2023 VHF Low Band Logs

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Sporadic E enthusiast
Jul 30, 2008
North Carolina
Logs for 2022/06/03 - 2022/06/05
North Carolina
Uniden BC75XLT with a 33.420 Mhz dipole and RG6 Quad-Shield.

I got some action this weekend. Almost got the entire test for KCF415 at 9 pm. There were a few others but 33.780 was most active.

21 min. recording

33.780 Falmouth, Barnstable co. MA. 'Fire Alarm'. You don't need the delay feature on for this freq.
33.780 KCF415 Keene, New Hampshire. Good sound.
33.900 Lancaster City, PA.
44.700 Oklahoma Highway Patrol. 'Car on fire at the 13 1/2'
Greenville Fire Department, Greenville, NH. Don't hear them much.
33.740 Barre Fire Dept, Barre MA. Rutland Regional Emergency Communication dispatch.
33.800 KXV431 Windham Center Fire Dept, Windham, CT. Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications (Station QV).
33.660 KCB979 Norwich, CT. Station QV.
33.920 KGY225 North Stonington Vol Fire, New London Co, CT.
"60-Control" ~673~
33.780 KCF415 Keene, NH. Almost got the entire Station test, dispatcher '8'.
33.880 QV.
33.660 KCB979 East Great Plain Vol Norwich, CT. QV.
Wilimantic fire dispatch. Thought I heard them in there.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs
San Antonio TX
BCD996XT Scanner with 10 meter dipole

29.6200FMK9HGX Repeater - Decatur IL
29.6700103.5KD0WPK Repeater - Des Moines, Sherman Hills IA
30.3000150.0US MIL
30.6400110.9Thomas, Bennett & Hunter, Westminister MD
31.200091.5Central Heating & Cooling Inc, Mountain Home, AR
31.3000150.0US MIL - Range Control
31.6400146.2US Business - "They're gonna be using All Star Pumping over there"
32.1500150.0US MIL - "K24, commo check"
32.180077.0Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica - Daily with strong signals
32.1800141.3Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica - Daily with strong signals
32.7500150.0US MIL "Tomahawk Main" "Hammer CP"
32.9400141.3Taxi dispatch in Spanish - received when band is open to Costa Rica
35.4400131.8Troy Ready Mix & Material, Troy & O'Fallon MO
36.5000150.0US MIL - possible Butts AAF
37.100088.5Road Department - Sevier Co AR - Repeater (input is 39.1800) "Yeah, I'm good"
38.5000150.0US MIL - Range Control, possible Ft Chaffee
38.9000150.0US MIL - Camp Shelby Range Control
39.3400162.2CA HP
39.6800118.8CA HP
39.7200162.2CA HP
39.8800118.8CA HP
40.3100250.3"Chris will load em up out here on the road"
41.5000150.0US MIL - Control Tower
41.9500150.0US MIL "BEARMAT" - Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms CA
42.0000186.2MO HP - Car to Car
42.1200118.8CA HP
42.4400179.9CA HP
42.5600118.8CA HP
43.1800D662Manatt’s, Inc, Iowa statewide
44.6200186.2CA HP
44.700077.0OK HP
44.7400186.2CA HP
44.9400186.2CA HP
45.0200192.8CA HP
45.220077.0OK HP
45.4200136.5CA HP
45.5000192.8CA HP
45.7000136.5CA HP
45.9800203.5Morse ID "CUD3EKNJN75" - Likely an Alabama prison where no one has checked the Morse ID since at least 2016
45.9800203.5State Prison - Clio AL w/ Morse ID
46.1000123.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL
46.4200131.8Cullman Area Rural Transportation System, Cullman AL
47.2800D073Repeater, carrier, roger beep, no audio. Possible FL DOT
47.280071.9West Virginia Department of Highways
48.3600110.9Los Angeles, Dept of Water & Power w/ Morse ID
49.480067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.500067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.520067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.540067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.5800179.9Dolese Bros Co, multiple locations in OK
49.580067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2004
Bergen County, New Jersey
47.8200 PL 127.3 last night around 7:30PM local time in NJ

Definitely a Canadian station based on the accent and the license plate numbers they were giving which is an Ontario sequence of 4 letters and 3 numbers. I believe this is a parks frequency talking about "the beach" and cars in/out of the parking lot.

