SDS100/SDS200: SDS100 Firmware 1.03.03M/1.01.05S Open Beta

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More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
I will not do a beta firmware anymore...Tired of pulling card out and reformatting and clear user data..I've pulled this card out more than any other cards combined..No more

There's no need to clear user data before or after updating firmware, regardless of whether you are upgrading or downgrading. The only time it's needed is when prepping a new or freshly reformatted card for its first use in the scanner after formatting.


Feb 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
I am reporting SDS100 reception issues with the following system:
Parma Simulcast P25 Phase 1 System Cuyahoga County. A Harris P25 System.

Note: There are three P25 Simulcast systems in Cuyahoga County. Cleveland GCRCN (Motorola), MARCS-IP (Motorola) and Parma P25 (Harris). The P25 reception issue's are unique to Parma's Harris system.

Monitored the Parma system using: BCD436HP vs SDS100. The BCD436HP, no missed traffic.

1. SDS100 misses traffic. Screen stays black. Entire broadcasts not recieved.
2. SDS100 activates the screen, all of the typical information is displayed. No audio from the speaker.
3. SDS100 display activates, 1 to 2 seconds of missed audio. Then the audio starts.

Note: I am supplying logs for both the SDS100 and also the BCD436HP, as a possible means of comparison. RS800 BNC antenna's were used on both radio's. Both radio's were place on the kitchen table about 18" apart and were both running on batteries. I started the debug log on the BCD436HP first, then I started the debug log on the SDS100. I stopped the debug log on the SDS100 first and next I stopped the debug log on the BCD436HP.

SDS100 debug log: log0027696

BCD436HP debug log: log0026047


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Premium Subscriber
Jan 22, 2007
Eastside of Lake WA
Unit ID names - no alert tone/light

I have several Unit ID names programmed.
Along with names, I have programmed alert tones and LED (yellow/fast flash)

All Unit ID names displaying as programmed.
ALL alerts are not being done. (no tone or LED as programmed)

I have confirmed the exact same programming DOES WORK 100% on a 436.

Debug attached


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Feb 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland Indians Baseball Company: NXDN NEXEDGE 4800
The radio system for Progressive Field.

For the last two years I have monitored the activities at Progessive Field the Home of the Cleveland Indians, using my BCD436HP attached to a SuperSonic SC-602 HDTV Indoor Antenna. It's a desktop directional (yagi) antenna. I also monitor the Indians games with my TRX-1 scanner using it's Whistler RS800 clone antenna.

There are 14 Talk Group's listed in the RR Database. But I have monitored 20 Talk Groups. The six outstanding have not been fully ID'd so they can not be posted in RR.

During the ball game, with all of the venues and support groups involved, it's virutally non stop traffic.

This past Sunday I connected the SC-602 antenna to the SDS100 and monitored the Indians support staff during the game. Much to my surprise the SDS100 caught only a very small portion of the Indian's traffic. The display would light up and show the usual information, but only a very few times was the audio decoded. My TRX-1 was also monitoring the Indians game and was very active.

After roughly a half hour of mostly silence. I removed the SDS100 from the SC-602 and I connected the BCD436HP. The 436 immediately became active, full audio.

Attached is a log file from the SDS100 monitoring Sunday's Indians game.


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Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Cleveland Indians Baseball Company: NXDN NEXEDGE 4800
The radio system for Progressive Field.

For the last two years I have monitored the activities at Progessive Field the Home of the Cleveland Indians, using my BCD436HP attached to a SuperSonic SC-602 HDTV Indoor Antenna. It's a desktop directional (yagi) antenna. I also monitor the Indians games with my TRX-1 scanner using it's Whistler RS800 clone antenna.

There are 14 Talk Group's listed in the RR Database. But I have monitored 20 Talk Groups. The six outstanding have not been fully ID'd so they can not be posted in RR.

During the ball game, with all of the venues and support groups involved, it's virutally non stop traffic.

This past Sunday I connected the SC-602 antenna to the SDS100 and monitored the Indians support staff during the game. Much to my surprise the SDS100 caught only a very small portion of the Indian's traffic. The display would light up and show the usual information, but only a very few times was the audio decoded. My TRX-1 was also monitoring the Indians game and was very active.

After roughly a half hour of mostly silence. I removed the SDS100 from the SC-602 and I connected the BCD436HP. The 436 immediately became active, full audio.

Attached is a log file from the SDS100 monitoring Sunday's Indians game.

Curious if you checked which service types are enabled in the SDS100's profile in Sentinel.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Everything is enabled.

