2019 VHF Low Band Logs

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Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger on 5-28-19.

25.000 WWV
30.000 PL 150.0 Roughneck
32.800 PL 150.0 Helo
34.550 PL 150.0 A-10's


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger from 5-29-19 to 6-3-19.

25.000 WWV
30.000 PL 150.0 Roughneck
30.025 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.100 PL 150.0 Helos
30.150 PL 150.0 Black Ops in past
30.300 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
30.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
31.000 PL 150.0 Range Control
31.250 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
31.300 PL 150.0 OKNG
32.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.525 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.650 PL 150.0 Helos
32.900 PL 150.0 Convoy
32.900 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.325 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.400 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.150 PL 150.0 Range Control
34.300 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.425 PL 150.0 Unk US.mi
34.450 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Sill range control
36.800 PL 150.0 Helos TX area
38.350 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
38.475 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
38.800 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
38.900 PL 150.0 Ft. Knox
40.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
41.200 PL 150.0 VT ARNG
41.950 PL 150.0 MING
42.800 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
45.400 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
48.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
49.700 PL 150.0 US.mil Tx area
49.900 PL 150.0 Unk Us.mil

Non .mil
30.720 PL 151.4 Unk US Biz
31.080 PL 131.8 Unk user, English speaking
37.100 PL 136.5 Blue Ash
45.860 PL 123.0, 136.5 LLAW3
Last edited:


Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2008
Starting late here in the eastern part of NC (Cumberland C0 )
34.150 helos
30.150 helos
33.90 Ashland EOC
48.92 HP units ??
so it went from one end of the band to the other


Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005
There was a note on Twitter last night that 30 meters was open to Europe. I wonder if 48.92 was some far off repeater repeating some USA radio traffic?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2008
Its a old Highway Patrol freq here that a lot of CHP used to come thru


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2004
Bergen County, New Jersey
31.3200 136.5
Female automated voice saying "There are no active alarms" anybody know this one?


  • 06-05-19 10-30-11 - Low Band DX-Skip - Unknown 8.zip
    134.3 KB · Views: 25


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with G5RV Antenna

25.0000 AM WWV
31.4800 107.2 US Business - Unidentified
31.8400 D411 Farmers
31.8800 114.8 Farmers
33.1000 186.2 Buses, Central School District, Somers NY
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD
35.0000 150.0 US MIL
35.9800 94.8 WNPE424 Whitewater Valley RVs, Liberty IN
35.9800 123.0 Superior Ready Mix Escondido, CA
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
39.3000 D632 Sheriff Dispatch - Pulaski Co VA
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
42.0000 186.2 KA5824 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP - Base - GOLD - Bishop (72) / Bridgeport (71) / Mojave (59)
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP - Red 2 - Base - Blythe (06) / Indio (76) / San Gorgonio Pass (97)
42.5800 173.8 NC HP
42.9200 203.5 MO HP
43.0000 151.4 Farmers
43.0400 173.8 Itinerant frequency - US Business - Unidentified
43.0600 100.0 Car to car passing through San Antonio
43.1200 118.8 Cement trucks
43.1800 D662 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.3600 151.4 Unidentified US business
43.7000 D156 Unidentified US business - San Antonio TX - possible electrical contractors
43.7600 123.0 US Business - Unidentified
43.8800 146.2 Unidentifed US business
44.1600 151.4 Unidentified US business
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP - Black 2 - Central Los Angeles (15)
45.2200 77.0 OK HP
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP - Yellow 3 - East Los Angeles (82)
46.4800 D131 Fire/EMS Dispatch - possible Eden Praire MN
46.5000 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Monongalia County Vol Fire Companies Association Inc, Morgantown WV


Premium Subscriber
Jul 12, 2008
I cant be sure but i think all of the NC Highway Patrol low band is off the air and went to state viper system.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT scanner with 10 meter dipole antenna