I see OMNR frequencies in the database but nothing with that PL.

Can anyone ID?


Owner ScanNewEngland
Database Admin
Feb 15, 2010
New England
46.1200 79.7 Previously logged on these forums but no ID. Came in for a brief moment with a southern accent but been quiet since.
33.7000 192.8 Also no entry in DB. Quick Key Ups
I did have Missouri SP 42.1000 203.5 10 minutes ago.

Taunton, MA. SDS200 with a broken Radio Shack 20-044 antenna. (Think ST-2)
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2004
SE Ontario Canada
June 12 1930 EST Eastern Ontario

40.67 Snotel telemetry
42.10 MO SP 203.5 keys w/42.12
42.12 MO SP 203.5
42.38 173.8
42.82 186.2
44.58 BNSF packets
46.68 MNR Kenora ON
46.46 R fire "cross Greanleaf Primrose" Engine 371 Truck1 Engine 19 announce time in EST
46.72 Kenora MNR
47.02 R 107.2
50.241 SSB 6 meters K5FUV Fayetteville AR working contest


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs -corrections are much appreciated
Childersburg, Alabama
Uniden SDS200 with ST2 Antenna

33.4600114.8Fire Dispatch - Provincetown MA
33.5800114.8Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth Municipalities MA
33.6400114.8Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6600114.8Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.7800114.8EMS Dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000179.9Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.860077.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.880082.5Fire Dispatch - Unidentified
33.9400179.9Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
34.1500150.0US MIL
34.5000150.0US MIL - Range Control
35.0000150.0US MIL
35.6800CSQDigital paging
37.0200146.2Police Dispatch - West Milford NJ
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KWG479
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KXD499
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID WYP288
37.5800CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA859
37.5800CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGC284
37.5800CSQMorse ID KGH232 - not found in FCC database
37.6000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA860
37.6200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA862
37.6200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KFE664
37.6400CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA864
37.6600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQX988
37.6600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA857
37.7000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQZ249
37.7000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KST824
37.7400CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA863
37.8200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KVA725
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGE748
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGD698
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQZ250
37.9800110.9EMS Dispatch - Unidentified (very low audio)
39.1800107.2Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Oakham MA
39.6000110.9EMS & Police Dispatch - Douglas MA
39.7800100.0Police Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
42.1200203.5MO HP
44.2400100.0National Grid USA Service Company Inc. w/ voice ID WQHT521. Mount Greylock, Williamstown MA
44.5800CSQBNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.700077.0OK HP
45.3600186.2Fire / EMS Paging - South Brunswick NJ
45.8600136.5Hotline - Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Statewide Public Safety CT
46.0400141.3Fire/EMS Dispatch - Essex CT
46.0600167.9Fire Dispatch - Possible Westchester County NY
46.1000100.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Jericho Fire District, Jericho NY
46.1800141.3Fire Dispatch - Middlesex Co CT, Valley Shore (Big Gun WQF238), Control 3 (Old Saybrook), Control 9 (Clinton), Middletown Control, Cromwell Dispatch
46.4600CSQFire/EMS Dispatch - Baltimore County MD
46.5000141.3Fire Dispatch - Possible Yonkers NY
46.5600D343Fire/EMS Dispatch - Unidentified
46.9000150.0US MIL - Range Control (Camp Robinson?)


