The only person I "belittled" by his own admission never bothered to install firmware updates that most likely would have solved most of the issues he complained about, and yet has continued to post complaints anyway, along with contradictory accounts regarding whether he sold his SDS100 to someone else, or returned it. If you want conspiracies, try looking there.
And now that people are coming out saying even the latest firmware didn't change their similar issues? Defective equipment I'm sure, or maybe, "interference" (that other devices aren't affected by).
Anyway, my primary "issue", is that I can take the SDS100 wherever I want, and set it next to a G4, and can then show anyone that the G4 will pull in simulcast system after simulcast system after simulcast system for quite some distance, while the SDS won't pick up any distant simulcast systems, usually nothing outside of what it is sitting in simulcast-wise. Oh wait, no, maybe my main "issue" was the fact that with the SDS100 I can't even listen to my own police department, while sitting in my own home, in that city...yeah, that's probably my main "issue" on second thought (the G4 gets Simulcast G of the RWC at four bars in my house). The fact that the SDS100 is inferior to the 436 on the ancient smartzone system that MCSO uses doesn't help matters (interference again, I'm sure).
But have no fear, firmware will fix everything, just be patient right? Sure. OK, maybe that's the case, I'll grant the possibility. Maybe I was impatient, but my trusted gut instinct says....not so. I still see people posting new youtube vids with the same problem of not switching from CC to talk frequency...with the latest firmware installed. But I'm sure another firmware release or two will fix that as well right? Or maybe that's just "interference" that needs to be found and eliminated so that the SDS can do what the 436 and the G4 already do just fine in the same locations?
Oh wait, sorry, I forgot, it's "not fair" to compare the SDS100 to the G4, either...
I'm glad the SDS works well for some, and I believe them, YMMV with these things. But some obviously are seeing what I'm seeing. Maybe we are a minority, then great, so be it. But there are reported issues, and some seriously doubt that firmware will fix them, while others have tried the latest firmware, and it didn't fix those issues. I also believe these people as well.
Oh, and you didn't belittle anyone, so no worries.