33.1000 186.2 Buses, Central School District, Somers NY
34.1500 150.0 US MIL
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control, Camp Bullis TX
35.9800 94.8 WNPE424 Whitewater Valley RVs, Liberty IN
36.5000 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
36.9500 150.0 US MIL
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP
39.3000 D632 Sheriff Dispatch - Pulaski Co VA
39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP
41.5000 150.0 US MIL - Control Tower
41.9500 150.0 US MIL
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP
42.5000 127.3 KLM513 CA HP
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.2800 162.2 Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
43.7600 123.0 US Business - Unidentified
43.8800 146.2 Dump trucks
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP
46.0200 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - possible Geauga Co OH
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 2 <nationwide contractors>


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Logs: 2019/06/11
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT scanner with 10 meter dipole antenna

39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP
39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP
39.4400 146.2 WPPY951 CA HP
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 Freeway Service Patrol, Orange County Transportation Authority, CA
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.5000 127.3 KLM513 CA HP
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP
43.2800 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP


Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger from 6-4-19 to 6-10-19.

25.000 WWV
30.000 PL 150.0 Roughneck
30.025 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.050 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.150 PL 150.0 Black Ops in past
30.175 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.200 PL 150.0 Helo
30.225 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
30.250 PL 150.0 Helo
30.300 PL 150.0 Helo
30.350 PL 150.0 Camp Pend.
30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
30.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
30.525 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
31.000 PL 150.0 Range Control
31.200 PL 150.0 TXNG
31.300 PL 150.0 OKNG
31.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.100 PL 150.0 Helos
32.150 PL 150.0 Helo
32.175 PL 150.0 Helo
32.225 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.300 PL 150.0 Torch Ops Il
32.325 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.425 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.475 PL 150.0 Unk airfield
32.525 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.550 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.650 PL 150.0 Helos
32.675 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.700 PL 150.0 Helos
32.750 PL 150.0 Medevac
32.800 PL 150.0 Helos
32.825 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.850 PL 150.0 TNSG
32.900 PL 150.0 Convoy
32.950 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.750 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
33.950 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.000 PL 150.0 Ft. Dix NJ
34.100 PL 150.0 Spartan Ops VA
34.150 PL 150.0 Range Control
34.200 PL 150.0 RC Camp Bullis
34.300 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.375 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.450 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Sill range control
34.700 PL 150.0 Camp Lejune
34.900 PL 150.0 Ft. Campbell
34.950 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
35.000 PL 150.0 TXNG
35.100 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.000 PL 150.0 Camp Bullis
36.100 PL 150.0 Ft. Pickett
36.150 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.200 PL 150.0 Helos
36.325 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.350 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.400 PL 150.0 Camp Smith NY
36.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
36.600 PL 150.0 A 10's
36.800 PL 150.0 Helos TX area
36.900 PL 150.0 Martindsale
36.975 PL 150.0 Range Control
37.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
37.100 PL 150.0 ?
37.500 PL 150.0 Medevac
38.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
38.075 PL 150.0 Ft. Campbell
38.350 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
38.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
38.650 PL 150.0 Ft. Chaffee
38.800 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
38.900 PL 150.0 Ft. Knox
39.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
39.500 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
40.200 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
40.500 PL 150.0 FM Guard
40.950 PL 150.0 Wendell Ford
41.050 PL 150.0 ALNG
41.200 PL 150.0 VT ARNG
41.300 PL 150.0 SC
41.500 PL 150.0 Helos
41.800 PL 150.0 Ft. Bragg
41.900 PL 150.0 Camp Atteberry
41.950 PL 150.0 MING
42.225 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
42.500 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
42.600 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
46.100 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
46.650 PL 150.0 Helo
46.750 PL 150.0 Ft. B ragg
47.000 PL 150.0 UH 60's
48.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
49.900 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
50.000 PL 150.0 "Charlie 6"

33.460 PL 114.8 F&R
33.480 PL 179.9 18241 Responding
33.580 PL 114.8 unk business
33.640 PL 118.8 unk business
33.880 PL 179.9 Medic


Jan 25, 2006
Is there a way to decode the SNOTEL Data? Today I was getting good recordings on 40.67 mhz.

