Hi - I did not see the reply that I posted yesterday - I am running Win 7 Professional 64bit on a 4th gen I3. I can use the Airspy on both SDR# and SDR console.
I updated my Airspy firmware to RC5
Finally, I checked the Airspy driver and found an Open Moko driver 6.1.7600.16385. The instance ID is USB\VID_1D50&PID_60A1\AIRSPY_SN:16C463C83242A6C7
Not sure what else to provide
I have tried to clean the registry to remove the old usb device data. Then reconnected the Airspy. Here is the latest harness data
AirSpy Test Harness
(c) 2015 All Rights Reserved.
Found an AirSpy
0 Device: \\.\USB#VID_1D50&PID_60A1#AIRSPY_SN:16C463C83242A6C7 Friendly: Descri
ption: AIRSPY Serial: AIRSPY_SN:16C463C83242A6C7 Symbolic: \\.\IUSB3#ROOT_HUB30#
4&419A9D0&1 Interface: {A75D0CA9-F466-43e9-8725-2F9C3278019C}
Opening \\.\USB#VID_1D50&PID_60A1#AIRSPY_SN:16C463C83242A6C7 (\\.\IUSB3#ROOT_HUB
30#4&419A9D0&1), Opening.
CreateFile fails, File Not Found(2).
Setting Policies.
Gathering interfaces.
Found 0 associated interfaces.
succeeds with alternate path.
Part ID: 6906002b:00000030
Serial: 00000000:00000000:16c463c8:3242a6c7
Closing \\.\USB#VID_1D50&PID_60A1#AIRSPY_SN:16C463C83242A6C7, succeeds.