Got these two from my location. JOSA 207 was calling Scott Dispatch - only heard a brief transmission. NASA 8 is in my logs below.
Patterson, 3/2:
MOVER 22 (KC-10A, 87-0122) - approaches; to KBHM
NICKEL 17 (F-16, unid) - called Metro for weather at KBTV; FL430
PAT 506 (C-12T, 85-1262) - arrival
NASA 8 (B200, N8NA) - from KLWC, 4 pax carrying through, requesting 170 gal fuel
RHINO 12 (C-5A, 70-0461) - training, ERCC to RHINO 10
PAT 506 (C-12T, 85-1262) - departure
NASA 8 (B200, N8NA) - to KWAL
PAT 266 (unid) - code dropoff, 100 gal fuel
RHINO 10 (C-5A, 70-0461) - training, ERCC from RHINO 12, landed early (engine deice problems)
CODY 01 (C-130H, unid) - from KCHS, aeromed training (KFFO > ROD > J43 > CRL > ECK > ASP > TVC > J548 > PMM > FWA > J149 > ROD > KFFO)
MOVER 22 (KC-10A, 87-0122) - from KBHM, approaches; to KWRI
CODY 01 had a rough time getting in. They initially requested TACAN 5L, but were given localizer 5L, and had very bad vectors and were even mixed up with another aircraft! To top it all off, they found out after landing that their flight plan filed in Charleston wasn't in the system. Dispatch filed a new one for them, though. They're still out at 0115Z...I think they estimated a 0145Z return.
MOVER 22 is also still working the pattern at this time (0115Z).
He was heading to Westover for transitions ...... looking for NOTAMs and WX. I never get traffic that's actually readible on 251.200, so it was a surprise to me.Lots of AR activity tonight.
TOPCAT 07 OPEC 29 landing n 251.2 @ 1950 local
The F-15s cancelled again today, next try tomorrow (Wednesday).
Happy listening,
Looks like they made it off today finally from UK.
RETRO 98,99 and BLUE 48.
Should be down our way sometime after lunch locally.
FYI: NASA 8 is a shuttle flight between NASA at Wallops Island VA and DCA--used to shuttle NASA scientists back and forth to/from DC and also to shuttle Gov't officals out to Wallops Islands to see NASA ops out in the field so to speak
1610 5616 Blue48-Shanwick be advice Gander take in reporting action on your aircraft
Shanwick-BLUE48 be advice we deviate flight plan due to emergency MC aircraft another flight RETRO98
Anyone have any new SBS codes up in the PAX area in the 1100-1130 EST time frame?
I had an unid acft (never got his callsign) with an extremely clear xmitter working w/Bay Watch on 264.55. Just wondering if it might have been an F-35????
Just saw Mark's post above---that might have been what I heard--the new F-18G.
Ron logged SD-521 here probably circling for almost 2 hours 10:00am til 1150.
Thanks to your list for id!
Ron logged SD-521 here probably circling for almost 2 hours 10:00am til 1150.
Thanks to your list for id!
Had a Salty Dog in my area this morning: NAVY SD 534 (EA-6B, 156481) did an approach before departing. Full logs (through 1945Z)
ANGEL 92 (BE9L, N92B) - orbits
NAVY SD 534 (EA-6B, 156481) - approach
PAT 104 (C-12, unid) - to KWRB
REACH 0445 (C-5A, 70-0445) - from KSKF, dropping off a/c for ISO, parking A5, Buckeye requests them to raise slats and flaps once parked
RHINO 22 (C-5A, 70-0461) - training, landed early (maintenance)
ANGEL 92 (BE9L, N92B) - approaches, orbits
N90D (BE9L, N90D) - from KVBW