2023 VHF Low Band Logs

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Owner ScanNewEngland
Database Admin
Feb 15, 2010
New England
Need help identifying a station on 33.82, mentioned Route 18 at Skinner. Thank you .
Marvin, you really really need a scanner with PL decode. Without a PL tone, these are just about impossible.
With that said, I can't cross it to any of the 33.82's I have logged.

Also this should be it's own post and not on the thread for reception logs.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
South Texas - Recent Logs
BCD996XT Scanner w/ ten meter dipole
29.7100 192.8 Spanish
30.0250 150.0 US MIL
30.6000 210.7 Unidentified US business - "you know what you need to do" <last logged in 2013>
30.6000 D723 Unidentified US business - "try to stay more in the center"
30.6400 110.9 Thomas, Bennett & Hunter Concrete, Westminster MD
30.7750 CSQ Asian fishing fleet
30.8800 D026 Unidentified US business - "more for you at Cedar Mountain"
31.0400 71.9 Unidentified US business - "your box was still up when you left"
31.0800 94.8 Blooming Glen Contractors Inc, Blooming Glen PA w/ Morse ID KNJK923
31.1000 CSQ Asian fishing fleet - this is the most active channel received
31.2000 203.5 Taxi in Spanish. Possible Alajuela, Costa Rica
31.2000 D432 Thomas Bennett & Hunter Concrete, MD
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
31.4400 162.2 W Noble Hamilton & Son Inc Concrete, Elkton MD
31.8000 CSQ Asian fishing network
31.8200 D244 Trans Group-Monsey, school buses, Rockland County NY
31.8200 D712 Educational Bus Transportation, Copiague NY
32.1800 77.0 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800 141.3 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.3250 150.0 US MIL <last logged in 2014>
32.8250 150.0 US MIL - Possible Lowe Army Heliport, Ft Rucker AL
32.9400 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - Received with Costa Rica propagation
33.0400 114.8 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0600 162.2 Altoona School District, PA
33.0800 131.8 Spencer Rescue - Spencer MA
33.1000 118.8 Chestnut Ridge Transport, Spring Valley NY
33.4400 179.9 Fire Command - Tolland County CT
33.4800 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Barnstable MA
33.4800 179.9 Fire Command - Tolland County CT
33.5600 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - Lancaster Co PA
33.5600 D251 Fire Dispatch - Trumball CT
33.5800 114.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth MA
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6600 179.9 Fire Dispatch - Station N, Norwich CT
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham MA
33.7800 77.0 South Western New Hampshire Fire Mutual Aid
33.7800 114.8 EMS Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.9600 CSQ Fire/EMS Dispatch - possible Westchester County NY
34.0400 131.8 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica
34.7500 150.0 US MIL
35.0000 150.0 US MIL
35.2800 151.4 Unidentified US Business "when you dump out, switch back to your truck and drive"
35.3200 D074 Secco of Palmer Inc, Wocester Co MA <expired WPYH841>
35.6800 CSQ Paging
35.8400 192.8 Bonded Concrete Inc, West Sand Lake NY
36.5000 74.4 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
37.6000 CSQ Granite Ridge Energy, Londonderry NH w/ Morse ID WPWE402
38.2750 CSQ Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba
38.6600 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish - band open to Central/South America
45.1000 150.0 US MIL


Dec 26, 2005
31.1000 MHz FM has been really busy the past few days. I would agree with kkn50 - 31.100 FM [CSQ] is the most active of the Asian fishery freqs. I caught 30.7750 MHz FM [CSQ] for the first time in a little bit too. Weak FM voice on 29.7250 MHz, 29.7750 MHz (mixing with what sounded like a FSK data signal or a carrier on/around 29.780 MHz), 29.8250 MHz and 29.8750 MHz. Presumed Asian fishery chatter based on previous logs and lack of CTCSS/DCS (PL/DPL) tone/code.

I actually caught a very short English-language transmission early this afternoon (eastern US time) on 31.100 MHz - my scanner decoded 151.4 Hz immediately, like it does when I hear military comms and their 150 Hz squelch tone. So I can’t give any callsigns, but 31.100 did have military traffic on it today, in addition to the usual carrier squelch CSQ (no tone) Asian fishery chatter on the same frequency.

