2023 VHF Low Band Logs

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 25, 2018
New York
Very good conditions. Some of those I have not heard in years.

I don’t know how much it helped but there weren’t really any weather systems let alone clouds across the entire country yesterday.

I usually hear CHP for example maybe once or twice a day and usually with a lot of static but yesterday they came in at least 10 times and most times I could hear them clearly.


Jul 8, 2002
FYI your SECCO for Mass is actually NRT VanPool

Great List

South Texas Log 2023/02/01 - 2023/02/10
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole

26.1100 FM KOVR (channel 13) Sacramento Television Stations Inc - Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup
29.7500 71.9 Unidentified
30.0000 150.0 Carrier no audio
30.0250 150.0 US MIL
30.3000 CSQ Asian fishing network
30.5000 150.0 US MIL - possible Ft Sill
30.6000 107.2 Possible KEW913 New Jersey American Water Company
30.6400 110.9 Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, Westminster MD
30.7750 CSQ Asian fishing network
30.8000 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
30.9200 162.2 Sandhills Heating & Refrigeration, Southern Pines NC
30.9200 167.9 First Student Inc, School Buses, Kent RI
30.9200 D072 H&S Plumbing & Heating, Hernden VA
31.0000 150.0 US MIL
31.0400 D054 "It's out of the way, so a couple more?"
31.0800 94.8 Blooming Glen Contractors Inc, Blooming Glen PA w/ Morse ID KNJK923
31.1200 100.0 Secco of Palmer, school buses, Holyoke MA. Repeater output. Input is 35.4000.
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish. Active since at least 1988.
31.2000 D432 Thomas Bennett & Hunter Concrete, MD
31.4400 123.0 Possible Mid-Continent Concrete, AR or OK
31.4400 162.2 Possible Mid-Continent Concrete, AR or OK
31.6000 167.9 Unidentified US Business - NY or NJ accents
31.7000 150.0 MIL - Canada?
31.8000 CSQ Asian fishing network
31.8200 D244 Trans Group-Monsey, school buses, Rockland County NY
31.8200 D712 Educational Bus Transportation, Capiague NY
31.9400 118.8 Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY
31.9600 D606 The Trans Group, school buses, Copiague NY
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.3500 150.0 US MIL - Nevada "We're departing now, enroute Tahoe"
32.7000 150.0 US MIL "Raider 7" "Wait in the area for recovery"
32.8250 150.0 US MIL - Possible Lowe Army Heliport, Ft Rucker AL
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - band open to Central/South America
33.0000 CSQ Fax - first logged 2011 - band open to Central/South America
33.0200 D023 School buses, Bennington VT
33.0400 114.8 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0400 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT, New London
33.0600 118.8 Educational Bus Transportation Inc, Copiague, NY
33.0600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Boylston MA "Rescue requested to Sterling" "Fire department requested to Quest Technology"
33.0600 162.2 Altoona School District, PA
33.0800 131.8 Spencer Rescue - Spencer MA
33.0800 D023 Buses or Vans
33.1000 118.8 Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY
33.1000 186.2 "Brian Escobedo, are you on the walkie?"
33.4400 71.9 Fire dispatch - Possible Paramus NJ
33.4400 118.8 Possible Border Paving Ltd, Alberta, Canada
33.4400 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Tolland County CT
33.4600 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Provincetown MA w/ voice ID
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.5600 D251 Fire Dispatch - Trumball CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.5800 127.3 "Rescue 53 clear of hospital, returning in service"
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6200 131.8 South Worcester County Fire Net, MA
33.6400 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Windham CT <last heard 2015>
33.6600 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA w/ voice ID
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Norwich CT
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham MA <last heard 2015>
33.7000 131.8 Multiple fire departments on Mid State Mutual Aid Ch. 1, MA
33.7800 77.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.8000 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8600 77.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.8600 179.9 Tolland County Mutual Aid, CT
33.9600 206.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Westchester Co NY
34.0000 150.0 US MIL
34.0400 131.8 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
35.0000 150.0 US MIL "one patient, urgent" "this is a military divert"
35.0250 CSQ Unidentified language
35.0600 136.5 US Business - Unidentified <last heard 2014>
35.0600 D413 US Business - Unidentified <last heard 2014>
35.3200 D074 Secco of Palmer Inc, school buses, Wocester Co MA
35.4000 123.0 Rightmyer Machine, Roanoke Rapids NC
35.5200 146.2 Michie Corp Ready-Mix Concrete, Henniker NH
35.6800 CSQ Paging
35.7200 136.5 Montauk Bus Service, Hampton Bays NY
35.7800 107.2 Unidentified US business "asphalt" "top soil"
35.8400 192.8 Bonded Concrete Inc, West Sand Lake NY
35.9800 146.2 Carroll Concrete Co, NH & VT
36.2500 CSQ Therm O Jet Inc, Cliffside Park NJ w/ Morse ID WNPQ686
36.4500 150.0 US MIL - "frequency is 3 6 5 7 5"
36.5000 74.4 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
36.5750 150.0 US MIL
36.6000 CSQ Beacon "YSD", CYSD Suffield Heliport, Alberta Canada
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Shiner air to air
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0000 150.0 US MIL
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.6000 CSQ Granite Ridge Energy, Londonderry NH w/ Morse ID WPWE402
37.9800 192.8 "maybe we'll just wait until tomorrow morning"
39.7800 100.0 Police Dispatch, Uxbridge MA
43.4400 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX - During business hours this frequency is a good indicator for band openings to south Texas because they talk and talk and talk and talk
43.5200 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
Very good conditions. Some of those I have not heard in years.
I'm using a ground plane, maybe I should switch to a dipole. I remember back in the late 70s and early 80s conditions were like this. I'd get Lakes Region New Hampshire on a daily basis.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
South Texas Log 2023/02/11
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole