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
Recent Logs -corrections are much appreciated
Childersburg, Alabama
Uniden SDS200 with ST2 Antenna

33.4600114.8Fire Dispatch - Provincetown MA
33.5800114.8Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth Municipalities MA
33.6400114.8Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6600114.8Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.7800114.8EMS Dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000179.9Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.860077.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co MD
33.880082.5Fire Dispatch - Unidentified
33.9400179.9Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
34.1500150.0US MIL
34.5000150.0US MIL - Range Control
35.0000150.0US MIL
35.6800CSQDigital paging
37.0200146.2Police Dispatch - West Milford NJ
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KWG479
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KXD499
37.4600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID WYP288
37.5800CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA859
37.5800CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGC284
37.5800CSQMorse ID KGH232 - not found in FCC database
37.6000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA860
37.6200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA862
37.6200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KFE664
37.6400CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA864
37.6600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQX988
37.6600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA857
37.7000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQZ249
37.7000CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KST824
37.7400CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGA863
37.8200CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KVA725
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGE748
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KGD698
37.8600CSQPPL Electric Utilities Corporation, PA w/ Morse ID KQZ250
37.9800110.9EMS Dispatch - Unidentified (very low audio)
39.1800107.2Fire/EMS Dispatch - Possible Oakham MA
39.6000110.9EMS & Police Dispatch - Douglas MA
39.7800100.0Police Dispatch - Uxbridge MA
42.1200203.5MO HP
44.2400100.0National Grid USA Service Company Inc. w/ voice ID WQHT521. Mount Greylock, Williamstown MA
44.5800CSQBNSF Hy-Rail Limits Compliance System (Packets)
44.700077.0OK HP
45.3600186.2Fire / EMS Paging - South Brunswick NJ
45.8600136.5Hotline - Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Statewide Public Safety CT
46.0400141.3Fire/EMS Dispatch - Essex CT
46.0600167.9Fire Dispatch - Possible Westchester County NY
46.1000100.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Jericho Fire District, Jericho NY
46.1800141.3Fire Dispatch - Middlesex Co CT, Valley Shore (Big Gun WQF238), Control 3 (Old Saybrook), Control 9 (Clinton), Middletown Control, Cromwell Dispatch
46.4600CSQFire/EMS Dispatch - Baltimore County MD
46.5000141.3Fire Dispatch - Possible Yonkers NY
46.5600D343Fire/EMS Dispatch - Unidentified
46.9000150.0US MIL - Range Control (Camp Robinson?)
Do you actually hear voice communications on the PPL Electric Utilities and LA DWP frequencies,? Or just Morse code Ids? Thanks


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Recent Logs
San Antonio TX
BCD996XT Scanner with 10 meter dipole

25.0000AMWWV, Ft Collins CO
30.3000150.0US MIL
30.580091.5MO Con Haulage, Fulton MO
31.6400118.8Ready-mix trucks "left on Fleming Road" "you ain't got no other tickets" "we're gonna load George then Tom then Triple Duece then Randy"
35.4400131.8Troy Ready Mix & Material, Troy & O'Fallon MO
36.9000150.0US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops, San Antonio TX
39.6800118.8CA HP
39.7200162.2CA HP
42.1200203.5MO HP "Springfield clear"
42.4400179.9CA HP
42.5000150.0US MIL - "Gullible X-ray this is Biggest Horse 29"
44.700077.0OK HP
44.9400186.2CA HP
45.4200136.5CA HP
45.5000192.8CA HP
45.7000136.5CA HP
45.9800203.5State Prison - Frank Lee Youth Center, Speigner AL w/ Morse ID
45.9800203.5State Prison - Athens AL w/ Morse ID
46.1000123.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL
46.7500150.0US MIL "Pope Range Control, radio check"
47.0600D114Repeater, carrier, roger beep, no audio - Possible FL DOT
47.0800D073Repeater, carrier, roger beep, no audio - Possible FL DOT
47.1800D143Repeater, carrier, roger beep, no audio - Possible FL DOT
48.3600110.9Morse ID "63" - Possible KJZ563-LA DWP Eagle Ridge repeater
49.500067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.520067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>
49.540067.0Pike Electric <nationwide contractors>


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Logged 2022/06/16
San Antonio TX
BCD996XT Scanner with 10 meter dipole

