copy/paste among favorites but when I have to change certain items like from "NAC Search" to a specific list of NAC's that are in the other favorite that I was able to copy frequencies over from, copy/paste does not work, I can't do "fill down" either, I have to do each one, manually... the same applies if changing from a list of PL tones to search, can not copy/paste, have to click and select from drop down via scrolling.

I just tested the P25 NAC. Fill Down works here. Did you select a range of P25 NAC's with the Shift key-Left mouse button? The first selected cell is the one to copy to the others as the first image illustrates. 2nd image is after the Fill Down was clicked.

I do see a problem with the Copy & Paste. It seems that copying Hex values wants to validate if it's a decimal value. If doesn't validate then will use the default Search else will paste a decimal value.
I'll fix that before next release.

{edit} If doing a Fill Down on the conv. channels Audio Options, the Audio Option dialog will pop up when selecting the first cell and again when selecting the last cell. Just hit the escape key to continue.

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