30.0000 150.0 Carrier with no audio
30.0250 150.0 US MIL
30.7750 CSQ Asian fishing fleet
31.2000 203.5 Taxi in Spanish. Possible Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - Received with Costa Rica propagation
33.0600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Boylston MA
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.4800 179.9 Fire Command 3348 - Tolland County CT
33.5600 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - Lancaster Co PA "300 St Mark Ave, assist ambulance 85"
33.5600 D251 Fire Dispatch - Trumball CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.6600 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Station N, Norwich CT
33.7800 77.0 South Western New Hampshire Fire Mutual Aid
33.8600 77.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
34.0400 131.8 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
36.3000 150.0 US MIL
37.1200 74.4 SCADA
38.5600 141.3 Analog Voice Inversion scrambling
40.0000 150.0 US MIL


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Central Alabama Recent Logs
SDS200 Scanner w/ ST2 Antenna

30.3000 150.0 US MIL
30.5000 CSQ Asian Fishing Fleet
30.7750 CSQ Asian Fishing Fleet
31.3250 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone
32.0250 150.0 US MIL
35.1625 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone
35.1800 162.2 Vernola's Towing Service, Norwalk CA
35.3250 Telemetry
35.6800 CSQ Paging
35.8600 110.0 Repeater w/ roger beep
35.9125 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone
36.0750 French
36.6000 CSQ Beacon "YSD" - CYSD Suffield Heliport, AB Canada
37.4600 CSQ PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KWG479
37.5000 136.5 Utility Company
37.7600 "…location Swiss Park, foot patrol, probably 15 to 20 minutes"
37.8600 "10-7 on foot patrol, Stead Pond, about 30 minutes"
38.5000 150.0 US MIL
38.9000 150.0 US MIL - Range


Owner ScanNewEngland
Database Admin
Feb 15, 2010
New England
39.2200 192.8 California Highway Patrol White South Los Angeles
39.2600 118.8 California Highway Patrol Copper Arrowhead
39.3400 162.2 California Highway Patrol Brown Temecula
39.3600 162.2 California Highway Patrol Green Capistrano
39.4000 162.2 California Highway Patrol Orange San Diego
39.4000 186.2 California Highway Patrol Gold Santa Fe Springs
39.7200 162.2 California Highway Patrol Gray Westminster
39.8000 162.2 California Highway Patrol Tan Oceanside
39.8800 118.8 California Highway Patrol Beige Rancho Cucamonga
42.1200 118.8 - California Highway Patrol - Gold Bishop/Bridgeport/Bojave
42.0800 162.2 - California Highway Patrol - Silver Fresno

