Right - and the freebanders, for the most part, stay below 28 MHz. For the most part anyway. I’ve actually only heard a handful of freebander activity in the “sliver” between 29.700 and 30.000 MHz, and that was French language chatter (very well could have been French Canadian) on 29.825 MHz AM, 29.875 MHz AM, 29.885 MHz AM, 29.905 MHz AM and 29.915 MHz AM.
From a practical standpoint, it makes sense that most freeband chatter is in the 26-28 MHz range. You’d have to re-tune your antenna (in the case of most CB/11m antennas anyway) to operate above 29.7, and you’d then be forced to stay up there, vs. being able to go back down to the regular CB band.
Awesome catch. The traffic signal control data signals can’t be running too much power, as has been mentioned.
For my part, the band was alive today with a lot of CHP signals coming in on 39 MHz. At points it almost seemed like every 20 kHz there was traffic. I captured most of the 39 MHz activity on video, I haven’t gotten around to writing all the freqs and tones down yet. Some activity on 42 MHz as well.
40.670 MHz and 40.530 MHz both very busy with basically non-stop data bursts. Some very strong ISM signals on 40.66-40.70 MHz mixing in. 11m and CB were, of course, super wide open. Lots of AM and FM activity on 10m too.
Lots of CHP activity here into NJ all day as well!