30.5500CSQVietnamese <?> received with 31.100
30.580091.5MO Con Haulage, Fulton MO
31.2000203.5Taxi dispatch in Spanish. First logged on 12/10/1988.
31.6400118.8Ready-mix trucks
32.180077.0Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.1800141.3Taxi, Alajuela, Costa Rica
32.9600CSQVietnamese <?> Heard with 31.100
33.0000CSQUnidentified data bursts - first logged 2011 <band open to Central/South America>
33.3600CSQVietnamese <?> Heard with 31.100
33.4100CSQVietnamese <?> Heard with 31.100
35.3600127.3US Business - Unidentified
35.4400131.8Troy Ready Mix & Material, Troy & O'Fallon MO
36.5000150.0US MIL - possible Butts AAF
38.3500150.0US MIL - Air Traffic Control, Butts Army Air Field, CO
39.5200173.8CA Orange County Freeway Service Patrol
39.7200162.2CA HP
41.5000150.0US MIL - Control Tower
42.1200203.5MO HP "Springfield clear"
42.5600118.8CA HP
43.440077.0Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.520077.0Ingram Readymix, San Antonio TX
43.8800146.2Dump trucks
44.5000150.0US MIL
45.220077.0OK HP
45.4200136.5CA HP
46.1000123.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL
48.4200107.2Central Electric, Jeff City, MO "are you ready for your clearance?"


Sporadic E enthusiast
Jul 30, 2008
North Carolina
Recent Logs 6/6 - 6/17
North Carolina
Uniden BC75XLT with a 33.420 Mhz dipole and RG6 Quad-Shield.

10 min. recording

In order:

KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH. call for Peterborough, NH
Truro fire, Truro, Massachusetts
KGY225 New London CT
"60 Control" 1125
North Windham, Windham center, CT
KCE526 Bethlehem Fire Department, Bethlehem, CT test
KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH. 1822
KQ2H repeater
"60 Control"
KD0WPK Repeater
Truro Fire test clear 1951
'QV' Quinebaug Valley
WQAL766 Old Saybrook, Middlesex co, CT
Valley shore
KCF264 Truro Fire tone test 6/13
Red Hook
Wardsboro, KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH
Greenburg ems
WQNF566 - not vhf low, Long Island, NY
KCY564 Cal HP?
Lancaster city, Lancaster PA
Preston fire, Preston, CT 1909
Lancaster PA
WNPU413 Krystal River FL


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Logged 2022/06/17
San Antonio TX
BCD996XT Scanner with 10 meter dipole

30.5000CSQVietnamese <?> heard with 31.100
31.1000CSQVietnamese <?>
39.8600173.8Freeway Service Patrol, Orange County Transportation Authority, CA
39.8800118.8CA HP
42.4000167.9CA HP
42.5600118.8CA HP
44.6200186.2CA HP
44.7400186.2CA HP
44.9400186.2CA HP
45.0200192.8CA HP
45.4200136.5CA HP
45.5000192.8CA HP
45.7000136.5CA HP
46.1000123.0Fire/EMS Dispatch - Citrus Springs, FL


Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2012
Richmond, TX
Recent Logs 6/6 - 6/17
North Carolina
Uniden BC75XLT with a 33.420 Mhz dipole and RG6 Quad-Shield.

10 min. recording

In order:

KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH. call for Peterborough, NH
Truro fire, Truro, Massachusetts
KGY225 New London CT
"60 Control" 1125
North Windham, Windham center, CT
KCE526 Bethlehem Fire Department, Bethlehem, CT test
KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH. 1822
KQ2H repeater
"60 Control"
KD0WPK Repeater
Truro Fire test clear 1951
'QV' Quinebaug Valley
WQAL766 Old Saybrook, Middlesex co, CT
Valley shore
KCF264 Truro Fire tone test 6/13
Red Hook
Wardsboro, KCF415 SWNH Keene, NH
Greenburg ems
WQNF566 - not vhf low, Long Island, NY
KCY564 Cal HP?
Lancaster city, Lancaster PA
Preston fire, Preston, CT 1909
Lancaster PA
WNPU413 Krystal River FL
Great job
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