Second time this has occurred but the circumstances are the same. Filled the SD card with recordings, programming etc. and just now the SDS100 rebooted with 15% memory used. Prior to this, the key strokes become less responsive. Recently noted that while I'm trying to turn on or off a Favorite List, I have to wait until all active transmissions are complete, then they key pad works as it's supposed to. Also..the volume control get's "laggy" but once an active transmission is complete, back to normal. This activity get's progressively worse as the SD card becomes filled. This issue also occurs with both my 536's, but that's for another thread.
For the purpose of working with the engineers and UPMan, I have not dumped my recordings or changed anything. If this follows the normal pattern, it will continue to reboot at different times until I remove all recordings (701 files at this time). UPMan, let me know what is needed so I can help. Using a High Endurance 32gb SD card, no electricity issues as I had other scanners, computer running at the same time. Downloaded most recent firmware.
What brand card is it?