By using Fixed ProScan. You need the Site ID and Site NAC. These are different from the System ID and System NAC.
Can I message you as not to clog up the thread?By using Fixed ProScan. You need the Site ID and Site NAC. These are different from the System ID and System NAC.
I've noticed a lot of used Harris radios don't come with option 06 ProScan. Is that option basically required if you want to force the radio to a single site all the time, or attempt to roam to a "preferred site" if it's in range, like with Moto Astro25?By using Fixed ProScan. You need the Site ID and Site NAC. These are different from the System ID and System NAC.
another thing i come to realize from 3 different revisions of the XG100P... the feature info means absolutely squat depending on then revision/firmware the radio is running. for example MDC1200 is supported by all revisions but have never seen it in the feature info menuI've noticed a lot of used Harris radios don't come with option 06 ProScan. Is that option basically required if you want to force the radio to a single site all the time, or attempt to roam to a "preferred site" if it's in range, like with Moto Astro25?
Okay so I stumbled upon a pretty recent catalog for the XG and XL radios, it includes a section for "operational mode packages". Among them is "MAEV-PKGPT 950.00 FEATURE PACKAGE, P25 TRUNKING". It also states that "All Trunking Operational Mode Packages include Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups."another thing i come to realize from 3 different revisions of the XG100P... the feature info means absolutely squat depending on then revision/firmware the radio is running. for example MDC1200 is supported by all revisions but have never seen it in the feature info menu
Enable it and write the mission plan to the radio… worst thing that will happen is you’ll get time stamp or buffer fault when you go to activate the mission plan or go to a channel which utilizes that featureOkay so I stumbled upon a pretty recent catalog for the XG and XL radios, it includes a section for "operational mode packages". Among them is "MAEV-PKGPT 950.00 FEATURE PACKAGE, P25 TRUNKING". It also states that "All Trunking Operational Mode Packages include Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups."
Does this mean that if you get a XG radio with option 39, it would automatically include Option 06 ProScan?
And I know a few feature string add-ons have pre-requisites aka one won’t work without the other… example: phase II requires the trunking featureOkay so I stumbled upon a pretty recent catalog for the XG and XL radios, it includes a section for "operational mode packages". Among them is "MAEV-PKGPT 950.00 FEATURE PACKAGE, P25 TRUNKING". It also states that "All Trunking Operational Mode Packages include Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups."
Does this mean that if you get a XG radio with option 39, it would automatically include Option 06 ProScan?
another thing i come to realize from 3 different revisions of the XG100P... the feature info means absolutely squat depending on then revision/firmware the radio is running. for example MDC1200 is supported by all revisions but have never seen it in the feature info menu
So if I get a XG-100P like this one, when it shows "trunking" as a feature, does this mean it would automatically come with Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups?All my XG-100P's have had the MDC-1200 feature enabled in the features menu.
It should have them… and remember the XL200 requires RPM2… RPM2 uses internet verified entitlement keys to do just about anything (conventional only being a basic one time use key included with your purchase once you fork over ≠ $980… to even peep a trunking parameter window RPM2 requires an internet connection for enabling options and programming parameters… I’m gonna tell u straight up haha.. Harris DOES NOT deal with individual hobbyists and will either get a dealer handoff or the silent treatment… apparently there is no more master Unlimited privleage dongle available and yeah sure they’ll sell u one but it’s blank and contains no other data… a legit trunking dongle will require your credit card info along with an authorization to mod system parameter letter on an official letterhead signed by the communications director of said system.So if I get a XG-100P like this one, when it shows "trunking" as a feature, does this mean it would automatically come with Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups?
I'm thinking it must, because the catalog I found for the XG and XL's doesn't list separate prices for each of these features. Aside from Trunking and TDMA, it lists separate options such as Conventional Vote Scan, control and status services, OTAR, P25 Data, Link Layer Authentication and other random features you would never need for NAS.
Okay so I stumbled upon a pretty recent catalog for the XG and XL radios, it includes a section for "operational mode packages". Among them is "MAEV-PKGPT 950.00 FEATURE PACKAGE, P25 TRUNKING". It also states that "All Trunking Operational Mode Packages include Emergency, Dynamic Regroup, ProScan™, Priority System Scan, and 1024 systems/groups."
Does this mean that if you get a XG radio with option 39, it would automatically include Option 06 ProScan?
All my XG-100P's have had the MDC-1200 feature enabled in the features menu.
Good to know… I heard it’s the same with T99 signaling.. a good trick to know if you have it or not or and it’s hidden in the feature string is look thru the radios icon glossary and if it shows what the T99 in designates means u have it. HahaI have 3 XG-100P's none have the discrete MDC1200 feature enabled, yet MDC1200 works flawlessly on all 3 radios. 1 of the 3 also doesn't have Option 57 for TSBK on Analog Channel (Enhanced ID aka TPS), and yet the Enhanced ID feature works perfectly fine on that radio. From experience there seems to be only a few features that are actually impacted by the feature flag bits set by the feature string.
From what I can tell based on, direct hands on experience with several XG-100Ps: Enabled Bands, P25 Trunking, P25 Phase II, P25 Conventional, and Encryption are 100% impacted by feature string enable bits, but other feature enable bits seem to be hit-or-miss depending on the F/W revision.
Obviously, this is based purely on my observations of the handful of XG-100P's I personally own and others I have handled for programming.
I have 3 XG-100P's none have the discrete MDC1200 feature enabled, yet MDC1200 works flawlessly on all 3 radios. 1 of the 3 also doesn't have Option 57 for TSBK on Analog Channel (Enhanced ID aka TPS), and yet the Enhanced ID feature works perfectly fine on that radio. From experience there seems to be only a few features that are actually impacted by the feature flag bits set by the feature string.
From what I can tell based on, direct hands on experience with several XG-100Ps: Enabled Bands, P25 Trunking, P25 Phase II, P25 Conventional, and Encryption are 100% impacted by feature string enable bits, but other feature enable bits seem to be hit-or-miss depending on the F/W revision.
Obviously, this is based purely on my observations of the handful of XG-100P's I personally own and others I have handled for programming.
What other features have you tested "actually" work without being enabled in the features menu? I have MDC-1200, T99 and TSBK enabled in the feature menus of my XG-100P's, so I can't test if they work without it.
The ones I've listed: MDC1200 and Enhanced ID (and T99, but I don't use this). I've obviously not tried every single option, but those specific options I've found to be working without entries in the feature string, was evidence enough (but perhaps not conclusive). I was just voicing my observations on what I've played with.
Actually, one XG-100P didn't originally have the MDC1200 feature and I remember that there was no hexadecimal info being displayed on the radio screen when RX'ing MDC1200. While one of the other XG-100P's, with already had the feature, was displaying the info.
I assume you had enabled MDC1200 for the system and conventional channel in question?