I searched but did not see a yes or no.



Kentucky DB Admin...
Database Admin
Feb 29, 2004
Monitored from Central Ky using a Pro 197, Win500 and a 6 meter Ringo Ranger from 6-11-19 to 6-18-19.

25.000 WWV
30.000 PL 150.0 Roughneck
30.200 PL 150.0 Helo
30.250 PL 150.0 Helo
30.300 PL 150.0 Helo
30.350 PL 150.0 Camp Pend.
30.450 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
30.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Hood
30.600 PL 150.0 Artilary fire
30.650 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
31.200 PL 150.0 TXNG
31.300 PL 150.0 OKNG
31.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.050 PL 150.0 Misery Base
32.100 PL 150.0 Helos
32.175 PL 150.0 Helo
32.225 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.250 PL 150.0 MING
32.300 PL 150.0 Torch Ops Il
32.325 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
32.450 PL 150.0 NCNG
32.650 PL 150.0 Helos
32.800 PL 150.0 Helos
32.850 PL 150.0 TNSG
32.950 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.400 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
33.800 PL 150.0 Helos
34.000 PL 150.0 Ft. Dix NJ
34.100 PL 150.0 Spartan Ops VA
34.150 PL 150.0 Range Control
34.200 PL 150.0 RC Camp Bullis
34.425 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Sill range control
34.700 PL 150.0 Camp Lejune
34.800 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
34.950 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
35.000 PL 150.0 TXNG
35.975 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.000 PL 150.0 Camp Bullis
36.100 PL 150.0 Ft. Pickett
36.200 PL 150.0 Helos
36.400 PL 150.0 Camp Smith NY
36.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
36.750 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
36.900 PL 150.0 Martindsale
37.000 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
37.100 PL 150.0 ?
37.200 PL 150.0 Butts Co
38.075 PL 150.0 Ft. Campbell
38.350 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
38.500 PL 150.0 Ft. Carson
38.650 PL 150.0 Ft. Chaffee
38.800 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
38.900 PL 150.0 Ft. Knox
39.850 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
39.900 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
40.425 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
40.450 PL 150.0 INNG ?
40.900 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
40.950 PL 150.0 Wendell Ford
41.050 PL 150.0 ALNG
41.250 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
41.800 PL 150.0 Ft. Bragg
41.900 PL 150.0 Camp Atteberry
41.950 PL 150.0 MING
42.000 PL 150.0 Kill Devil Ops
42.250 PL 150.0
42.600 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
44.000 PL 150.0 GAANG
46.100 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
46.650 PL 150.0 Helo
47.000 PL 150.0 UH 60's
48.700 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil
49.900 PL 150.0 Unk US.mil

42.400 PL 107.2 CHP
45.140 PL 156.7 CHP
45.600 PL 173.8


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT scanner with 10 meter dipole antenna

39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP
39.4400 146.2 WPPY951 CA HP
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP
39.8800 118.8 KMD453 CA HP
41.9500 150.0 US MIL
43.7000 D156 Possible electrical contractors in San Antonio
44.2600 156.7 Truck to Truck <local>
44.9400 114.8 CA HP
45.1000 150.0 US MIL
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP
47.6400 114.8 Unidentified US business
48.7400 100.0 El Paso Natural Gas Pipeline Ch 9
49.4400 186.2 Possible road construction crew in Texas
49.5000 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 13<nationwide contractors>
49.5200 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 1 <nationwide contractors>
49.5400 67.0 Pike Electric Ch 2 <nationwide contractors>


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Logs: 2019/06/20
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT scanner with 10 meter dipole antenna