31.2000 MHz FM [203.5 Hz] also quite busy with taxi dispatch comms, also lots of Spanish language taxi dispatch chatter [AM mode] on the 11 meter band, Mexican accents noted, including active frequencies confirmed in use in Mexico for taxi dispatch (27.8150 MHz AM, 26.7650 MHz AM, etc.) So it’s possible that 31.1000 MHz FM [150.0 Hz] active mil comms somewhere in that general area.

Another logging of note for today 25 February 2023 is very strong French language chatter in FM mode on one of the RCRS frequencies, specifically 26.9950 MHz. Voice on the RCRS data-only channels is pretty much a given during band openings, but FM mode voice isn’t. 26.995 MHz FM, with the usual RCRS data bursts mixing in…and a couple POCSAG pager bursts.

I’ve monitored a POCSAG paging signal via UK and European based remote receivers - these are the “wideband” POCSAG signals, a good 15-18 kHz wide. centered on 27.003 MHz and on 27.007 MHz, among [many] others. A wide POCSAG pager signal centered on 27.003 MHz or so would definitely make it through the passband and be heard on my radio tuned to 26.995 MHz….it would just be the first time I actually heard POCSAG on/near 26.995 MHz myself locally vs. via a remote receiver.

I’ve monitored all types of data signals on the RCRS channels, and have heard POCSAG on 27.255 MHz myself a couple of times.

Anyway, 31.100 FM has become one of the frequencies I check now. It’s up there with the RCRS frequencies, the UK FM CB channels, 30.450 MHz FM, 40.670 MHz FM, 36.600 MHz FM, 31.200 MHz FM, 25.950 MHz FM, 26.110 MHz FM, the 31 MHz UK hospital paging frequencies, the 26 MHz UK and European paging frequencies - as “starting points”.

Whoever the guys are that we’re hearing on 31.100 MHz FM [CSQ], they sure like to talk, a lot. I’ve monitored fishery chatter on there via remote receivers in the UK and Europe too. During some of the crazier openings, the fishery chatter just lights up from 29.725 up through 33-34 MHz.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
("super discone" with 10 meter loaded elements at 80 feet, 1-7/8" hardline to an Airspy Mini.)

31.100 and 31.125 were busy Thursday with the asaian fishermen. I also had mil helos local on 30.400 and a military convoy on 30.750.
The spectrum was filled with frequency hopping the last couple hours from 30-34.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Heard today from GA pretty much all into SOCAL
38.66 173.8tone Unknown
39.22 192.8tone CHP-south LA
39.26 118.8tone CHP-San Bernardino
39.34 162.2tone CHP-Temecula
39.4 186.2tone CHP-Santa Fe Springs
39.52 173.8tone Freeway Service Patrol Orange County, CA
39.54 151.4tone Rim of the World School District San Bernardino, CA
39.72 162.2tone CHP-Westminster
39.88 118.8tone CHP-Rancho Cucamonga


Dec 22, 2008
2021z 28 Feb /23
37.1MHz PL 162.2
Morgantown, WV Utility
2045z 28 Feb /23
33.98MHz PL 103.5
Muskingum Co, OH Fire?
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
February 2023 Richmond,TX Bearcat BCT8 scanner Sirio GPA 27-45 MHz ground plane antenna.

