
Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
FYI, My site going to be down for several hours. I changed the IP address due to Microsoft email addresses E.g.,,,, and blocking the current IP address for some reason.
It should be back up when the DNS finished the propagation process.


Sep 29, 2008
Elkhart, Indiana
Is it possible you add a feature for the audio recording. To auto start recording once the location becomes available again.

I run several servers, one host the application for my scanner. This one is a public facing server. The software records the calls and stores them on a network drive on another back-end server.

Across my servers if I do an update, have network glitch it stops the recording and issues the pop up. The down side is it requires me to manually restart this recording. That is not a big deal during a scheduled update or maintenance. Its the surprise ones that keeps getting me. The server hosting the software is incredibly reliable and not routinely logged in to check. Also the setup and redundant and a high availability self correcting. Unfortunately, my networked recording location is not in this setup for some specific reasons, so its a single point failure setup. Yes I know simply moving it over to high availability side would eliminate this problem. So several times I have lost the recordings for days until I spot check or otherwise notice its not storing the recordings. It is not feasible to add additional storage for this host server to make the storage locations a local storage for the recordings.

So would it possible to have it auto-check lets say every 5 minutes then restart the recording once it detects the storage location is back?

Have a local buffer that is settable to not loose recordings lets say during a update reboot would be a nice bonus to.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
Is it possible you add a feature for the audio recording. To auto start recording once the location becomes available again.

I run several servers, one host the application for my scanner. This one is a public facing server. The software records the calls and stores them on a network drive on another back-end server.

Across my servers if I do an update, have network glitch it stops the recording and issues the pop up. The down side is it requires me to manually restart this recording. That is not a big deal during a scheduled update or maintenance. Its the surprise ones that keeps getting me. The server hosting the software is incredibly reliable and not routinely logged in to check. Also the setup and redundant and a high availability self correcting. Unfortunately, my networked recording location is not in this setup for some specific reasons, so its a single point failure setup. Yes I know simply moving it over to high availability side would eliminate this problem. So several times I have lost the recordings for days until I spot check or otherwise notice its not storing the recordings. It is not feasible to add additional storage for this host server to make the storage locations a local storage for the recordings.

So would it possible to have it auto-check lets say every 5 minutes then restart the recording once it detects the storage location is back?

Have a local buffer that is settable to not loose recordings lets say during a update reboot would be a nice bonus to.
Sounds like good ideals.
Can you send me an email to One suggestion per email. That way I can ask additional questions to make sure the suggestion is done right and send you the latest ProScan file with the suggestion implemented. Put "suggestion" or "request" in the Subject line. Suggestions are assigned a higher priority when received initially via email.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
I received a couple of emails in the last few weeks saying that the 'Save' checkbox cells in the recorder grids are not toggling when clicked. That was changed recently from a single click to a double click to prevent inadvertently toggling the check marks when clicking on a checkbox such as when selecting a row. So to toggle the 'Save' check mark, double click on the check box or use the keyboard down/up arrows along with the Spacebar to toggle the check marks. That can be changed back to a single click but I think a double click is better.

What do you all think? A single click like it was before or keep it as a double click?.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
ProScan Version 23.4 Just Released!
  • Added - View - Scanner Sizable Window.
  • Changed - Options Recordings Auto Delete, History Grid Auto Delete, FTO Grid Auto Delete, changed the default from 30 days to Off.
  • Fixed - Deleting rows in the UID Logging/Recorder grid wasn't working.
  • Fixed - BCD160DN & BCD260DN - Fire Tone Out Tone A & Tone B wasn't saving correctly.
ProScan Website

ProScan is the most powerful and feature rich scanner software in the world !!!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2023
Central NY
SC question: I've been using to SC button to monitor some new frequencies. Dumb question probably: How in heck to I resume scanning my favorites list selection? I've tried turning the SDS200 off/on several times and it just reverts to the SC freq I was monitoring. I've looked in the scanner menu. Can't get back to scanning my favorite! I'm not sure if it's a Proscan question or a SDS200 question.


Software Provider
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2006
Ontario, Calif.
SC question: I've been using to SC button to monitor some new frequencies. Dumb question probably: How in heck to I resume scanning my favorites list selection? I've tried turning the SDS200 off/on several times and it just reverts to the SC freq I was monitoring. I've looked in the scanner menu. Can't get back to scanning my favorite! I'm not sure if it's a Proscan question or a SDS200 question.
Is that the Frequency Tune in the Scanner Control box you're asking about?
Just click the "to Scan" key in the display or the keypad.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2023
Central NY
Is that the Frequency Tune in the Scanner Control box you're asking about?
Just click the "to Scan" key in the display or the keypad.
Ha! That was it. I feel silly now. I don't use it very much at all because I had the same "issue" on my 536. Thanks for the quick help!