31.6400 118.8 Rock haulers
39.2200 192.8 KMA801 CA HP
39.2600 118.8 KVV806 CA HP - Input is 42.740
39.3400 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.4000 162.2 WPHM445 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 KTN273 CA HP
39.4400 146.2 WPPY951 CA HP
39.6800 118.8 KDG272 CA HP
39.7200 162.2 WPPC737 CA HP
39.8000 162.2 WPHM449 CA HP
39.8600 173.8 WPYP239 Freeway Service Patrol, Orange County Transportation Authority, CA
41.9500 150.0 US MIL
42.1200 118.8 KMH995 CA HP
42.4400 146.2 CA HP
42.4400 179.9 KUV545 CA HP
42.5000 127.3 KLM513 CA HP
42.5600 118.8 KMH962 CA HP
44.7400 186.2 CA HP
44.9400 186.2 KRB411 CA HP
45.0200 192.8 KCQ240 CA HP
45.5000 192.8 WQA721 CA HP
48.5800 162.2 Repeater keying up on noise


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
Tons of skip today! A bunch of stuff heard over only an hour or two of monitoring.

This will be my first real VHF-low band log so please let me know if there is anything missing/wrong in my log as I am sure there will be plenty :) Heard in North Carolina using an HF delta-loop today just around lunch-time:

*IIRC all the stuff with 151.4 Hz is the Military who uses an unconventional PL of 150.0 Hz.