26.11 KOVR CH13 Sacramento
26.765 Freeband Radio
29.62 KQ2H repeater, Wurtsburo, NY
30.64 T. Bennet & Hunter Concrete, Hagerstown, MD
30.80 Spanish
31.00 Little Britain Ag Supply, Lancaster,PA
31.04 Estuary Transit Dist, Centerbrook,CT
31.08 Blooming Glen Contractors, Blooming Glen, PA
31.08 NRT Van Pool, Holyoke, MA
31.10 Chinese Fishing Fleet
31.12 NRT Van Pool, Holyoke, MA
31.12 Spanish taxis
31.20 T. Bennet & Hunter Concrete, Hagerstown, MD
31.44 W. Noble Hamilton &Son, Havre De Grace, MD
31.80 Asian Fishermen?
31.82 Educational Bus Transportation, Copigue,NY
31.94 The Trans Group, Spring Valley, NY
32.18 Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.94 Spanish taxis
33.04 W.Barnstable, MA FD
33.06 Educational Bus Transportation, Copigue,NY
33.08 First Student Inc, New Haven, CT
33.44 Tolland Co, CT FD
33.48 Barnstable,MA FD
33.58 Preston, CT FD
33.58 Yarmouth, MA FD
33.64 Wilton, NH FD
33.72 Columbia, CT FD
33.78 Falmouth, MA FD
33.78 SW New Hampshire Dist Fire Mutual Aid/Winchester,NH
33.80 Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications (QV), CT
33.82 Colchester, CT FD
33.84 Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, CT FD
33.86 Washington Co, MD FD
33.88 Bethlehem,CT FD
33.90 Lancaster Co FD, PA
33.92 New London,CT FD
33.94 Waterford, CT FD
33.96 Westchester Co, NY FD
38.275 Queen Beatrix Intl Airport, Aruba
39.22 CHP White/S. Los Angeles
39.26 CHP Copper 1/San Bernardino
39.40 CHP Orange/San Diego
39.72 CHP Gray/Westminister
39.88 CHP Beige 1/ Rancho Cucamongo
42.08 CHP Silver/Fresno
42.12 CHP Gold /Bishop
42.16 CHP Purple/Ventura
42.44 CHP Red 2/Indio
42.50 CHP Ruby 2/SanJose
43.44 Ingram Readymix, Houston,Tx
52.25 6 meter repeater/ Houston ,Tx


Dec 9, 2022
31.1000 MHz FM has been really busy the past few days. I would agree with kkn50 - 31.100 FM [CSQ] is the most active of the Asian fishery freqs. I caught 30.7750 MHz FM [CSQ] for the first time in a little bit too. Weak FM voice on 29.7250 MHz, 29.7750 MHz (mixing with what sounded like a FSK data signal or a carrier on/around 29.780 MHz), 29.8250 MHz and 29.8750 MHz. Presumed Asian fishery chatter based on previous logs and lack of CTCSS/DCS (PL/DPL) tone/code.

I actually caught a very short English-language transmission early this afternoon (eastern US time) on 31.100 MHz - my scanner decoded 151.4 Hz immediately, like it does when I hear military comms and their 150 Hz squelch tone. So I can’t give any callsigns, but 31.100 did have military traffic on it today, in addition to the usual carrier squelch CSQ (no tone) Asian fishery chatter on the same frequency.

31.2000 MHz FM [203.5 Hz] also quite busy with taxi dispatch comms, also lots of Spanish language taxi dispatch chatter [AM mode] on the 11 meter band, Mexican accents noted, including active frequencies confirmed in use in Mexico for taxi dispatch (27.8150 MHz AM, 26.7650 MHz AM, etc.) So it’s possible that 31.1000 MHz FM [150.0 Hz] active mil comms somewhere in that general area.

Another logging of note for today 25 February 2023 is very strong French language chatter in FM mode on one of the RCRS frequencies, specifically 26.9950 MHz. Voice on the RCRS data-only channels is pretty much a given during band openings, but FM mode voice isn’t. 26.995 MHz FM, with the usual RCRS data bursts mixing in…and a couple POCSAG pager bursts.

I’ve monitored a POCSAG paging signal via UK and European based remote receivers - these are the “wideband” POCSAG signals, a good 15-18 kHz wide. centered on 27.003 MHz and on 27.007 MHz, among [many] others. A wide POCSAG pager signal centered on 27.003 MHz or so would definitely make it through the passband and be heard on my radio tuned to 26.995 MHz….it would just be the first time I actually heard POCSAG on/near 26.995 MHz myself locally vs. via a remote receiver.

I’ve monitored all types of data signals on the RCRS channels, and have heard POCSAG on 27.255 MHz myself a couple of times.

Anyway, 31.100 FM has become one of the frequencies I check now. It’s up there with the RCRS frequencies, the UK FM CB channels, 30.450 MHz FM, 40.670 MHz FM, 36.600 MHz FM, 31.200 MHz FM, 25.950 MHz FM, 26.110 MHz FM, the 31 MHz UK hospital paging frequencies, the 26 MHz UK and European paging frequencies - as “starting points”.