QTH: Taunton Ma
RX: SDS200 with the broken Radio Shack Dipole.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
South Texas Log 2023/02/12
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole
30.0000 150.0 Carrier with no audio
30.7750 CSQ Asian fishing fleet
31.0800 94.8 Blooming Glen Contractors Inc, Blooming Glen PA w/ Morse ID KNJK923
31.1000 CSQ Asian fishing network (31.100 is most active frequency received)
31.2000 203.5 Taxi in Spanish. Possible Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - Received with Costa Rica propagation
33.4400 179.9 Fire Command 3344 - Tolland County CT
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.4800 179.9 Fire Command 3348 - Tolland County CT
33.5600 100.0 Fire Dispatch - Easton CT
33.5600 D251 Fire Dispatch - Trumball CT
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Station N, Norwich CT
33.7200 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Franklin CT
33.7800 77.0 South Western New Hampshire Fire Mutual Aid
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.8600 179.9 Fire Command 3386 - Tollard Co CT
36.5000 74.4 Taxi dispatch in Spanish


Dec 26, 2005
Yesterday 02/12/2023

25.9500 MHz FM [CSQ] No audio, strong FM carrier signal - no CTCSS decoding any more with this one
26.1100 MHz FM [CSQ] - my receiver actually decoded 233.6 Hz (!!!) but I think that was a false decode - STL, strong audio, California
26-29.7 MHz going absolutely nuts
29.7100 MHz FM [71.9 Hz] - Carrier, or the tail of a transmission (no voice, but was able to decode the tone)
29.7750 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishery radio comms
29.8750 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishery radio comms
29.9000 MHz FM [CSQ} POCSAG pager
30.3000 MHz FM [CSQ} Asian fishery radio chatter - Asian fishing fleet comms
30.4500 MHz FM [150.0 Hz] Fort Hood Range Control - coming in very very well
30.8000 MHz FM [88.5 Hz] Taxi dispatcher? Spanish language
30.9200 MHz FM [CSQ] Sounds like an open FM carrier - 30.920 MHz or 30.925 MHz?
31.0000 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishery radio comms, busy, but not nearly as busy as 31.100 MHz FM
31.1000 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishery radio - Asian fishing fleet radio chatter - extremely busy
31.1500 MHz FM [CSQ] Pager - POCSAG - confirmed Greek and UK paging systems on this frequency
31.2000 MHz FM [203.5 Hz] Taxi dispatch - Spanish language YL dispatcher
31.3250 MHz FM [CSQ] French traffic control signal data control channel data link
31.6500 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishery radio chatter
31.7250 MHz FM [CSQ] UK hospital on-site paging POCSAG
31.7500 MHz FM [CSQ] UK hospital on-site paging POCSAG
31.7750 MHz FM [CSQ] UK hospital on-site paging POCSAG
31.8000 MHz FM [CSQ] Asian fishing fleet chatter, almost as busy as 31.100 MHz
32.3250 MHz FM [CSQ] Open carrier - "click click click click" - sounds like a spur? Could be a local transmitter spur
33.0000 MHz FM [CSQ] Sounds like FAX or SSTV
35.5000 MHz FM [CSQ] Paging - POCSAG
35.9000 MHz FM [192.8 Hz] Taxi cab dispatcher? Spanish
36.6000 MHz FM [CSQ] coming in strong and then fading out rapidly (very deep fades) yesterday afternoon


Premium Subscriber
Oct 12, 2011
Thrilled after a nine year break to hear

39.260 118.8 CHP San Bernardino, CA " 75-102" Vehicle checks
39.340 162.2 CHP Temecula, CA, brief, open mic.

16:30 utc today / 11.30 est / 08:30 Pacific.

At 17:15 utc -

39.220 192.8 CHP South Los Angeles, vehicle check, low audio / weak
39.4 162.2 CHP San Diego, very weak traffic.
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2005
Got a new one (for me anyway) this afternoon:

36.5000 MHz FM 77.0 Hz - Taxi dispatch - Spanish language, YL dispatcher.


36.6000 MHz FM YSD beacon was booming in full scale full quieting at points late afternoon today as well. Fully readable in AM mode. Actually sounded better in AM (at least when the signal strength was high). and and tuned in (in FM) on 36.610 MHz, 36.590 MHz as well as 36.595 MHz and 36.605 MHz.

