BCDx36HP Firmware Update 1.26.00

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2010
Alvin, Texas
Quick question: What is "Housekeeping"? I've seen it referring to the SDS units, but a quick forum and Google search don't explain what it actually is. I think it has to do with the scanner returns to the CC when monitoring more than one system, but I am not certain???

Looking forward to the update. Thanks, Paul!

You are correct. With the hold time set to zero the scanner will scan the control channel of each system one time
and then move on to the next. So it is constantly checking and locking onto a control channel and then it repeats
the process when it is all done. So, if you are only scanning a single system it is not necessary to have as much
"housekeeping" as you would otherwise.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 1, 2010
Alvin, Texas
what does housekeeping mean?

When you see the signal strength bars constantly changing, that is a sign that housekeeping is occurring.
Here is a brief explanation from UpMan (found by doing a forum search) that I hope can more fully answer
your question. If not, then you can do your own forum search in the "Uniden Tech Support" forum using the
word "housekeeping" and checking for the sender as "UpMan." There are many references to this.

"It is normal for the signal bars to cycle. The scanner periodically performs a number of housekeeping tasks (including checking for location updates among other things) that the G4 does not have to do, as it does not have said features. You can delay the housekeeping by setting a long site hold time, but that is at the cost of scanning other systems (another thing the G4 does not have to do). This is not new for the SDS100, older models do exactly the same thing. "

In simplest terms, it is the process of the scanner stepping through each of the control channels one at a time when
you are scanning multiple systems. If you are only scanning a single system there is only one control channel so the
housekeeping procedures do not have to be as intense - it still does the same things, it just doesn't have to do them


Dec 10, 2013
Quick question: What is "Housekeeping"? I've seen it referring to the SDS units, but a quick forum and Google search don't explain what it actually is. I think it has to do with the scanner returns to the CC when monitoring more than one system, but I am not certain???

Looking forward to the update. Thanks, Paul!
I'd like to know also.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I don't know if this is directly on point, but I'll ask anyway. I'm listening to a Cap+ system that has its site at the Indy Airport. There isn't much information in the DB about it. So, I ran Analyze with some results. I'm also trying to figure out the DCC for the system, but even with CC to "Search" in the site set up, I get nothing.

Does the 436HP display that somewhere or store it? There has to be a Color Code, doesn't there?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I don't know if this is directly on point, but I'll ask anyway. I'm listening to a Cap+ system that has its site at the Indy Airport. There isn't much information in the DB about it. So, I ran Analyze with some results. I'm also trying to figure out the DCC for the system, but even with CC to "Search" in the site set up, I get nothing.

Does the 436HP display that somewhere or store it? There has to be a Color Code, doesn't there?

I looked at the database and see two there..a 900 Mhz. system (No Color Codes submitted), and a 450 mhz system. Neither has talk groups submitted so I don't know the accuracy of the submission.

First thing I check is perform a conventional search to confirm color codes and if each frequency is actually in use. After confirmation, run LCN finder and make sure that's correct.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
The one I'm listening to which is the one not identified as a SMR is active. I've found five talk groups, although I can't identify them yet. I ran Analyze - LCN Finder and found three active frequencies with LCNs that don't match the DB. I'm running Analyze - System Status now. That is showing the Color Code, but I seem to remember that with the Color Code on the site set up for Search, I should see results, but I'm not.

I don't want to call it a bug until I've eliminated operator error on my part.

I looked at the database and see two there..a 900 Mhz. system (No Color Codes submitted), and a 450 mhz system. Neither has talk groups submitted so I don't know the accuracy of the submission.

First thing I check is perform a conventional search to confirm color codes and if each frequency is actually in use. After confirmation, run LCN finder and make sure that's correct.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
The one I'm listening to which is the one not identified as a SMR is active. I've found five talk groups, although I can't identify them yet. I ran Analyze - LCN Finder and found three active frequencies with LCNs that don't match the DB. I'm running Analyze - System Status now. That is showing the Color Code, but I seem to remember that with the Color Code on the site set up for Search, I should see results, but I'm not.

I don't want to call it a bug until I've eliminated operator error on my part.

The information submitted doesn't seem very accurate so whatever you're seeing is probably more reliable. When you run a conventional search, are the color codes the same or different on each active frequency? As you may know, they could be different per frequency. The Color Codes have to be accurate but not the LCN during Analyze.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I don't know that I've ever seen a system with different color codes per frequency, although I know it's possible. I don't know that I'll have the time to set it up as a conventional system. I'm only here for a couple of days and starting tomorrow, I'll be pretty busy. I'm going to run the System Status again in a few minutes.

My bigger question is why CC Search doesn't show results in regular operation. I know that CTCSS and DCS show up in conventional systems when those are set to search. As does NAC for conventional P25 systems.

The information submitted doesn't seem very accurate so whatever you're seeing is probably more reliable. When you run a conventional search, are the color codes the same or different on each active frequency? As you may know, they could be different per frequency. The Color Codes have to be accurate but not the LCN during Analyze.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I don't know that I've ever seen a system with different color codes per frequency, although I know it's possible. I don't know that I'll have the time to set it up as a conventional system. I'm only here for a couple of days and starting tomorrow, I'll be pretty busy. I'm going to run the System Status again in a few minutes.

My bigger question is why CC Search doesn't show results in regular operation. I know that CTCSS and DCS show up in conventional systems when those are set to search. As does NAC for conventional P25 systems.

It will show you if programmed as conventional. Color Code, Slots etc. But to answer your original question..no issue with firmware, just have to perform a few steps to get the results you want to achieve.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
Just downloaded the firmware update and I will say that I can tell a big improvement in the digital audio... it sounds much "crisper" and less "digitaly" so to speak. Thanks Uniden!

Also the recording fix is fantastic as that was starting to get a bit annoying ;)

The much faster response time when going though the recordings it great as well. Keep up the great work guys!


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2005
The Ottawa Valley - Eastern Ontario
Has anyone noticed that while 'scanning' that enc will show up in the right corner when its going through things that normally aren't encrypted?

I've also seen it show up while holding on a talkgroup that isn't encrypted, and no nothing is transmitting at the time to seem like there would be an actual encrypted transmission.

It's falsely showing up at times.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
I'm surprised you're seeing this. The one Pro Voice system in my area has really good audio after the update. I should say, it hasn't suffered since it's always had good audio. Now, the DMR and NXDN audio is just as good.

Scanyak, you're a lifesaver. Digital audio update for the 996P2 was great, but for the 436, terrible and choppy on Provoice.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Has anyone noticed that while 'scanning' that enc will show up in the right corner when its going through things that normally aren't encrypted?

I've also seen it show up while holding on a talkgroup that isn't encrypted, and no nothing is transmitting at the time to seem like there would be an actual encrypted transmission.

It's falsely showing up at times.

Is this on P25 systems only?

I've only seen this when holding on a TG that does have "some" users using encryption but the majority do not. Then, ENC only lights when there is a signal displayed and a user is actually talking that is using encryption at that moment.
No UID will be displayed when ENC lights up either. This seems to be normal behavior for my x36HP models when holding on a TG.
I can't recall any of mine ever displaying ENC while scanning or searching, only while holding on a TG and then only on P25 P1 systems.

I can always confirm there is in fact encrypted talk taking place by running Pro96com using another radio for the data radio at the same times I see ENC light up. Pro96com will show the UID of encrypted radios also.
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