PSAP roll call this morning had poor turnout: only Oxnard PD, Port Hueneme PD, Simi Valley PD, and CSUCI PD responded. Oxnard is indeed using unit ID 20000.
Aside from some radio checks on TG 208 yesterday, there's been no voice activity on the system since the 6th. I'll use the break in activity to post the current site status. $ indicates hexadecimal value, so hopefully there's no confusion.
WACN $BEE00, System ID $962
Band plans (all use 12.5 kHz bandwidth):
- #1 (lots of scanner software uses index 0 for first entry, so adjust if needed when entering): Base 851.00625, step 6.25 kHz
- #2: Base 762.00625, step 6.25 kHz
- #3: Base 851.0125, step 12.5 kHz, two TDMA slots
- #4: Base 762.00625, step 12.5 kHz, two TDMA slots
RFSS 1, Site 2 (WQXV556), modulation C4FM:
- Control channel 773.95625
- Secondary CC 771.50625
- Voice channels 769.78125, 771.20625 (only Phase 1 observed on system so far)
- BSI 769.53125
RFSS 1, Site 3 (WQYD673), modulation CQPSK:
- Control channel 770.79375
- Secondary CCs 770.34375, 770.78125
- Voice channels 770.09375, 770.33125 (all were seen in both Phase 1 and Phase 2)
- BSI 770.08125
Talkgroups, to the best of my understanding:
- 1 ($1), Radio Technicians
- 99 ($63), PSAP
- 101 ($65), Countywide Command (sometimes called Countywide Command 1)
- 102 ($66), VCFD Command 1
- 103 ($67), VCFD Chief-to-Chief
- 201 ($C9)
- 205 ($CD), Ventura Police
- 207 ($CF)
- 208 ($D0), Simi Valley Police
Radio IDs:
IDs in the 1xxxx range are fire department
IDs in the 2xxxx range are law enforcement
IDs in the 4xxxx range are radio technicians, along with ID 2008.
These IDs are seen only on the PSAP talkgroup 99 ($63), in Phase 1 only:
- 10000, County Fire PSAP
- 20000, Oxnard Police PSAP
- 20001, PSAP Radio Tech
- 20003, County Sheriff PSAP
- 20005, Port Hueneme Police PSAP
- 20006, Santa Paula Police PSAP
- 20007, Ventura Police PSAP
- 20008, Simi Valley Police PSAP
- 20009, CSUCI PD PSAP
- 20010, CHP Ventura PSAP
IDs 2008, 40001, 40006, 40008, and 40009 are associated to talkgroup 1 ($1). Phase 1 and 2 operation seen on this talkgroup, with some encryption.
In addition to PSAPs, ID 40007 is associated to talkgroup 99 ($63).
On talkgroups 101-103, a pretty decent number of radios with IDs in VCFD's 1xxxx range are seen. Many of those IDs are seen on all three talkgroups.
ID 40006 is the only ID seen on talkgroup 201 ($C9), with no voice activity seen.
IDs 40003 and 40005 are associated with talkgroup 205 ($CD) and identified as VPD. Both of the radios are portables. 40003 can operate in Phase 2, while 40005 appears to revert the talkgroup to Phase 1.
IDs 2008, 40006, 40008, and 40009 are associated with talkgroup 208 ($D0) with some encryption, and identified the channel name as Simi Valley Demonstration. Phase 1 and 2 operation seen on this talkgroup.
ID 2008 is the only radio ID seen using encryption (DES-OFB), but I believe other radio IDs in the 4xxxx range have the key(s) loaded and those in the 1xxxx range do not. Currently, encryption on that radio is operator-selectable.
The system is increasingly favoring Phase 2 operation, with exception to the PSAP talkgroup, which has always been Phase 1 only. The VCFD talkgroup range (101-103) has been in Phase 1, with exactly one Phase 2 call in the log on 103; I would expect those radios to upgrade to Phase 2 relatively soon.