Patterson, 2/1:
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid - visual confirmation 914th AW) - 2 space A's, 10 crew, requesting transportation, parking, 5000 lbs fuel
REACH 0447 (C-5A, 70-0447) - 2 pax; to KDOV
COBRA 70 (OC-135B, 61-2670) - requesting airstairs, power cart, fuel
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid - 914th AW) - departure (last heard direct DEC)
RHINO 20 (C-5A, 68-0215) - training
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid) - ?? duty pax, 6 crew, requesting parking, 20K fuel
NAVY JU 435 (C-9B, unid) - requesting 20K fuel, picking up 16 pax (14 duty pax, 2 space A's); to KGTF
RHINO 50 (C-5A, 68-0215) - AR training, A2, parking A3
REACH 01 (C-21A, unid) - pax dropoff (A3), departed as JOSA 006
JOSA 006 (C-21A, unid) - arrived as REACH 01; to KBLV
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid) - to KSKF
OPEN SKIES 18F (OC-135B, 61-2670) - to KFFO (phonetic spelling as OSY18F), upon return requesting airstairs and 20K fuel
MOVER 30 (KC-10A, unid) - diverting (maintenance), requesting airstairs and high-lift to inspect #2 engine, parking Hotel row
ELVIS 67 (C-5A, unid) - parking A7
REACH 0461 (C-5A, 70-0461) - returning from mission, parking A2
The OC-135 was cleared to spiral up to FL100 after takeoff and returned to Patterson at 1825Z after a departure around 1500Z...maybe just a check flight.
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid - visual confirmation 914th AW) - 2 space A's, 10 crew, requesting transportation, parking, 5000 lbs fuel
REACH 0447 (C-5A, 70-0447) - 2 pax; to KDOV
COBRA 70 (OC-135B, 61-2670) - requesting airstairs, power cart, fuel
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid - 914th AW) - departure (last heard direct DEC)
RHINO 20 (C-5A, 68-0215) - training
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid) - ?? duty pax, 6 crew, requesting parking, 20K fuel
NAVY JU 435 (C-9B, unid) - requesting 20K fuel, picking up 16 pax (14 duty pax, 2 space A's); to KGTF
RHINO 50 (C-5A, 68-0215) - AR training, A2, parking A3
REACH 01 (C-21A, unid) - pax dropoff (A3), departed as JOSA 006
JOSA 006 (C-21A, unid) - arrived as REACH 01; to KBLV
CODY 02 (C-130H, unid) - to KSKF
OPEN SKIES 18F (OC-135B, 61-2670) - to KFFO (phonetic spelling as OSY18F), upon return requesting airstairs and 20K fuel
MOVER 30 (KC-10A, unid) - diverting (maintenance), requesting airstairs and high-lift to inspect #2 engine, parking Hotel row
ELVIS 67 (C-5A, unid) - parking A7
REACH 0461 (C-5A, 70-0461) - returning from mission, parking A2
The OC-135 was cleared to spiral up to FL100 after takeoff and returned to Patterson at 1825Z after a departure around 1500Z...maybe just a check flight.
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