Here's an issue I'm having:
When I hold on a multi-site MotoTRBO Connect Plus system in ID Search mode (so HOLD+SYS), not holding on a specific talkgroup, it will scan though all sites, and then move onto the first system in the favorite list.
Everybody who's replied to you so far has apparently missed the bolded part of your quote above.
This is indeed a bug - once you hold on a system, as you depicted in your video, the scanner should
not move off that system in any way.
I remember this bug from years back - it was in one of the HomePatrol models, but I can't recall if it was the HP series or the x36 series. I was reasonably sure it was quashed, though.
For those who are following this sub-thread:
User has multiple systems in his FL. Let's call them systems 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the sake of argument.
User holds on system 3 by pressing SYSTEM twice while it is on-screen during the scan process.
Scanner holds on system 3 and makes one pass through scanning each site that is in range.
Scanner then moves to system 1, still in system hold mode.
This is a problem with the logic in the "have I scanned all the sites in this system, if yes, then move on to the next system" part of the scanner's code. If system hold is on, it should return to this system, not move to another system.