1900 EST--HF ALE indicates that KC-10 # 87-0121 is either up and active or about to become active.
1900 EST--HF ALE indicates that KC-10 # 87-0121 is either up and active or about to become active.
1900 EST--HF ALE indicates that KC-10 # 87-0121 is either up and active or about to become active.
1650z was logged down in Florida today Ron showing as ETHYL 89.
Logged him here southbound a couple days ago as HOIST 90.
Anyone else around and awake also picking up a possible orderwire on 362.25. It's getting stronger too. Nothing on the box I can tie it to.
AF1 departure to the east? That would explain nothing on the box.
2244- BLUE93 at FL410. Still have the possible orderwire signal, figured I would've lost it by now.??
2247- Now reporting to BRICKYARD that their boom got stuck at 20degrees. 319.4
Good evening,
Only one cell made it out of Moron this morning, and they are now working Boston center on 133.450.
1730z BLUE 81 flight, a flight of seven, checking in with Boston center on 124.525.
1335 EST C-5B 85-0005 is sounding in HF ALE--belongs to 9th AS at Dover
Good afternoon here René.
I see a BLUE 81 KC-10 #86-0028 on the net and a couple TEAM McGuire
KC-10's as well.TEAM 61 #86-0027 and TEAM 62 #85-0032 up that way as well.
1759z TREND 31 checking in ZDC 257.700
1810z On 370.925 block 21-230 mentions direct Charleston.
Likely Embraer 135 2582 (designated as a VC-99). The Brazilian Air Force Legacies get around in the US, so it's a decent bet. Hex should be E40141 if someone in your area has a Magicbox.Did anyone happen to log a Brasilian military flight today? I picked up an aircraft calling Patterson Metro with a very distinct accent - it sure sounded Brasilian - this evening; it was weak, but I think the last two numbers were "82." Logs to follow.
Hi Mark and all,Unusual stop for staging Tankers but tonight
GOLD 12 KC-135 #57-1488 6thAMW/171ARW arriving Dover 2110 local,req follow me truck.
GOLD 02 KC-135 #60-0344 319th AW Grand Forks arriving Dover 2125 local.
A couple more GOLD's staged at Pease tonight as well. GOLD 01 and GOLD 21.