32.1800 MHz FM 77.0 Hz Taxi dispatch - Costa Rica - very good signals

32.1800 MHz FM 141.3 Hz Taxi dispatch - Costa Rica - very good signals

29.7700 MHz FM [unknown tone] very weak FM activity in Spanish

29.7800 MHz FM - strong FSK signal

32.9400 MHz FM - could tell there was FM voice activity on this frequency, but some sort of data QRM, over the horizon radar or maybe local noise (on 32.950 MHz) was making copy of 32.94 MHz basically impossible


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Central Alabama Recent Logs
SDS200 Scanner w/ ST2 Antenna

29.7000 CSQ "Is this frequency in use? AK2L"
31.0250 CSQ Asian Fishing Fleet
31.3250 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone (polytone) data signals
31.9750 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone (polytone) data signals
35.1800 162.2 Vernola's Towing Service, Norwalk CA
35.3125 156.7 Data
35.6750 110.9 Repeater w/ French
35.6750 118.8 Repeater w/ French
35.7250 Repeater w/ French
35.7600 French traffic control data signals - multi-tone (polytone) data signals
35.8000 110.9 Repeater
35.8250 118.8 Repeater
35.8500 110.9 Repeater w/ French
35.8750 110.9 Repeater w/ French
35.8750 118.8 Repeater w/ French
35.9000 110.9 Repeater w/ French
35.9125 110.9 Repeater w/ French
35.9125 118.8 Repeater w/ French
35.9125 136.5 Repeater w/ French
35.9500 118.8 Repeater w/ French
35.9800 123.0 Service company - CA?
36.0500 127.3 Repeater w/ French
37.5600 D026 "I remember I used to talk to them…"


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
South Texas - Recent Logs
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole
26.1100 FM KOVR (channel 13) Sacramento Television Stations Inc - Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup
30.0250 150.0 US MIL "363.4"
30.1500 150.0 US MIL
30.2500 150.0 US MIL <last logged 2013>
30.4750 150.0 US MIL <last logged 2015>
30.5800 71.9 Unidentifed US business <last logged 2016>
30.6000 107.2 Possible KEW913 New Jersey American Water Company
30.6400 110.9 Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, Westminster MD
30.7400 D065 Unidentified US businesss <last logged 2014>
30.7750 CSQ Asian fishing fleet
30.8000 173.8 Unidentified US business
30.9200 162.2 Unidentified US business. "Extended express van one time for Buckeye Carpet Care". Buckeye Carpet Care is in Pickerington OH.
30.9200 D072 H&S Plumbing & Heating, Hernden VA
31.0000 150.0 US MIL "This is triage, radio check, over"
31.0400 71.9 Unidentified US business
31.0400 D054 "… with his head. Break her window."
31.1000 CSQ Asian fishing fleet - this is the most active channel received
31.1200 100.0 NRT Van Pool Transportation
31.1600 CSQ Unidentified language
31.1750 CSQ Asian fishing fleet
31.2000 136.5 Wintergreen Property Owners Association, Grounds Maintenance, Wintergreen VA
31.2000 203.5 Taxi in Spanish. Possible Alajuela, Costa Rica
31.2000 D432 Thomas Bennett & Hunter Concrete, MD
31.2400 136.5 Wintergreen Property Owners Association, Grounds Maintenance, Wintergreen VA
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
31.4400 123.0 Possible Mid-Continent Concrete, AR or OK
31.4400 162.2 W Noble Hamilton & Son Inc Concrete, Elkton MD
31.8000 CSQ Asian fishing network
31.8200 D244 Trans Group-Monsey, school buses, Rockland County NY
31.8200 D712 Educational Bus Transportation, Copiague NY
31.9400 118.8 Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY
31.9600 D606 The Trans Group, school buses, Copiague NY
32.0250 150.0 US MIL <last logged in 2015>
32.0500 150.0 US MIL "Permission to leave Camp Crusher and start heading back" "Misery Base" "Raptor 02"
32.1000 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
32.1500 150.0 US MIL
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.3500 150.0 US MIL - "Guard Ops"
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - Received with Costa Rica propagation
33.0200 D023 School buses, Bennington VT
33.0400 114.8 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0400 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Mohegan Tribe of Indians of CT, New London
33.0600 118.8 Educational Bus Transportation Inc, Copiague, NY
33.0600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Boylston MA
33.0600 162.2 Altoona School District, PA
33.0800 136.5 Garden City Union Free School District, Garden City NY
33.1000 118.8 Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY
33.4400 71.9 Fire dispatch - Possible Paramus NJ
33.4400 179.9 Fire Command 3344 - Tolland County CT
33.4600 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Provincetown MA w/ voice ID
33.4800 179.9 Fire Command 3348 - Tolland County CT
33.5600 100.0 Fire Dispatch - Easton CT "KNIP458, Easton Fire Dispatch with radio test"
33.5600 D251 Fire Dispatch - Trumball CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6400 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Wilton NH
33.6600 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Station N, Norwich CT
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham MA <last heard 2015>
33.7000 131.8 Multiple fire departments on Mid State Mutual Aid Ch. 1, MA
33.7200 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Franklin CT
33.7400 136.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Greenville NH
33.7800 77.0 South Western New Hampshire Fire Mutual Aid
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.8600 77.0 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.8600 179.9 Fire Command 3386 - Tollard Co CT
33.9600 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - unidentified "A ConEd alarm" "North Ave and Park Place"
34.0400 131.8 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.1000 150.0 US MIL "Be advised the East Arm Pass will be closed"
34.2000 150.0 US MIL
34.6000 150.0 US MIL - Flight following
35.0000 150.0 US MIL "Roger, on ops" "Radio check"
35.0400 100.0 Farmers <last logged in 2010>
35.0600 D413 Unidentified US business - Unidentified "I didn't hear Mike talking but I can hear you." "Mike's on channel 2, that would be why."
35.2800 151.4 Unidentified US Business "Turn right and go around the back"
35.3200 D074 Secco of Palmer Inc, Wocester Co MA <expired WPYH841>
35.5200 146.2 Michie Corp Ready-Mix Concrete, Henniker NH
35.6800 CSQ Paging
35.7200 136.5 Montauk Bus Service, Hampton Bays NY
35.7800 107.2 Possible Hubert Butler Construction, Portland CT
35.8400 192.8 Bonded Concrete Inc, West Sand Lake NY
35.9000 162.2 McComas Funeral Home Transport Vans, Harford MD
36.5000 74.4 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
36.6000 CSQ Beacon "YSD", CYSD Suffield Heliport, Alberta Canada
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Shiner air to air
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ
37.1200 74.4 SCADA
37.5000 136.5 Utility Company
37.6000 CSQ Granite Ridge Energy, Londonderry NH w/ Morse ID WPWE402
37.9400 CSQ Snow plows <last logged in 2012>
38.5600 141.3 Analog Voice Inversion scrambling
38.6500 150.0 US MIL
38.6600 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - band open to Central/South America
38.7250 CSQ Queen Beatrix Airport, Oranjestad, Aruba
39.0800 Portuguese - Brazil
42.1600 131.8 CA HP


