Does this mean that the HP-2 will be able to monitor CLMRN ? I still recieved non troops on the system.
Minor tweaking of the system to eliminate dead spots for the public service units probably is not going to affect the poor performance of a radio that's not suitable for this system, not to say it doesn't work for some because of their location but obviously for you you no tweaking of the system is going to make your radio in your location work.
Sorry I haven't been keeping that close of a watch on this thread anymore as the reason I came was to help out a friend in Connecticut with SDS units solve their problem of poor reception and we have come to the conclusion a better antenna is needed in their particular location.
Because you don't have a radio with a SDR chip a better antenna is not your answer and would probably make the problem worse. If you really want to hear this system you need to buy a radio better suited for the system in your location. Your radio is pretty long in the tooth and again, could work for some in the proper location but obviously for you it is not your answer and you need to get a radio that will work.
This is like deja vu LOL
as I remember a while back discussing that you shouldn't be stuck with a radio that doesn't work and that you should return it ASAP. I thought you were sending it back.
Keep your eye on that return window or you are going to be stuck with a radio that doesn't work for this system.