30.020 CSQ - Sounds like paging data
30.300 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL
30.400 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL "94 radio check, over"
30.450 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL
30.600 PL 107.2 Hz - "All of the material patched up"
30.600 PL 162.2 Hz - Possibly construction "You can't keep dumping in this spot"
30.620 PL 94.8 Hz - "for 2:00"
30.680 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL "Well good morning Bill"
30.720 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL
30.720 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL "Signing on, good afternoon"
30.800 PL 173.8 Hz -
30.820 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL? "Signing in from standby for the 12:00 release...."
30.930 PL 167.9 Hz - "Thanks guys"
31.040 PL 173.8 Hz - Transportation (Simplex)
31.080 PL 131.8 Hz -
31.120 PL 100.0 Hz - "Have a great afternoon"
31.540 DCS 032 - Buses (Talking about picking kids up)
31.600 PL 167.9 Hz -
31.640 PL 118.8 Hz - "answer when he's there" (Simplex)
31.800 PL 131.8 Hz -
31.820 DCS 244 - Buses
31.880 DCS 445 -
31.940 PL 118.8 Hz - Woman with an Indian accent
31.960 PL 162.2 Hz -
32.225 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL "Did your convoy … pick up the CONEX?"
33.080 PL 136.5 Hz - (Simplex)
33.100 PL 118.8 Hz - "10-4, returning to base"
33.100 PL 123.0 Hz - "Take a different truck after lunch"
33.440 PL 71.9 Hz - UID Fire Dispatch
33.480 PL 114.8 Hz - Barnstable, MA Fire Dispatch (KCB781)
33.520 PL 131.8 Hz - East Haven, CT Fire Paging (KNFM255)
33.660 PL 114.8 Hz - Truro, MA Fire Dispatch (KCD556)
33.680 PL 114.8 Hz - Mashpee, MA Fire Dispatch (WNWQ580)
33.740 PL 136.5 Hz - UID Public Safety Agency
33.780 PL 114.8 Hz - Falmouth, MA Fire Dispatch (KNGE459)
33.800 PL 179.9 Hz - QV Regional Dispatch, CT (KGC263)
33.880 PL 179.9 Hz - Bozrah, CT EMS Dispatch
33.900 PL 192.8 Hz - Lakes Region, NH Mutual Fire Aid
33.940 PL 179.9 Hz - Waterford, CR Fire/EMS Dispatch (KJL703)
33.960 PL 179.9 Hz - Lyme, CT Fire Patch (KCB217)?
35.060 PL 110.9 Hz - "Going along the west side" (Simplex) "I have no reception down here"
35.080 PL 118.8 Hz - "Just let me know how much you get on 'em" "potential for two small deliveries for ya"
35.180 PL 107.2 Hz -
35.180 PL 156.7 Hz -
35.720 PL 136.5 Hz -
35.720 PL 151.5 Hz -
35.800 PL 123.0 Hz -
35.820 PL 192.8 Hz - (Simplex)
35.840 PL 192.8 Hz -
35.880 PL 141.3 Hz -
35.980 PL 146.2 Hz - "10-4, Union and take a left"
36.250 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL
37.020 PL 146.2 Hz - West Milford, NJ PD/EMS Dispatch (KZM737)
37.360 PL 110.9 Hz -
37.460 CSQ - CWID
37.580 PL 192.8 Hz - UID Fire Dispatch
37.760 PL 162.2 Hz -
38.900 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL "RSO rank initials last four" "Range Control"
39.180 PL 107.2 Hz - "2783 clear, refusal"
39.780 PL 100.0 Hz - Repeater being keyed
39.860 PL 162.2 Hz -
39.900 PL 156.7 Hz - Norwich, CT Police Dispatch (KCA773)
42.000 PL 186.2 Hz -
42.380 PL 186.2 Hz -
42.920 PL 203.5 Hz - MO Highway Patrol Troop A (KAA202)
42.960 PL 110.9 Hz - "They're both coming in now"
43.000 PL 114.8 Hz - Possibly construction (Simplex)
43.000 PL 100.0 Hz - Possibly construction "Back down and start dumping"
43.020 PL 162.2 Hz - Possibly construction "I'm gonna keep you here for another load"
43.040 PL 162.2 Hz - Possibly construction "If he'd known we could haul ten and a quarter but he thought we could only haul ten" "gravel"
43.060 PL 127.3 Hz - "Still a slight drizzle here but it looks like the sun is trying to come out"
43.120 PL 118.8 Hz - "Here ya go" "We'll be done in 30 minutes anyways"
43.120 PL 146.2 Hz -
43.180 PL 118.8 Hz -
43.740 PL 67.0 Hz - "Next tier to got through"
43.760 PL 123.0 Hz - Transportation
43.800 PL 173.8 Hz -
43.840 DCS 172 -
43.860 PL 146.2 Hz - "Pulling in the yard with a weight of 25.64"
44.160 PL 151.4 Hz - U.S. MIL?
44.240 CSQ - "Never mind"
44.480 DCS 702 - Transportation "We're dropping off people now, right?"
45.080 PL 123.0 Hz - "East.... community star"
45.640 CSQ - CWID
45.720 DCS 343 - Durham, CT Fire/EMS Dispatch?
45.860 PL 110.9 Hz -
46.100 DCS 754 -
46.120 PL 127.3 Hz - CWID
46.180 PL 141.3 Hz - Middlesex, CT Fire Dispatch (WQF238)
46.250 PL 151.4 Hz - "For the Honda civic.... vehicle lockout"
46.360 CSQ - UID Fire/EMS Dispatch
46.760 PL 110.9 Hz -
47.100 PL 107.2 Hz - NC DOT Division 11 operations (Local)
47.520 PL 162.2 Hz -
47.580 DCS 125 - (Simplex)
47.640 CSQ -
47.680 PL 100.0 Hz -
47.680 PL 141.3 Hz - "Don't load it yet"
48.420 PL 107.2 Hz - "Go ahead Brad" (Simplex)

I haven't had time to dive into the DB or the FCC ULS more to identify a lot of these channels. That will keep me busy for a while!


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
30.020 CSQ - Sounds like paging data
Have logged Canadian hospital paging systems on this freq

31.040 PL 173.8 Hz - Transportation (Simplex)
Great Neck Taxi, Long Island

31.120 PL 100.0 Hz - "Have a great afternoon"
Repeater - Secco of Palmer, Inc, Holyoke MA (School Buses). Input is 35.4000

31.540 DCS 032 - Buses (Talking about picking kids up)
Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY

31.940 PL 118.8 Hz - Woman with an Indian accent
Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY

33.080 PL 136.5 Hz - (Simplex)
Garden City Union Free School District, Garden City NY

33.100 PL 118.8 Hz - "10-4, returning to base"
Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY

35.720 PL 136.5 Hz -
Montauk Bus Service, Hampton Bays NY
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