Ist thing I noticed with my SDS-100 was the amount of talk coming across a p-25 system that I use to hear very little. I have 3 p-25 systems I can listen which I can report I hear fine and better than I use too. I have to say with all the firmware upgrades and just reading about the NAC codes from folks in the forums has improve my listening. The analog channels seem to be about the same as other scanners. I'm using a RH77CA antenna and it seems to be fine. One thing I have notice is when I update sentinel it sometimes change the settings like NAC codes and it restricts my listening. But once I realize this and manually change my settings back it receives better once again. But don't let me mislead you it could very well be me not paying attention when I'm updating causing some of this. But like I've said I'm learning every day something new.