Whoever the guys are that we’re hearing on 31.100 MHz FM [CSQ], they sure like to talk, a lot. I’ve monitored fishery chatter on there via remote receivers in the UK and Europe too. During some of the crazier openings, the fishery chatter just lights up from 29.725 up through 33-34 MHz.

What European remote receivers are you listening to?


Owner ScanNewEngland
Database Admin
Feb 15, 2010
New England
39.2200 192.8 California Highway Patrol White South Los Angeles
39.2600 118.8 California Highway Patrol Copper Arrowhead
39.3400 162.2 California Highway Patrol Brown Temecula
39.4000 162.2 California Highway Patrol Orange San Diego
39.4000 186.2 California Highway Patrol Gold Santa Fe Springs
39.8000 162.2 California Highway Patrol Tan Oceanside
39.8800 118.8 California Highway Patrol Beige Rancho Cucamonga
42.1200 118.8 California Highway Patrol - Silver Fresno
42.4000 107.2 California Highway Patrol - Purple Yreka (New one for me)
42.0800 107.2 California Highway Patrol - Amber Susanville (New One for me)


Dec 22, 2008
2103z 1 Mar /23
33.98MHz CSQ
Warren Co, PA ?
EMS Crescent Park ... Township ?

1924z 2 Mar /23
39.52MHz PL 79.7
Craig Co, VA
1924z 2 Mar /23
33.98MHz CSQ
Warren Co, PA
EMS Sugar Grove
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Ova here
February 2023 .......
33.44 Tolland Co, CT FD
33.58 Preston, CT FD
33.72 Columbia, CT FD
33.80 Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications (QV), CT
33.82 Colchester, CT FD
33.84 Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, CT FD
33.88 Bethlehem,CT FD
33.92 New London,CT FD
33.94 Waterford, CT FD
33.44 is operated by Tolland County Mutual Aid dispatch (Station TN) and is primary low band for the towns of Ashford, Bolton, Andover, Coventry, Mansfield, Columbia and Hebron. Station TN has a UHF set up as well.

33.58 is "Station R" out of Ledyard. They dispatch Ledyard (Ledyard Center and Gales Ferry FCs) and Preston (Poquetanuck and Preston City FCs).

33.72 is utilized by Station TN and Station QV dispatch for Columbia.

33.80 is primary dispatch / tone out for Station QV departments as well as some TN & WW (Willimantic Switchboard) departments.

33.82 Colchester's primary (linked to UHF as well I believe)

33.84 - MPFD (Foxwoods) tone out only. We operate on a NXDN system for the tribal nation and gaming enterprise.

33.88 Bethlehem still uses it and a VHF high band (need to check database)

33.92 - North Stonington Fire Department low band, linked to high band system. Dispatched by Groton Fire Alarm.

33.94 - Waterford aka Station W


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
33.44 is operated by Tolland County Mutual Aid dispatch (Station TN) and is primary low band for the towns of Ashford, Bolton, Andover, Coventry, Mansfield, Columbia and Hebron. Station TN has a UHF set up as well.

33.58 is "Station R" out of Ledyard. They dispatch Ledyard (Ledyard Center and Gales Ferry FCs) and Preston (Poquetanuck and Preston City FCs).

33.72 is utilized by Station TN and Station QV dispatch for Columbia.

33.80 is primary dispatch / tone out for Station QV departments as well as some TN & WW (Willimantic Switchboard) departments.

33.82 Colchester's primary (linked to UHF as well I believe)

33.84 - MPFD (Foxwoods) tone out only. We operate on a NXDN system for the tribal nation and gaming enterprise.

33.88 Bethlehem still uses it and a VHF high band (need to check database)

33.92 - North Stonington Fire Department low band, linked to high band system. Dispatched by Groton Fire Alarm.

33.94 - Waterford aka Station W
That's great info Izzy. Thank you! Glad there's alot of low band in CT, so us TX boys have something to listen to.
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Sporadic E enthusiast
Jul 30, 2008
North Carolina
A sampling of today's skip recorded with my recently aquired almost new RS PRO-2055.
California Highway Patrol freqs.
38.275 - Approach Control, Queen Beatrix International Airport, Aruba. (Thanks kkn50)


Received in North Carolina with a PRO-2055, RG6 coax and a 33.420 MHz dipole.
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