Dec 22, 2008
2019z 18 Feb /23
33.90MHz PL 91.5 (Fire Dispatch Broome Co, NY)?
2049z 18 Feb /23
33.86MHz PL 77.0
Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2004
SE Ontario Canada
Feb 14-18 to eastern Ontario

New logs only:

31.6750 continuous radar?
32.0500 150.0 452 batteries
34.8500 150.0 Bullpin or Bullpen
37.9400 151.4 School Bus - CA?
38.2750 NO PL - repeats air and ground ATC some FR language. 1630z
38.9000 150.0 Ft Irwin Range Operations to Range 18
35.2000 thru 36.1000 Multiple PL in .0125 steps. Polytone & voice . French ASF autoroute system 1600 thru 2000Z .See my post to ASF thread


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
South Texas - Recent Logs
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole
26.1100 FM KOVR (channel 13) Sacramento Television Stations Inc - Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup
30.6400 110.9 Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, Westminster MD
31.0000 D754 Little Britain Ag Supply Inc, Lancaster PA
31.1000 CSQ Asian fishing fleet - this is the most active channel received
31.2000 203.5 Taxi in Spanish. Possible Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - Received with Costa Rica propagation
33.0800 131.8 Spencer Rescue - Spencer MA
33.4400 179.9 Fire Command - Tolland County CT "male, ten foot fall"
33.4600 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Provincetown MA w/ voice ID
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.4800 179.9 Fire Command - Tolland County CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.6600 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Station N, Norwich CT
33.7400 136.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Greenville NH
33.7800 77.0 South Western New Hampshire Fire Mutual Aid
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.9600 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - unidentified
36.5000 74.4 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
38.2750 CSQ Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba
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