FYI: My SDS100's initial settings came from my BCD436HP.

The reason why I asked is that the service types did not transfer over from my x36 profile when I first set up my SDS100 - I had to enable them manually in my SDS100 profile in Sentinel.


Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
The reason why I asked is that the service types did not transfer over from my x36 profile when I first set up my SDS100 - I had to enable them manually in my SDS100 profile in Sentinel.

Mine too

Sent from my iPhone 8 using Tapatalk Pro
Jason WX4JCW
XPR7550 - SDS100


Feb 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
The reason why I asked is that the service types did not transfer over from my x36 profile when I first set up my SDS100 - I had to enable them manually in my SDS100 profile in Sentinel.

It's a good question. But, as I said for what ever reason I was up and running in a couple of minutes. All 40 Favorites Lists and Profiles were there. I just followed the steps posted by one of the beta testers.

I've tested every Firmware. But, I'm not seeing any improvements on my end. In fact, I've noted several area's of poorer performance. That's why I did the two debug posts today. Hoping if Uniden gets enough feedback (debug logs) they'll be able to nail down some of the issues.
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 5, 2009
Odin, IL
I dont know if i done this right but i am trying this out. After several days of use with the latest beta most operations have been great but i have noticed alot more frequently on a very good signal monitoring p25 phase 2 that some of the comms are still clipped,dropped and beginning of transmissions not picked up quick enough. I was monitoring Starcom21 in Illinois. Now the later one could be that they start talking before they key the mic( i know alot of people that do that). Also some times but not too bad i get a signal but no audio. From the log i added to this post i do believe i got some of those issues mentioned. I hope i have helped the group of SDS100 users. I have now went back to the public release at this time till the next release which i hope is soon.


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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
For the last two years I have monitored the activities at Progessive Field the Home of the Cleveland Indians, using my BCD436HP attached to a SuperSonic SC-602 HDTV Indoor Antenna. It's a desktop directional (yagi) antenna. I also monitor the Indians games with my TRX-1 scanner using it's Whistler RS800 clone antenna.

This past Sunday I connected the SC-602 antenna to the SDS100 and monitored the Indians support staff during the game. Much to my surprise the SDS100 caught only a very small portion of the Indian's traffic. The display would light up and show the usual information, but only a very few times was the audio decoded. My TRX-1 was also monitoring the Indians game and was very active.

How did the SDS100 do with the RS800 clone antenna?
Can you enable the noise value to be displayed and report the value?

The SDS100 seems to be a bit sensitive to interferencies and high signal levels, like the ones you get from directional gain antennas. A variable attenuator are a big help to any receiver whenever you suspect problems with RF reception and need to investigate your own personal RF enviroment.



Feb 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio
How did the SDS100 do with the RS800 clone antenna?
Can you enable the noise value to be displayed and report the value?
The SDS100 using the RS800 antenna monitoring the Parma P25 system.
RSSI: -40db to -55db
Noise: 200 - 500... occasional bursts to 4 digit noise levels.

The SDS100 seems to be a bit sensitive to interferencies and high signal levels, like the ones you get from directional gain antennas. A variable attenuator are a big help to any receiver whenever you suspect problems with RF reception and need to investigate your own personal RF enviroment.


Here are the SDS100 values using the SC-602 monitoring the Cleveland Indians NXDN.
Noise: 100 - 500.
RSSI: -99db to -110db

BCD436HP very few misses, reception in the high 90% range.
SDS100 exact same setup, barely 30% reception.

Just to be clear. For the Cleveland Indians reception test, both scanners tested with SC-602 antenna.

Only the TRX-1 can reliably receive the Indians with the RS800.

The 436, poor reception, very spotty with the RS800 monitoring the Cleveland Indians.

The 100, no reception, with the RS800 monitoring the Cleveland Indians. That's why I use the SC-602 with the 436 to monitor the Indians.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
The SDS100 using the RS800 antenna monitoring the Parma P25 system.
RSSI: -40db to -55db
Noise: 200 - 500... occasional bursts to 4 digit noise levels.

Here are the SDS100 values using the SC-602 monitoring the Cleveland Indians NXDN.
Noise: 100 - 500.
RSSI: -99db to -110db

BCD436HP very few misses, reception in the high 90% range.
SDS100 exact same setup, barely 30% reception.

Just to be clear. For the Cleveland Indians reception test, both scanners tested with SC-602 antenna.

Only the TRX-1 can reliably receive the Indians with the RS800.

