BCDx36HP Firmware Update 1.26.00

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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
3. Fixed reboot issue with many sessions in user recording mode.
5. Speed up record file search.

Keypad now responds super quick in every mode and selecting to replay recorded files are instant without the usual delay.
The time it takes to erease a block of 100 recorded files goes so much faster now.
Excellent improvements!



Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
These improvements have made a noticeable difference on my 536 in particular the "disabling of the housekeeping cycle" while scanning one site. This has expedited the scan cycle and has resulted in less "chopped" initial transmissions as I have more than one trunk system and some analog systems scanning frequently. This has also improved Phase 2 UID capture which wasn't on the list for targeted improvements, but has appeared to be a bonus from what I've seen since last night. I normally have one site only per system with the exception of a NXDN Trunking System which I have 2 sites on the same system. The "improved clarity of digital voice" appears to have added more treble which sounds very good with the external speaker.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Only updated my 436 so far (536 is in the truck and I haven't been out driving since yesterday morning). My perception is that the P25 P1 audio is indeed better - less drops and more consistently clear.

Is there a chance to get the feature from the SDS radios that checks NAC on a P25 site? I think it was only in the SDS models. With the reuse of frequencies here, identifying sites by NAC would help a lot.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2006
Clark County, NV.
I probably need to check into the EDACS settings my statewide system seems very quiet after the update? It’s not ESK so not sure if the firmware update changed anything for EDACS Networked Standard systems?


Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
I went back to the previous version and I'm still seeing it. Looks like my function knob is going bad. I can scroll and it will skip of stay on the selected menu item several turns.

I filled out the online repair sheet. Off to Uniden it goes on Monday.

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2002
Farmington, Connecticut
Great update Upman and Uniden. Really awesome improvement in the audio quality. Thank you.

This update caused me to take out the BCD436HP which was relegated to the pile of previous scanners I own. I had to put it thru it paces to hear the improvements to audio quality. So I parked my SDS100 today and installed the update on my BCD436HP. The first thing I realized was how much I appreciate the SDS100’s color display! My BCD436HP’s display appeared “washed out” in comparison. Granted, my eyes ain’t what they used to be AND THE 436’s display is functioning correctly, but I found myself squinting! As for the audio improvements, I never had reason to complain previously but I’m excited about that aspect of the upgrade.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX
what does housekeeping mean?
My question exactly.

And I also wonder what the faster search of recordings function is? I may be wording that wrong and I just woke up. But it's just a few more firmware update bullets down from the first one which is the housekeeping one. Is there a way to actually search for recordings and how do you do that? And what criteria can you search for?

Just to be safe, I started waiting on installing firmware updates to any products I have. I'm not talking about just Uniden, but with any products or electronics, I'll wait a little while to see if any problems are reported unless I'm experiencing a problem and I need to update it sooner.

But I am curious about those two bullet points and wonder if anybody might be able to explain them? The first one or the housekeeping one and the one about faster search results in recordings. Thanks for any help or information if anybody can assist. I'll probably put the firmware version on my 436 closer to the end of the week if all looks good and there aren't any serious issues being reported. And thanks to Uniden for the updates as well!

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2003
Retired 40 Year Firefighter NW Tenn
The term Housekeeping means if the scanner is locked on a system say TACN every so often the scanner would run through the CC channels looking for data causing it to miss traffic.
The 2nd is Recordings (I do not use) you can tell the scanner to record all traffic and it was slow to look at the recordings when looking for something in the list of recordings.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX
I do have a question and I'm not sure if this would be addressed in the firmware update? On one of the Facebook Digital radio groups, one of the users was talking about the three levels of the brightness of the keypad on the 436. My keypad does not look like it has any light and it never has. I have gone in and look to try to find the three levels for brightness but have had no joy. The user on the Facebook group mention doing it through the software but that did not seem possible. Afterwards they mentioned doing it to the radio but I do not see this anywhere. I do have severe Vision issues and maybe I'm missing something? Is there a way to turn up the brightness of the keypad on the scanner because this is a really important thing to me and it would help me be able to see the keypad it in the dark. Here's a screenshot another friend made of the settings Within Sentinel related to the keypad and other screen related lighting. But I just do not see any way to adjust the keypad and hope somebody might be able to help where I can get some light on my keypad. Thank you.

I'm having a little trouble seeing if this image is actually attaching. If it doesn't include a link so it can be viewed in my Google Photos


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Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
I will update my 436 later and see how it does. Mine sits around a lot unless I'm going out of state and I can use it with the puck. I really hope this will give me a reason to use it more.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX
The term Housekeeping means if the scanner is locked on a system say TACN every so often the scanner would run through the CC channels looking for data causing it to miss traffic.
The 2nd is Recordings (I do not use) you can tell the scanner to record all traffic and it was slow to look at the recordings when looking for something in the list of recordings.
Thank you for this information and the issue with housekeeping is exactly what I've been having happened on my SDS100 when I manually go to one of the channels I assign numbers to (i.e. something like 99.1.1 as an example). It will go to that channel but usually locks on the first site and then it does not check the others. I was wondering what this might be called and I did not realize it was housekeeping so I appreciate your help. The only radio I seem to be having this problem on and it is pretty bad is on my SDS100. Hopefully there will be a housekeeping issue to follow up on that scanner soon addressing that issue. Here is an example of what I am talking about and I believe is being referred to as the housekeeping issue. Since I record my video in the highest resolution and cannot post it here on RadioReference because of that, here is the link to the video in my Google Photos.


So this is the housekeeping issue, right? And thanks again...

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