Recent Logs
Childersburg AL
Uniden BCD996P2 Scanner with STS2 Antenna
25.0000 AM WWV Ft Collins CO
29.6200 118.8 WA3PBD Repeater, Homestead PA
29.6700 103.5 KD0WPK Repeater, Des Moines, Sherman Hills IA
30.4500 150.0 US MIL
31.2800 173.8 Farmers
33.8600 179.9 Tolland County Mutual Aid, CT
34.1000 150.0 US MIL - Range Operations
35.0400 141.3 KNGG654 Rushville / Vermont IL, Glover Oilfield
35.6800 CSQ Digital paging
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.7200 192.8 Orange and Rockland Utilities, Rockland NY
37.9800 110.9 EMS Dispatch
39.5000 141.3 EMS Dispatch, Alleghany Co VA
39.5200 79.7 WQAW220 Sheriff Dispatch - Craig Co VA
39.6000 110.9 EMS & Police Dispatch - Douglas MA
39.7800 100.0 Police Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
39.8600 162.2 Police Dispatch - Possible Northbridge MA
39.9000 156.7 Police Dispatch - Norwich CT
39.9600 82.5 WNHH912 Sheriff - Randolph County WV
39.9600 114.8 Police Dispatch - Unidentified
39.9800 88.5 KGL481 EMS Dispatch - Greene Co NC
42.0600 192.8 WV HP - Martinsburg / Charles Town Dispatch (paired with 45.78)
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.5600 173.8 NC HP - Prisoner Transport
42.9200 203.5 KAA202 MO HP - Metro Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-13]
43.0300 173.8 Itinerant - Unidentified user
43.0400 107.2 Itinerant - Unidentified user
43.0400 136.5 Concrete trucks
43.2000 146.2 WPVH406 Morse ID -- Callsign not assigned to this frequency
43.2200 177.3 ?H417 (partial Morse ID) Police Dispatch - repeater output - tone when idle
43.2400 177.3 Police Dispatch - repeater output - tone when idle
43.3000 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - repeater output, related to 43.24, Eastern Time Zone, steady tone following transmissions
43.3000 177.3 Same tones as 43.24
43.3200 D074 Unidentified US business - "It'll be allright over there"
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
45.8000 173.8 Police Dispatch - Jefferson NJ
45.9400 88.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Suffolk NY
45.9800 100.0 Possible Bergen NJ Police
46.0600 97.4 Fire Dispatch - Cumberland County PA
46.0600 167.9 Fire Dispatch - Possible Westchester County NY
46.1000 100.0 KEG503 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Jericho Fire District, Jericho NY
46.1000 131.8 Fire Ch. 1 Countywide Dispatch, Sussex Co NJ
46.1200 100.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Nassau Co NY
46.1200 167.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Dunkirk NY
46.1800 82.5 Fire Dispatch - Possible Jefferson Co NY
46.1800 141.3 Fire Dispatch - Middlesex Co CT, Valley Shore (Big Gun WQF238), Control 3 (Old Saybrook), Control 9 (Clinton), Middletown Control, Cromwell Dispatch
46.1800 151.4 Fire / EMS Dispatch - Schoharie Co NY
46.1800 186.2 Fire Dispatch - Possible Adams Co PA
46.3800 123.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Putnam Co NY
46.5600 156.7 WPTE678 Fire Dispatch - Oakland NJ
47.0400 D073 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.0600 D114 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.0600 D143 "Radio check" - Possible FL DOT
47.1600 D114 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.2400 D073 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.2800 D073 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.3800 D073 Carrier, no audio. Possible FL DOT
48.2200 192.8 KEB503 Orange & Rockland Utilities Inc, Spring Valley NY w/ voice callsign
53.1300 103.5 N6LXX Repeater, Rosston TX