The 436, poor reception, very spotty with the RS800 monitoring the Cleveland Indians.

The 100, no reception, with the RS800 monitoring the Cleveland Indians. That's why I use the SC-602 with the 436 to monitor the Indians.

I've found that my SDS100 decodes flawlessly when the RSSI is ~ -85-90dbm or better. The "best" RSSI I've been able to receive at home, indoors with the RS800 antenna is ~ -75dbm. I only monitor systems from within their intended service area. I routinely get noise "bursts" in the low 1000's.

Judging by the RSSI of "-40db to -55db" that you can achieve monitoring the Parma P25 with the RS800 antenna, you probably don't need the RS800 antenna to monitor that system :)

I should also note that I am monitoring a SmartZone simulcast system with P25 digital audio, and a P25P2 simulcast system.
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Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
That's going to depend on the noise level. Reception is based on signal-to-noise ratio, so while the receiver noise level creates a hard minimum signal level for reception under ideal conditions, but the minimum usable real-world signal may be significantly higher due to atmospheric noise, RFI, or other interference.

I generally see good digital decode if the signal is above -100dBm, but under the right conditions I've gotten good reception from -110dBm. It depends.

Jon, thanks for confirming the typical lower level RSSI threshold that the scanner should be able to decode at. I am fully aware of how noise factors in and how C+N/N can impact the decoding.

I have had decent decoding on the VA STARS system with a slightly different antenna on the radio while not located at my house, but about 5 miles away and I can get the 152 MHz VA STARS P25 trunked system to decode fine down to -115 to -120 dBm as indicated on the scanner. This is actually pretty good due to all high level 150 MHz Paging transmitters in the area. I may need to connect up my spectrum analyzer on a shared antenna split to monitor the adjacent signals and noise floor compare results on different systems.

I have some systems that are choppy at times in the -40 t0 -80 dBm RSSI range, so I need to see if I can get some debug Logs for these systems.

I thought if might be useful for others to understand where the lower level threshold for many signals may be so they can capture Logs on systems that may have good signal.


Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
2 Debug Log files for FM Broadcast band.

This first Log has about 10-15 drop outs of the audio with the RSSI and signal bars disappearing when the audio drops out. File ends in 2818

107.3 MHz, paused with a strong local signal. Audio is raspy sounding like the IF bandwidth is to narrow or possibly there is an influence of FM Sub Carriers causing problems. Turning on the Attenuator did seem to reduce the frequency of the drop outs, but there were still drop outs while the Attenuator was turned on.

The second Log for comparison purposes is 105.9 MHz, paused with a strong local signal and no drop outs for the duration of the Log and the audio sounds far superior to the 107.3 MHz station. File ends in 6900.

I did not have my variable attenuators with me so I could really play with a wide range of absolute input levels to the radio.

Hope this information is useful.


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In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Upman, I attached a log file for my OFT issue. I'm still noticing a lot of stops on systems on the SDS that are not happening on the 436. When the SDS stops scanning it's usually showing all or most of the signal bars.

It's like the SDS has the receive power over the 436 to grab transmissions, but nothing is heard, and only lasts a few seconds. Just thought I would submit a log since nobody else seems to have this issue.

Again, most of these are not in the RR database.


According to the log, the late entry to the conversation is due to the scanner still holding on the previous conversation (hold time had not expired). You can change this behavior by changing the hold time (shorter will improve, but at the cost of missing more replies to a current conversation).


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
I have some systems that are choppy at times in the -40 t0 -80 dBm RSSI range, so I need to see if I can get some debug Logs for these systems.

My suspicion is that the signal level above -55dBm or so is not being managed quite right, as evidenced by the RSSI changing in 5dB increments instead of the 1dB increments seen below that.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX

Ohio MARCS. 1. Talk groups are rapidly flashing on display with no traffic 2. RSSI goes from 101 to 45 without moving the radio 3. Voice is very garbled, which seems to be affected by how the user inputs their voice (too loud / too close to the mic).

According to the log, voice transmissions seem to be received perfectly, but ther eis one case where the scanner lost the control channel.

1. Are not they late entry to conversation?
They may not have been received by previous firmware and received now due to improvement in performance against "missing comms".

2. Even if the scanner does not move, parameters including RSSI will be reset periodically. RSSI is affected by interference, multipath fading, shadowing, and other factors. But, in the SDS100, RSSI is just a monitor and does not directly indicate decode ability (these are better noted by the NOISE and D-ERROR values).

3. Please try volume offset for the channels where users are overmodulating.
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