ProScan Bob and users. Need guidance with audio recording feature. Favorites Lists Editor has an option to check a box to record per channel selected. Will this record (audio) only on selected TG's or is this only for logging purposes? Would love to audio record selected TG's if possible.
That mostly controls the Rec Out port. On the 996P2 (and probably T and XT) the Rec Out port is fixed level. I have mine set to "Record everything possible in the radio" because I send the audio from that port to a mixer and then to powered speakers, so I don't want to have to remember to set the right level on the radio *too*.
My BC780XLT doesn't do the same. I can set or not set the record bit on a channel, but the Rec Out port audio level is still controlled by the volume knob. I dunno if the 785D/796D were the same. Glad Uniden learned from that mistake. Hope it stayed fixed in the BCD536HP and the SDSes.